

The Study of Pi Rixiu and Lu Guimeng Poets Group in Late Tang Dynasty

【作者】 王永波

【导师】 罗国威;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 皮陆诗人群体在晚唐诗坛是一个重要的创作群体,与以李商隐、杜牧、温庭筠为主的绮艳诗派相比,他们在诗歌的体裁、题材、风格等方面都有很大的差异,代表了晚唐诗歌的另外一种创作风貌。皮陆诗人群体的成员有皮日休、陆龟蒙、罗隐、杜荀鹤、聂夷中等人,虽然他们大多数是唐代的进士,但几乎都没有踏入仕途,属于寒士诗人群。长期的在外漂泊与干谒,接触到了广泛的社会阶层,对晚唐时期的政治、社会、市民生活有了较为充足的了解,使得他们的创作敢于揭露社会现实,批判时政,接近下层民众,反映民生疾苦。诗歌内容充实,艺术多样,继承了现实主义诗歌的优良传统。目前学术界关于“皮陆”的研究主要集中在皮日休和陆龟蒙身上,尤其是注重皮陆二人的唱和诗歌,很少将他们作为一个群体来予以审视和观照。现有的几部有关晚唐诗歌研究的专著,如余恕诚《唐诗风貌》、刘宁《唐宋之际诗歌演变研究》、赵荣蔚《晚唐士风与诗风》等,虽然也把皮日休、陆龟蒙、罗隐、杜荀鹤、聂夷中等人作为一个诗人群,目之为寒士诗人群或者干谒诗人群,但都过于简略,而且研究的重心也不在此。本文即以皮陆诗人群体作为研究对象,借鉴学术界已有的研究成果,对他们的文学创作作了较为详细的论述,以弥补这个空缺。事实上,皮陆诗人群体的创作无论是在内容上还是在艺术风格上,都有自己的独到之处,而且对宋诗体格的形成具有承上启下的过渡作用。皮陆诗人群体都属于庶族地主阶层,接受传统的儒家思想和教育,渴望通过科举考试以求能够建功立业,这就决定了他们的诗歌理论和创作不得不受到儒家诗教观的约束。而且,他们的诗歌主张基本上不脱离儒家诗教观,虽然也有些差异。他们继承中唐白居易等人倡导的新乐府运动的诗歌主张,大力写作乐府诗歌,用乐府诗歌干预社会,反映社会现实,使得乐府诗这种诗歌体裁在晚唐再次大放光彩。除了用诗歌反映社会现实外,他们更多的创作内容就是描写日常生活中的点滴情事,田园风光、山水景物、隐逸情怀等内容大量地出现在他们的诗歌之中。亲情、友情、闲情逸致的诗篇明显的比以前的要多,在创作方式上出现了大量的组诗,而且还有大量的诗序,这是一个重要的特征。在风格上,他们主张多种艺术形式,尤其是提倡新变,主导风格呈现驰骛新奇和浅切通俗等多种风貌。他们的新奇和浅切虽然受到中唐韩孟诗派和元白诗派的影响,但又有变化,往往推陈出新,另辟新路,反映出他们对于诗歌创作的继承与开拓。他们在诗歌创作中广泛运用的“以文为诗”、“以议论为诗”、“以学问为诗”等等手法对宋初诗歌具有较大的影响,成为宋调的先导。皮日休、陆龟蒙在咸通年间创作了大量的唱和诗歌,对后世影响很大,本文专辟一章对《松陵集》以及他们的唱和诗歌进行了研究。除了诗歌创作外,皮陆诗人群体还创作了大量的小品文,这种讽刺小品文得到过鲁迅先生的大力称赞。皮陆诗人群体的小品文在思想内容上以揭露晚唐社会的各种时弊为主,对政局、世情、民风、个人修养等等丑恶的现象予以了尖锐的批判,运用各种艺术手法进行创作,立论大胆新奇,笔锋犀利辛辣,痛快淋漓,可以启迪人心。他们的小品文创作和诗歌创作的宗旨一脉相承,而且在某些方面具有一致性。有些诗歌前面有长篇的序言,其实就是小品文,而有些小品文里面也有诗歌,做到诗文合一,两种艺术形式得到了有效的结合。皮陆诗人群体在生活经历上往往分为前后两期。前期为科举考试和功名奔走,诗歌中多反映社会现实,诗风质朴自然。后期往往依附官僚,生活暂时安稳,闲情逸致的作品就多些,而且歌功颂德的应酬篇章多起来,诗歌的批判性、锋芒性就减弱。诗歌往往作为一种消遣的文字游戏,这种现象在古代相当普遍,只不过在皮陆诗人群体手中更为突出。皮陆诗人群体对后代诗歌具有较大的影响,本文分专章对此进行了研究,尤其是他们的唱和诗歌,一直影响到清代。本论文第一次将皮陆诗人群体集中起来进行综合研究,指出这个诗人群体虽然在政治上不得志,然而在诗歌、散文创作方面,进行了积极的探索,在体裁、题材等方面都有创获,在晚唐诗坛上具有一定的影响。尤其是在绮艳靡丽诗风蔓延的晚唐诗坛,他们的这种创作更为难得,具有现实意义。总的来说,皮陆诗人群体整体的诗歌成就不算高,无法和前期的诗人相比,但他们能继承汉魏六朝以来的诗歌传统,用诗歌干预社会反映现实,创作了一大批揭露时弊反映民生的优秀诗篇,使诗歌的发展趋向没有偏离正统的端庄大道。在艺术形式上他们也进行了有益的尝试,咏怀咏物咏史题材的大量出现,拓展了诗歌的内容,为宋诗高潮的到来作了准备,这些都是他们对诗歌史的贡献。这篇学位论文分为六章,对皮陆诗人群体的生平、文学思想、诗歌创作、散文创作、影响等等予以了专门研究,尤其重视他们的作品研究。文中所引用的诗歌,如《皮子文薮》、《甫里先生文集》、《甲乙集》、《唐风集》等,均是学界最新的校勘成果。《松陵集》则用台湾商务印书馆影印的《景印文渊阁四库全书》本。至于其他的总集、别集、史料等材料,都用中华书局的本子,力争在文献引用上少出差错。引用的文字均标明书名、作者名、出版社、版次、卷数、册数、页码。文中凡引用别人的研究成果,均注明出处,做到文责自负。

