

Economic Geography of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the Republic of China Period is Studied

【作者】 张保见

【导师】 郭声波;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 历史地理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 清末及民国时期,青藏高原局部地区设置了一些较为近代化的农牧业试验改良机构,对本地品种改造和优良品种引进、生产工具革新和生产方法改进等方面作了一些工作,在局部地区产生了一定的效益。但从全局来看,这些机构设置过于分散,数量过少,加以人才、资金及技术等方面的缺陷,对于整个区域生产力的革命性进展,无异于杯水车薪。因此,民国时期,本区在农牧业生产技术方面,仍沿袭着传统的操作方式。农业生产方面科学技术含量的低下,使青藏高原区农牧业生产依然严重受制于自然条件,农牧业生产的旧有格局被承继下来,农业区集中在青海东部的河湟地区、西藏一江两河流域、川康滇森林带以下海拔较低的河谷及盆地宜农区,牧业区主要分布西北起羌塘高原,东南延伸至青南高原、松潘草地地带及川康滇区、冈底斯山-念青唐古拉山一线以南的森林带以上高山草原区。在总体上承继旧有农牧业生产格局的基础上,由于水利兴修,外来移民的增加,政府的提倡等因素,局部地区农牧业生产格局发生了一些变化,主要体现在农业垦殖的发展方面,农业区从垂直方向和水平方向两个方面有所扩大,牧业区相应收缩。民国时期,青藏高原区森林总体破坏不大,原始林面积依然很大,尤其是在藏东南、横断山区、果洛等处,保存完好。当时,森林的利用主要表现为传统的薪炭、建筑、器具制作用材等方面。西藏和青海日月山以西地区之外的交通沿线,主要居民点和城镇周围,河流、湖泊沿岸宜农区域附近森林受破坏较为严重,人为的或天然的火灾对森林破坏最为剧烈。二十年代末三十年代初,以盈利为目的的商业资本操纵下的森林砍伐发展较快,逐渐成为本区森林破坏的主导力量。被砍伐的林区主要集中在离内地较近的农业区和便于运输的河流附近地带,以青海祁连山地、大积石山等处,甘南洮河、大夏河、白龙江沿岸,川西北岷江干支流沿岸及康属康定、九龙及丹巴等处为主。大体来看,青藏高原手工业生产仍停留在旧有格局,农业区和城镇是手工业较为发达、手工业者较为集中的区域。手工业仍然依附于农牧业生产,是农牧业生产的重要补充,相当一部分手工业者并没有脱离农牧业生产。但是,民国时期,本区手工业生产的进步也显而易见。一是在中心城镇,专业性的手工业生产者较为集中,手工业生产摆脱农业而独立成为一种发展方向。一是部分行业吸收并发展了内地工匠带来的技术,引进了较为先进的工具,生产效率有所提高。一是,在一些城镇出现了规模相对较大、分工更为细致、技术水平更高的手工工场。从空间布局上来看,手工业中心出现了由农村向城镇逐渐转移的趋势。近代机器工业的出现和发展是民国时期青藏高原区经济发展的新现象,集中分布于西宁、康定、拉萨几个区域政治经济中心点上,从一出现就奠定了本区工业发展格局的基础。民国时期,矿业的开采是本区经济发展的一个重要方面,其中以金矿开采最为重要,几乎遍布全境。矿业开采仍沿用旧有的手工生产技术,效率低。对旧有矿区的开发在矿业开采中占有较高地位,一些品味高、矿藏富集的矿区如岷江上游、大渡河源头等处金矿区得到开发。在矿产开发方面,由于政治等相关因素的影响,工矿业发展地域特色鲜明。商业比较发达的区域仍然保持在农业区和邻近内地的地区,商业中心的分布承继了旧有格局,以农业区和交通沿线为主。此外,民国时期,商业发展也表现出了鲜明的地域特色。青海的商业,在建省之后,逐渐向官僚资本垄断的方向发展。民族资本、寺庙商业和官僚资本等多种经营方式并存则是康属商业发展的特点。在西藏,寺庙商和贵族商人及外国商户控制了商业经营。在总体格局没有发生革命性变化的同时,次级区域内部商业格局发生了一些变化,商业网点的分布更趋合理。与手工业、商业发展相对应的是城镇的发展。民国时期,青藏高原区城镇承继了旧有格局,西宁、康定、拉萨仍为本区的中心城镇,城镇依然集中在农业区和交通沿线。随着手工业、商业的发展,在延续和发展旧有城镇分布格局的基础上,次级区域的城镇分布格局有所调整。这种调整,一是一些旧有的军事性质的城镇被废弃,城镇发展摆脱了对军事的依赖性,受交通、商业、手工业发展和政治的影响增大,城镇的发展和商业的发展渐趋一致,城镇的职能逐渐健全,政治和经济中心成为城镇发展的方向。一是,出现了一些新兴城镇,城镇布局更趋合理。民国时期,陆路交通在青藏高原区交通体系中占据绝对优势。历史上长期使用的古道仍然起着重要的交通运输作用,畜力驮运和人力背负为主要的运输方式。清末民初,英国人在江孜-亚东间改善了道路交通。三十年代以后,近代化的公路在青海、康属等地展开。随之,汽车等交通工具被引进,航空运输虽昙花一现,青藏高原的近代化交通却拉开了序幕。可以说,在恶劣的自然条件和动荡的社会环境中,经济发展取得如此成就足够称得上难能可贵。在发展水平上认为民国时期青藏高原区经济情况“简陋”或“落后”,有其合理性,但是完全否定其取得的成就,认为民国时期本区经济发展“停滞”、“不合理”、“严重倒退”也不是实事求是的态度。应该说,民国时期,由于区位和历史等多种因素的影响,青藏高原经济的发展仍然滞后于沿海和内地,但是已经取得的成就也不容抹煞。民国时期,国民政府和地方实力政府在客观上为发展青藏高原区经济起到了一定的积极作用。但是,对经济发展的束缚和阻碍作用更为显著。所以,从经济层面上来说,评判其“反动”并不过分。综观民国时期青藏高原区经济的发展和布局,笔者以为保持社会的稳定,消除割据,加强同内地的联系是青藏高原区经济得以健康发展的前提。民国时期交通发展较为缓慢对青藏高原区经济发展起着严重的阻碍作用,是制约经济发展的瓶颈。本区由于受恶劣的自然条件限制,发展经济对劳动力素质和技术水平要求较高,所以,应当加强教育和提高科技实力。经济开发应当注意效益和利益分配。民国时期,本区经济开发水平较低,投入大而产出少,致使经济效益较差。以农业为例,火地烧毁大片森林只能换取小块农地三二年的收益。矿业开采,投入大量劳动力,每日所获大多仅够糊口。与经济效益较低相比较,经济开发所带来的利益分配问题更应当引起高度关注。民国时期,青藏高原区居民并没有受到本区经济开发所带来的益处,经济利益完全垄断于外部势力和地方实力派,外部势力一般为外来投资者,地方实力派则包括土司、头人、寺庙势力、贵族、军界和政界人物等等。青海与康属大规模的农业开发一般由外来移民和商人进行,本地蒙藏百姓从事者比例很低。商业资本操纵下的森林砍发,收益者只有当地土司头人及木业经营者,伐木工人则全部从内地雇用。从事矿业开采的投资者和实际控制者一般是地方实力派和外来投资者,矿工一般从内地直接招募。近代化的机器工业完全从外部引进,产业工人和技师也来自内地,基本上没有尝试对本地员工进行训练和培养的作法和打算。这种作为导致本地居民成为经济开发的看客,一方面没有为本地居民带来实际经济利益,致使经济发展缺乏后继力量,也使经济开发失去了应有的意义;另一方面,本地居民难以融入到经济开发中来以便享受经济开发带来的好处,导致部分居民对经济开发的抵制和破坏,影响了经济的发展。

【Abstract】 The latter stage of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period, have set up some tests of farming and animal husbandry that comparatively took in modern times and improved the organization in some areas of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, have transformed respect of improving and improving with the production method with improved seeds introduction , tool of production etc. and done some work to the local variety, have produced certain benefit in some areas . But viewed from the overall situation, the organization structuring is too scattered, there is too few quantity , the defect in talent , fund and technology ,etc, to the revolutionary progress of the whole regional productivity, tantamount to aing ridiculously inadequate effort to save a grave situation. So, in the Republic of China period, this district is in production technology of farming and animal husbandry, still following the traditional operation mode. Scientific and technical content of agricultural production respect is low, make the farming and animal husbandry of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district produce and is still limited by seriously in natural conditions, the old pattern that the farming and animal husbandry produces is adopted as heir, the farming region centres in Huang area