

On the Administrative Legal Relation between Government and Public Schools

【作者】 周兰领

【导师】 马怀德;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 如何构建政府与公立学校的行政法律关系,是教育行政体制改革的核心问题之一。然而,我国理论界目前尚缺乏对此进行系统研究的成果,因此,有必要对我国府校关系的基本理论、政府对公立学校的管理职权以及方式等问题进行系统研究。本论文主要对政府与公立学校关系的下列问题进行了研究:第一章系统研究了我国政府与公立学校关系的基本理论。本章首先通过对府校关系历史变迁的简单回溯,揭示了新中国府校关系发展的规律与特点,从而引出公立学校法律地位是府校关系的核心问题。进而,论文通过比较的方法对中外学校法律地位作了介绍,并得出公立学校的法人化是世界学校法制的发展趋势。在此之后,论文提出,对我国《教育法》中学校法人地位的规定,要有符合世界发展趋势的准确认识,并指出,我国《教育法》中对学校法人地位的规定,具有时代前瞻性,应在教育管理的实践中贯彻和落实。根据我国《教育法》的规定,公立学校是由政府依照教育法设立,为了实现公共教育目的而存在的在法律规定的范围内具有独立的权利能力,依法独立履行职责,并独立承担法律责任的教育公务法人。因此,公立学校在行政法上是独立的主体。通过对公立学校的法人地位的界定之后,论文对我国政府与公立学校法律关系的性质、特点进行了论述。指出,府校关系在法律上具有外部性的属性,而在现实中则具有内部性的特点。进而,论文提出,构建中国府校关系,必须严格落实《教育法》中对公立学校的定位,并在此法律框架的基础上实现中国府校关系的法治化。第二章分析了对政府与公立学校关系具有重大影响的背景理论。该章主要分析了政府与市场关系理论、治理理论、法治国家理论以及教育规律理论。通过对政府与市场关系的理论梳理,指出市场与政府都不是至善的手段,关键是实现二者功能配置的最优化,并保持二者功能的互补性;通过对政府治理理论的介绍,揭示了政府本身亦存在革新的空间,政府权力的分散化、参与化、弹性化与解制化,是政府权力变革和实现善治的必由之路;通过对法治国家理论的介绍,揭示了教育行政必须驯服于国家的法律,对于哪些重要的教育事项必须由法律或经法律授权方能作出;通过教育规律理论,揭示了政府权力在教育领域不能够介入的客观世界。第三章分析了政府与公立学校行政法律关系的内容。该章主要研究政府对公立学校的职能定位以及职权内容。认为,政府在学校教育中不应当是一个万能者,而只能扮演有限的角色。虽然公立学校是政府举办的,但政府在处理教育事务上仍应当保持适度的克制,并采取法治化的介入方式。政府在公共教育体制中不应包揽所有教育事务,但要积极承担起教育公平的保障和促进者、学校教育发展的宏观调控者、学校基本制度的提供者以及教育事务的法律监督者等角色。然后,论文采用比较分析方法,结合政府的合理角色,对学校事务中的主要事项的政府权力配置情况进行了具体分析。第四章主要研究了政府管理公立学校的职权行使问题。该章在第三章的基础上,详细分析了政府如何行使手中的权力。首先,通过对教育行政手段选择的有限度的自由性的肯定,指出,教育行政机关在行政活动中虽具有有限度的行为方式的选择自由,但其所选择的行为方式不得与法律、法规以及规章的规定相违背、相冲突,要符合法律优先、法律保留以及比例原则等一般法律原则。其次,针对我国教育行政方式的现实特点,对变革教育行政管理方式的必要性进行了详细论述;然后,论文对我国教育行政的具体变革内容进行了详细分析,提出,应当在教育行政领域严格限制强制性行为的适用范围,大力推广柔性化的行为方式,扩大教育行政公开与参与的范围,并对各自具体的规则进行了探讨。论文最后首先总结了全篇论文的基本观点,然后,对实现我国府校关系的法治化,提出了若干对策性建议。

【Abstract】 How to establish the administrative legal relation between government and public schools is one of critical questions in reforming the educational administrative system in China. The current theoretical study in this field, however, has not provided a systematic answer to it. It is therefore necessary to undertake a serious study on this legal relation, including the basic theory, the governmental power to manage public schools, and the way to exercise the power. This paper discusses the legal relation mainly from the following aspects:Chapter one sets out to talk about the basic theory of the administrative legal relation between government and public schools in China. Firstly, through a brief review on the history of the relation between government and public schools, the paper analyzes the rule and features of the relation. It points out that the legal status of public schools is the center of the relation. Secondly, according to the Education Law of China, this chapter argues that schools are provided as legal persons. Public schools are thus the independent subjects in the administrative law. This provision should be obeyed and be effectively implemented in practice. Thirdly, this chapter discusses the nature and feature of this legal relation between government and public schools. It maintains this relation in law is external, but in practice it is internal.Chapter two deals with the theoretical background of the legal relation, mainly including the theory of government and market economy, the good governance theory, the rule of law, and the educational theory. It claims that neither government nor the market is omnipotent. Optimizing their separate functions is the key to make them supplemented each other. The good governance theory reveals that there exists room for government to reform. The separation of power, participation in decision making, and flexible managing are indispensable ways to behave government power and to realize good governance. The rule of law theory demonstrates that educational administration must be strictly in accordance with law. The educational theory shows that governmental power has its limitation in the educational field. These four types of theory make for a basis of building a rational relation between government and public schools.Chapter three studies the contents of the legal relation. It argues that the role of government in this relation is limited. Public schools are set up by government. On the other hand, government shall keep itself from interfering with the educational affairs. And even if interference is necessary under a certain circumstance, this interference shall adopt a legal way. However, government should play an important part in such areas: fostering and protecting educational equality, regulating schools’future development, providing basic schooling rules and institutions, and supervising the educational affairs.This paper further analyzes the allocation of governmental power in schooling at length.Chapter four mainly copes with the means of using governmental power to manage public schools. Firstly, it admits that government in doing administrative actions has a limited liberty to choose administrative methods. However, these methods should not be conflict with law, and by-laws, regulations as well. It should respect the general legal principles. Secondly, it justifies the necessity of reforming the current educational administrative methods in China. Finally, it argues that in the educational field, the coercive action must be confined to an appropriate scope. Transparency in educational administration should be effectively realized and participation in decision making should be expanded as much as possible.The final part summarizes the whole paper, putting forward certain suggestions on how to realize China’s rule of law in the relation between government and public schools.

  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】973

