

Professor Shenlin Liu’s Academic Ideology and Clinical Practice on Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and Western Medicine for Common Gastrointestinal Tumors

【作者】 凌扬

【导师】 刘沈林;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文从三个方面,在回顾和综述了常见胃肠肿瘤(胃癌、结直肠癌)诊治现状和新进展的基础上初步总结了刘沈林教授诊治胃肠肿瘤的中西医结合学术思想与临床实践。第一部分概述了现代医学对常见胃肠肿瘤的诊疗现状及最新动态,总结了中医药及中西医结合防治胃肠肿瘤的进展,并分别指出其各自特点和存在问题。根据研究现状,强调了中西医结合模式和中医药辨证论治在胃肠肿瘤诊治中的优势和特点,指出在学术指导思想及方法上应扬长避短、优化组合,开展深入的研究和实践总结。第二部分学习和探讨刘沈林教授诊治胃肠肿瘤的中医临床经验和其主要学术思想。根据三年跟师临床学习体会,从中西医结合是治疗胃肠肿瘤的重要途径、个体化治疗原则是临证的必由之路、带瘤生存是晚期胃肠肿瘤姑息治疗的可行途径、心理调护是提高患者生存质量的重要环节、中西医综合治疗是胃肠肿瘤诊疗的方向等五个方面阐述了导师的中西医结合学术思想。第三部分从导师辨证结合辨病治疗胃肠肿瘤用药经验、典型病案、经验选萃等角度总结刘沈林教授的临床实践,体现了导师中西医结合治疗胃肠肿瘤方面的学术思想。

【Abstract】 On the basis of looking back and summing up the present situation and new progress onthe diagnosis and treatment of common gastrointestinal tumors(gastric cancer andcolorectal cancer), this paper, from three aspects, preliminarily summarizes professorShenlin Liu’s academic ideology and clinical practice on combining traditional Chinesemedicine(TCM) and Western medicine for common gastrointestinal tumors.The first aspect minutes and states generally a novel development and the presentsituation of diagnosis and treatment in modern medical science for common gastrointestinaltumors. It summarizes the progress on prevention and cure of common gastric intestinaltumors by TCM or combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine and points out itscharacteristic and existent problems respectively. According to present situation, paperemphasized the characteristics and the advantages by combining TCM and Westernmedicine’s pattern and treatment based on syndrome differentiation of TCM in diagnosisand treatment of gastrointestinal tumors and points out that the academic guiding ideologyand methods for gastrointestinal cancer should foster their each strengths and circumventtheir each weaknesses, and ,with optimal combination, conduct thorough research andclinical practice.Second part studies and probes into professor shenlin liu’s academic thoughts andclinical experiences of TCM. According to following my advisor to study cognition forthree years, this paper, from five aspects ,①Combining TCM and Western medicine is animportant method of Treating gastrointestinal tumors,②The treatment principle ofindividualization is the sole way of clinical practice,③Survival with tumor’ is the feasibletactics in management of cancer patients with the advanced condition,④Psychologicalregulation and care is the significant link that raise patient’s quality of life(QOL),⑤Combining TCM and Western medicine is the future direction of diagnosing and treatinggastrointestinal tumors, elaborated his academic thoughts on combining TCM and Westernmedicine.Third part summarizes professor shenlin liu’s clinical experiences of integratingsyndrome-differentiation with disease-differentiation, from drug usages, introduction oftypical cases and selection of clinical experience etc, which embody his academic thoughtson combining TCM and Western medicine for treating gastrointestinal tumors.Finally, the paper puts forward my own directions in research and clinical practice of oncology by means of combining TCM and Western medicine.

  • 【分类号】R249;R735
  • 【下载频次】541

