

Wind Tunnel Experiment and Wind-Induced Response Analysis of Complex High-Rising Structures

【作者】 禹慧

【导师】 马人乐;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 高耸结构是一种特殊的结构形式,具有高度高、重量轻、刚度小、外形细长等特点,应用于电力、通讯、广播电视等领域。高耸结构的外形特征决定了风荷载是其控制荷载,随着需求的提高和技术的进步,高耸结构日益向着更高、更轻、更柔的方向发展,使得对风荷载的敏感性进一步增强。随着科学技术的发展,结构的高度不断增加,轻质高强材料被广泛使用,同时出现了大量复杂体型的高层、高耸结构,这对抗风设计带来了新的问题。目前针对高层建筑的风振研究较多,而对于复杂体型的高耸结构风振研究较少,本文结合河南省广播电视发射塔风洞试验,对具有复杂体型的高耸结构三维风荷载以及风振响应,以及设计方法进行了深入的研究。本文在HFFB试验的基础上,对河南省电视塔的三维风荷载进行了研究,对比分析了不同方向风荷载的特点以及风向对风荷载的影响,在此基础上提出了结构不同高度处的三维风荷载时程的计算方法,最后采用时程分析的方法研究了该结构的三维风振响应。提出了可以考虑三维耦合振型的复杂高耸结构频域分析方法,广义模态力谱仍基于HFFB风洞试验采用振型修正的方法得到,对各阶模态力谱的自谱和互谱特性,以及不同方向的风荷载的模态力谱相关性进行了讨论。并采用CQC组合法分别给出了背景响应分量和共振响应分量的计算方法。并对比分析了风向角、计算振型数目、振型相关性、阻尼比对于结构风振响应的影响。详细介绍了河南省广播电视塔的气弹模型试验,包括风场的模拟、模型的制作和试验方法。并对试验数据进行处理,得到模型不同高度顺风向、横风向和扭转方向的位移、加速度响应均方根值,并分析了响应均方根值随风速和风向角的变化规律。本文提出了确定复杂高耸结构的等效设计风荷载的标准方法和简化方法,通过对比分析,本文提出的简化方法既避免了复杂的计算过程,又具有足够的精度。并对峰值系数和振型阻尼比这两个重要参数在设计应用中存在的问题进行了研究。

【Abstract】 High-rising structure is somewhat different from others because of being high,light, flexible and slim. It has been widely used in some related fields such as powertransmission, communication, broadcasting and television system. Due to itscharacteristic of shape, the dominating load of high-rising structure is wind load. Withthe growth of demand and progress of technique, it has been developed to be muchhigher, lighter and softer which increases its sensitivity to wind load.Along with the development of science and technology, the height of tallbuilding increases constantly. Light and stiff building materials were used widely, atthe same time, there is lots of tall building and high-rising structure with complexityshape. Now investigation on wind induced response of tall building is graduallypopular and there is little investigation on high-rising structures with complexityshape. Based on wind tunnel tests of Henan broadcast and TV Tower,Three-dimensional wind load and wind reduced response of high-rising structure withcomplexity shape are analyzed in the paper.3D wind load of Henan broadcast and TV Tower is investigated based on Highfrequency force balance measurement. Different directions of wind load arecompared and analyzed, and the impacts of wind direction on wind load are alsoinvestigated. On the basis of these results, computational method of 3D wind loadTime History on different height of structures is presented in this paper. Finally, TimeHistory Analysis method is used to study Wind-induced 3D Vibration Response ofthis structure. At the same time, frequency domain analysis method of wind inducedresponse on complex high-rising structures with 3D coupled modes are presented inthis paper. Power spectral density of mode generalized force are obtained by usingmode shape correction based on High frequency force balance measurement. On thebasis of it, characteristic of Power spectral density and cross power spectral density ofdifferent mode generalized forces and the correlation of power spectral density of mode generalized forces in different directions are discussed. The methods forcalculating background and resonant components of the responses by using completequadratic combination (CQC) scheme are correspondingly developed. The influencesof wind direction, mode numbers, mode correlation, damping ratio on wind inducedresponse are also studied.Wind tunnel tests of aero-elastic models are introduced in detail, which includesimulation of the wind field, manufacture of the model and method of theexperiments. The author processed the experimental data, calculated the RMS ofdisplacement and acceleration response in alongwind, acrosswind and torsionaldirections at different heights, and analyzed the rules by which the RMS responsesvaried with the wind velocity, and wind directional angels.In this dissertation, standard method and simplified method to determineequivalent wind load is proposed. By means of compared with calculating results ofresponse, using this simplified method can avoid complicated calculate process, andguarantee satisfied accuracy. Finally, the problems caused by application of peakfactor and damping ratio in the process of structure design are studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU399;TU311.3
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1066
  • 攻读期成果