of rivers of the east of Qinghai , the Yellow Basin and the Yangtze River of one Tibet river , forest of Yunnan of the Sichuan health to bring the following lower river valley above sea level and arable district of basin, the animal husbandry district is distributed in the Northwest and got up in the plateau of Qiangtang mainly, southeast extend to blue and green south plateau , Songpan meadow area and Sichuan health Yunnan district, ridge bottom mountain -forest to study in to the south of blue and green Danggula Mountains airline bring the above alpine grassland district then.On the basis of adopting old production pattern of farming and animal husbandry as heir generally, because water conservancy is built, the increase of the outside immigrant, the government’s factor of recommending etc., some changes have taken place in the production pattern of farming and animal husbandry in some areas , reflect and expand from vertical direction and horizontal two respects of direction to some extent in the fanning region in development of the agricultural cultivation mainly, the animal husbandry district shrinks conespondingly .The Republic of China period, destroys not big overallly in the forest of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district, the area of primary forest is still very large, especially hiding the places, such as southeast, transecting the mountain area, fruit Lip river ,etc, intact. At that time, the showing as traditional firewood charcoal , architecture , utensil respect of making the materials etc. mainly of the forest. Along the line of the traffic outside the area to the west of Tibet and life mountain of Qinghai, around the main residential area and cities and towns, comparatively serious that the forest is destroyed near the arable area along the river , lake, people for or natural one fire destroy about forest most the violent. The beginning of the thirties at the end of the twenties, the commercial capital taking making profits as purpose handles deforestation under to develop very fast, become leading strength destroyed in this district forest gradually. Centre in from hinterland close farming region and easy near river area that transport mainly forest zone that cut down, the places , such as mountain region of Qilian of Qinghai, accumulating the stone and mountain greatly ,etc, along the Tao river, large Xiahe , white Longjiang of Gannan, it belongs to Kangding , Kowloon and Danba ,etc. place that the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches of Mingjiang River of the northwest of Sichuan flows at the bank and health.Come to look on the whole , the handicraft industry of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is produced and still stayed in the old pattern, the farming region and cities and towns are comparatively a handicraft industry to the development, area which the handicraftsman comparatively concentrate. Still depend on the production of farming and animal husbandry in handicraft industry, it is the important supplement that the farming and animal husbandry produced, quite a few of handicraftsmans have not broken away from the production of farming and animal husbandry . But, in the Republic of China period, the progress that this district handicraft industry produces is obvious too. First, in the key town, handicraft industry producers of professional lines are comparatively centralized , the handicraft industry produces and gets rid of agriculture and becomes a kind of developing direction independently. One is that some trades absorb and develop technology that the inland craftsman bring, having introduced the comparatively advanced tool, production efficiency improves to some extent. First,, more careful craft workshop with higher engineering level has the scale has appeared relatively largly , divide the work in some cities and towns. By the look of space overall arrangement, the trend that shifts gradually from countryside to cities and towns has appeared in the hand industrial center.The appearance and development of modern machine industry are the new phenomenon of economic development of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district of the Republic of China period, concentrate on being distributed and in the political economic central point of several areas of Xi’ning , Kangding , Lhasa, have established the foundation of this district industrial development pattern as