

Alterations of Body Function and Endocrinological Index in Weight Loss Trials of Elite Wrestlers and Judoists

【作者】 包呼格吉乐图

【导师】 曾凡星;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 观察自由式摔跤运动员(n=16,对照组=8,减体重组=8) 2周摄入低热饮食物训练减体重和优秀男子柔道运动员(n=13,对照组=7)6周的限制饮食减体重时一般机能指标的变化及机体处于能量负平衡状态下运动员食欲素A、瘦素和神经肽Y水平变化以及自由式摔跤运动员2周减体重期肘膝关节快慢速峰力矩及无氧功变化及与血生长抑素之间的相关性。1.食物称重法和24小时回顾法以及使用《运动员及大众膳食营养分析与管理系统》进行分析发现,自由式摔跤运动员2周食用低热饮食进行训练后体重、脂肪体重、体重指数下降;优秀男子柔道运动员6周的限制饮食进行训练减体重期间体重、体脂百分率、脂肪体重、瘦体重和体重指数均下降。运动员体重的下降与能量负平衡和训练中能量消耗有关;2.自由式摔跤运动员2周减体重实验后血清睾酮水平下降、皮质醇水平升高和睾酮/皮质醇比值下降,血清CK活性升高;优秀男子柔道运动员6周减体重期间一般机能指标未见明显变化。提示有计划的缓慢减体重对身体机能的影响不像快速减体重那样激烈;3.自由式摔跤运动员2周减体重实验后食欲素A水平显著升高、瘦素水平明显下降、优秀男子柔道运动员6周的限制饮食进行训练减体重期间上述神经肽变化与此相似,提示食欲素A和瘦素对限制饮食进行训练减体重作用较敏感,说明机体处于能量负平衡时血中这些物质有相应的改变;4.自由式摔跤减体重组运动员肘膝关节快慢速屈伸峰力矩实验后比实验前和对照组显著降低;而相对峰力矩有显著升高趋势;自由摔跤运动员实验前后减体重组与照组比较,平均功率、相对平均功率在实验后下降明显,同时实验后减体重组运动员疲劳指数升高与实验前和对照组有明显差异。提示快速减体重在一定程度上影响机体力量输出;5. Western blotting显示,自由式摔跤运动员2周减体重实验前后,减体重组和对照组肌肉生长抑素均未见显著差异;摔跤运动员血中肌肉生长抑素与肘关节快慢伸相对峰力矩间有显著相关和有变化趋势。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of physiological determinants such as testosterone, cortisol and neuropeptides related to energy balance in period of 6 week weight loss trials of elite male Judoists (divided into weight loss group (n=7) and control group (n=6)) who gained rights of final competitions for the 10th national games. It was also arranged to assess changes of hormones, strength and power output possibly related to myostatin concentration of elite male free-style wrestlers (divided into weight loss group (n=8) and control group (n=8)) in 2 weeks lasting weight loss trials.1.The elite male Judoists’body weight, percent fat, fat mass, fat free mass and body mass index decreased in 6 week weight loss trials. There were similar reductions of body weight, fat mass and body mass index in elite free-style wrestlers in 2 week weight loss trials. It was concluded that the reduction of body weight related to negative energy balance in weight loss trials of Judoists and results showed that total energy, relative energy consumption significantly decreased. Judoists’relative protein, relative fat, relative carbohydrates, percent energy from protein and fat significantly decreased and percent energy from carbohydrates significantly increased.2.There were no alterations in physiological determinants of Judoists in 6 week weight loss trials, but elite free-style wrestlers’testosterone level decreased, cortisol level and creatine kinase activity increased in 2 week weight loss trials. The results suggested that phase of weight loss could have affect the alterations in physiological determinants such as T, C and CK in weight loss trials.3.This is the novel study that we found increased orexin A, decreased leptin and no alteration in neuropeptide Y in 6 week weight loss trials of Judoists, and results showed similar trends in 2 week weight loss trials of wrestlers. It suggested that alterations in orexin A and leptin are more sensitive to dietary restricted training protocols of athletes who need to weight reduction, further indication from this study that neuropeptides have their functional alterations in negative energy balance.4.In this study, Biodex system 3 was applied to determine the peak torque and relative peak torque of free-style wrestlers in weight loss trials.There were significant reductions of 7.5% and 3.0% in elbow extension peak torque at 60o/s and 180o/s of weight loss group compared with control group respectively, and significant elevations of 6.5% and 8.9% in elbow relative flexion peak torque at 60o/s and 180o/s of weight loss group compared with control group respectively; After weight loss trials, compared with control group, the knee extension peak torque of weight loss group reduced significantly at 60o/s for 14.5%, flexion peak torque reduced at 180o/s for 20.3%, relative extension peak torque at 180o/s for 3.7% and relative flexion peak torque at 180o/s for 15.3%, respectively. This investigation is novel because it is the first study of weight loss wrestlers to investigate the changes of plasma myostatin, western blotting revealed that after weight loss trials, there were no significant alterations in myostatin concentration, but it elevated 7.12%, and there were significant relations between myostatin concentration and 180o/s,60o/s elbow relative extension peak torques, and has a trend of relations between peak torques.5.There was no significant difference of the peak power and relative peak power in both groups after 30s Wingate test of Wrestlers, but after weight loss trials there are significant reductions in average power, relative average power and elevation in fatigue index in weight loss group. The results suggested that 2 week caloric restriction and training affect power output of Wrestlers.

【关键词】 减体重能量平衡神经肽力量肌肉生长抑素
【Key words】 weight lossenergy balanceneuropeptidesstrengthmyostatin
  • 【分类号】G886.2;G886.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】567
  • 攻读期成果