【Abstract】 The poets group of Pi Rixiu and Lu Guimeng was a very important poets group inlate Tang Dynasty. Compared with Li Shangyin, Du Mu and Wen Tinjun, the genreand style of this poets group are quite different. So, Pi and Lu’s poems stand foranother writing style. The members Of this group are Pi Rixiu, Lu Guimeng, Luo Yin、Du Xunhe、LieYizhong etc. Although most of them were JINSHI of Tang Dynasty,they failed to be officials of the government, that is to say, the status of the membersof this poets group were not high in that society. Roving round China and visitingdifferent people from every stratum, they got abundant information of the politics、society and the life of the common citizens in latter Tang Dynasty. They kept a closerelationship with the common people and concemed about the sufferings of thepeople. Therefore, they exposed the reality and criticized the political situation. Thecontent of their poems was substantial. They succeed to the excellent tradition ofrealism poems. At present, the researchers in contemporary academic circles paymore attention to Pi and Lu, especially to their poems. But few of the scholars studythem as a poets group. At present, although many works about the poems of Latterpart of Tang Dynasty, such as THE FEATURES OF POEMS IN TANGDYNASTY( written by Yu Shucheng)、THE STUDY OF THE CHANGE OFPOEMS BETWEEN TANG AND SONG DYNASTY (written by Liu Ling)、THE INTELLECTUAL’S CHARACTERISTIC AND THE STYLE OF POEMS OFLATTER PERIOD OF TANG DYNASTY(written by Zhao Rongwei) etc, treat themas a group and call them POOR INTELLECTUALS or ROVING AND VISITINGPOETS GROUP. In some ways, those books are too brief. In order to fill the blank ofthis issue, my dissertation will study Pi and Lu poets group’s works and discourse onthem. In fact, the content and style of this poets group are fairly special. Moreover,their works served as a link between past and future, especially to the form of thepoems in Song Dynasty.Pi and Lu poets group belonged to the lower class of landlord. They accepted thetraditional Confucian thoughts and education, so they were eager to be successfulthrough the examination organized by the government. Hence, their poem theory andwriting had to be restrained by Confucian poem theory. Besides, although their viewof poem was quite different, it was not divorced from Confucian poem theory. Theyinherited the poetical idea of Bai Juyi and wrote lots of "YUEFU POEMS". Theywanted to influence the society. Absolutely, the "YUEFU POEMS" written by themachieved great achievements again. Besides, they also described the love betweentheir family members、friendship and the feeling of living seclusion. About thewriting form appeared in their works, most of them like to write foreword before theirpoems. This is a very important characteristic. They took the initiative to variouspoem styles and considered that poems should be simple fresh and changeable. Theywere good at weeding through the old to bring forth the new. They firmly believe towriting poems as articles and show the author’s knowledge in their poems. Theirpoem style had a great impact on the poems written in Early Song Dynasty. In thisdissertation, there will be a special chapter and section to discuss and research thisissue.Besides their poems, this poets group also created plenty of essays. Once, Mr.Lu Xun sung high praise to those satirical sketches. In those short satirical essays,they exposed and fiercely criticized the abuses in that society. The purpose of theirpoems and sketches were similar. Actually, the long prefaces were essays. They combined the poems and essays efficiently and successfully.Their life can be divided into two parts. During the early part of their life, theywere visiting different places and high officials because their dreams were to besuccessful statesmen and officials. Because of their rich experience, they showedmany facts of that society. During the second part of their life, they relied onbureaucrats and lived a peaceful and comfortable life, so their works paid littleattention to common people’s life and social reality but talked about their cozy andpleasant life. There are more flattery words in their works in this period. Theyreduced the criticism and sharp points in their poems and essays. At that time, poemsacted just as plays and an implement of amusement. This literature phenomenon wasvery popular in ancient times, but they protruded it from the other literary men. Theirworks had a strong effect on the later dynasties especially in Qing Dynasty. Thistreatise will study those effects in special chapter.According to my experience, this treatise is the first one to study Pi and Lu poetsgroup as a whole. It demonstrates although those poets were not so successful in.politics, they sought actively and devoted themselves to creating new style and formin the field of poets and essays. It is clear that their works played an important role inlatter period of Tang Dynasty when the gorgeous style poems were very popular. Inone word, maybe their achievements were not so outstanding and couldn’t catch upwith the poets before, but they wrote lots of works which inherited the long-standingtradition from Han Dynasty and dared to criticize the social reality. Also, their poemsfollowed the principal aspect of the Chinese traditional poems. About the poems,they also had a try. They expressed their ambition, described and discussed thehistory or something in their society. They enlarged the content of poems and made agood preparation for the prosperity of the poems in Song Dynasty. Those facts aretheir great contribution for the whole poem history.There are six chapters in this treatise which introduce the deeds of their life,study the literature thoughts, their poems and essay’s influence and so on.Especially, this treatise pays special attention to their works. The poems cited in this treatise are all the newest collation in modern academic circles. All the words citedfrom other people’s works are annotated with its author、publish house、order of theedition and page numbers. I will be responsible for this treatise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