soon as appearing.In the Republic of China period, the exploitation of the mining industry is an important respect of this district economic development, among them it is most important to exploit with the gold mine , nearly spread all over the whole area. The mining industry exploits and still continues to use some old craft production technologies, efficiency is low. The development to the old mining area occupies higher position in the mining industry exploits, some taste is high, mineral deposit is rich the place money mining areas such as the upper reaches of Mingjiang River, Dadu River source of mining area collected are developed . Develop the respect in the mineral products, because of the influence in relevant factors , such as politics ,etc, the industry and mining develop the region characteristic distinctly.The more developed area of the commerce still keeps in the farming region and near the area of the hinterland, adopt the old pattern as heir, rely mainly on the fact that along the line of the farming region and traffic in distribution of the mart. In addition, in the Republic of China period, the commerce develops and demonstrates the distinct region characteristic too. Commerce of Qinghai, after building the province, the direction monopolized to the bureaucratic capital gradually is developed. It is the characteristic that the health belong to commercial development that many kinds of types of operation , such as national capital , temple commerce and bureaucratic capital ,etc. are compatible. In Tibet, temple businessmen of trader and noble and foreign control commerce of trade company manage . While revolutionary character has not taken place and change in the overall pattern, secondary area commercial pattern take place some change, more rationally distribution of the commercial network.A corresponding one is the development of the cities and towns to develop with handicraft industry , commerce. In the Republic of China period, adopted the old pattern as heir in the cities and towns of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district, Xi’ning, Kangding , Lhasa are still the key town of this district, along the line of still centring in the cities and towns the farming region and traffic. With the development of handicraft industry , commerce, on the basis of extending and developing the old cities and towns and is distributed pattern, the cities and towns of the secondary area are distributed pattern and adjusted to some extent. This kind of adjustment, one is discarded in the cities and towns of some old military nature of some, urban development gets rid of the dependence on military affairs, is affected by traffic, commerce, hand industrial development and politics and increased, the development of the cities and towns and development of the commerce are unanimous gradually, the function of the cities and towns is sound gradually, politics and economic center become directions of urban development. First,, appear some new developing cities and towns, more rationally urban overall arrangement.In the Republic of China period, the land route traffic occupies the absolute predominance in the traffic system in the district of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Long run honest to yet blow important communications and transportation function in history, animal power carries on the back and transports bearing with manpower for the main transportation way. Will it be the beginning such as the people latter stage of Qing Dynasty, Englishmen improved the road traffic among Jiangzi- Yadong. After the thirties , launched in such places as the highway that took in modern times belonged to Qinghai , health . Thereupon, the means of transportation , such as automobile ,etc. are introduced , although air transportation is transient, but the modern traffic of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has raised the curtain.We can say, in abominable natural conditions and turbulent social environment, it is enough to deserve to be called estimably for economic development to obtain and accomplish so. Think the economic conditions of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district of the Republic of China period " simple and crude " or " lag behind " on the development level, there is its rationality, but totally deny its achievement made, think that it is not a practical attitude that this district economic