

The Temporal and Spatial Effect in Construction and Control of Large Deformation of Tunnels in Squeezing Ground

【作者】 赵旭峰

【导师】 孙钧;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 高地应力、大变形、特软岩隧道的挤压变形(Squeezing)是与时间密切相关联的,运用岩土流变力学的观点和方法,能以更充分阐明这类挤压性围岩与支护相互作用机理的实质,使力学计算分析参与隧道信息化设计施工。论文以乌鞘岭隧道岭脊段围岩挤压性大变形为工程背景和主要研究对象,采用理论解析、数值模拟和现场足尺试验等手段,对挤压性围岩隧道稳定性及其大变形动态控制开展了相应的研究。论文结合国内外挤压性围岩隧道工程实例,总结并分析了挤压大变形所表现出的力学特性,从流变学的角度对挤压变形定义进行了阐释,将挤压变形归属为变形速率较快而收敛速率慢的流变变形范畴,进而系统地分析了挤压大变形发生的力学机理。提出采用初步设计阶段的挤压潜力(Squeezing Potential)预测与施工阶段的大变形等级评定的双重控制措施来克服挤压大变性。在挤压性地层中开挖隧道,是一个在时间和空间上动态变化的过程,论文阐述了挤压性围岩隧道开挖过程中的时空耦合非线性作用。考虑挤压隧道掘进过程中开挖面空间效应,计入软岩流变时效特性,推演了围岩与支护相互作用随时间变化规律的解析解,拓展了已有的理论解析推导,有助于对挤压性围岩与支护相互作用的认识。合理确定挤压性岩体力学性态的诸有关参数,是正确认识岩体力学属性并确保数值计算结果可靠性的关键。本文把隧道现场监测变形时间序列作为据以选择数学模型,并阐明其物理概念的技术基础。根据位移反分析理论,获得对隧道围岩稳定分析结果影响的流变参数,进而进行流变本构模型辨识,为隧道工程稳定性分析提供合理的本构模型和切合实际的计算参数。挤压隧道大变形现象可由四维时空几何学来描述。本文通过构建三维粘弹塑性大变形数值模型,进行隧道施工时变力学数值模拟,分析开挖过程中围岩应力、变形随时间、空间、工序逐渐发展演化的非线性时空历程,进一步丰富了隧道工程施工时变力学理论。挤压性围岩隧道支护的设计、施工,实质是围岩稳定性控制的及时性与有效性的问题。本文将岩石流变学理论用于合理选择内衬构筑时机、优化隧道施工与支护设计中,并结合现场足尺试验研究,对挤压性围岩隧道设计、施工的动态反馈与控制进行了相应的研究,初步建立了一种适用于软岩挤压性变形地压的控制原理和方法。

【Abstract】 Coupling with high crustal stress and large deformation, deformation of soft rock tunnel always correlate with time. Based on theological mechanics of geomaterials, the mechanism of interaction of surround rock and support structure can be explained, and mechanical analysis can be applied to information design and construction of tunnel. By analytical theory, numerical simulation, and on-site full-scale experimental research with example of Wu Shaoling Tunnel Project, the stability and dynamic control of tunnel in squeezing ground were researched in this dissertation.Based on the analysis of typical tunnel engineering example in squeezing ground, the mechanical characteristic of squeezing deformation were concluded. The squeezing deformation was defined based on view of theological mechanics, and squeezing deformation can be regarded as theologic deformation along with fast rate of deformation and slow convergence. Furthermore, the mechanical mechanisms of squeezing deformation were studied. Also, the control method for squeezing deformation was proposed, involved both prediction of squeezing potential in design phase and grade judgment of deformation in construction phase.Mechanical behaviors of tunnel excavation in squeezing ground are dynamic process of space and time. The temporal and spatial nonlinear coupling action with the excavation process of tunnel in squeezing ground was analyzed in this dissertation. Considering spatial effect of excavation face and time-dependent characteristic of soft rocks, the interaction between supporting structure and surrounding rocks with time is deduced through analytic method. The research expanded the existing analytic solution and was helpful for further understanding the interaction of squeezing surrounding rocks and supporting structure.Rational mechanics parameter of squeezing rocks is very important for understanding the mechanical characteristic of rocks and improving the reliability of numerical simulation. Based on the displacement time series from field monitoring, rheological parameter of rocks were obtained by numerical inverse analysis. Furthermore, visco-elastic constitutive model of squeezing rocks were identified. The research provided rational constitutive model and rheological parameter for stability analysis of tunnel in squeezing ground.Four-dimensional temporal and spatial geometry can well and truly describe squeezing phenomena. In this dissertation, three-dimensional numerical model with visco-elastic-plastic constitutive and large deformation was established, and the construction time-varying mechanics was simulated. During excavation period of tunnel in squeezing ground, temporal and spatial nonlinear evolvement process were investigated. The research enriched the theory of construction mechanics of tunnel engineering.The critical problem of design and construction of tunnel in squeezing ground is the betimes and validity of stability control of surrounding rocks. In this dissertation, rheological mechanics theory of rock was used to optimize lining time, inverted arch time, and bench length and bolt parameter. Based on the on-site full-scale experimental and optimization analysis, design and construction of tunnel in squeezing ground were researched by theory of dynamic feedback and control, and the control principle for squeezing earth pressure was established.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期