development of the Republic of China period " stays cool " , " unreasonable " , " falls back seriously ". Should say , the Republic of China period, because position and history many kinds of influence of factor, development, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of economy lag behind on coastal with Mainland still, but the achievement already made can’t be obliterated either.In the Republic of China period, national government and local strength government played a active role in suring in order to develop economy of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district objectively. However, more remarkable to constraint of economic development and function of hindering. So, come from economic aspect and say, it is not excessive to judge it" reactionarily ".Taking a broad view of the development of the economy of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district of the Republic of China period and overall arrangement, I thought I kept the stability of the society, dispel and set up, it is the prerequisite that the economy of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district must use sound development to strengthen the connection with hinterland. The traffic development of the Republic of China period comparatively plays a serious hindrance role to the economic development of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district slow, it is the bottleneck restraining development of economy. Because this district is limited by abominable natural conditions, develop economy and expect relatively much workforce’s quality and engineering level, so, should strengthen education and improve the scientific and technological strength.Should pay attention to benefit and distribution of interests in economic development. In the Republic of China period, this district economic development level is relatively low, has high input but there are few outputs, cause the economic benefits to be relatively bad. Take agriculture as an example, the fire is burnt can only gain the small income of 32 of pieces of farmland in the large stretch of forest. The mining industry exploits, investing to a large number of workforces, it is mostly only enough to eke out a living to obtain every day. Comparing with more low the economic benefits, the question of distribution of interests brought of economic development should cause the high concern even more. In the Republic of China period, residents of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau district have not received this benefit brought of district economic development , the economic benefits are totally monopolized in the external force and local those who actually have strength and hold power, the external force is generally outside investors, the local those who actually have strength and hold power include toast , tribal chief , temple force , noble , military circles and political circles personage ,etc. Qinghai and health are belonged to extensive agricultural development to generally go on by outside immigrant and businessman , it is very low to indebted to hiding the specific gravity of persons who are engaged in of common people here. The commercial capital handles the forest under and cuts the hair, the income person has operators of tribal chief and wood industry of local toast only, the lumbermans are all employed from the hinterland. Investors who is engaged in exploiting in the mining industry and persons who control actually are generally local those who actually have strength and hold power and outside investor, the miner generally recruits from the hinterland directly. The machine industry that takes in modern times totally introduces from the outside, industrial worker and technician come from the hinterland, there are no practice and plan trying to be trained and training to local staff basically. This kind is as causing locals lo become the onlooker of economic development, on one hand not bring the actual economic benefits to the local, cause economic development to lack the strength of carrying on , make economic development lose the due meaning too; On the other hand, it is difficult for the local to incorporate to economic development coming in order to enjoy the advantage brought in economic development, cause some residents to influence the development of economy to the resistance and destruction of economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

