

The Discuss on Executive Act in Criminal Law

【作者】 朱平

【导师】 曲新久;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 实行行为是现代刑法理论中的基本范畴。本文主要采用了历史的、比较的分析方法,结合语义分析、目的解释等方法对实行行为在犯罪理论体系中的地位、实行行为的概念、特征及与相关范畴的关系、实行行为的机能、定型、结构、阶段以及实行行为与共同犯罪及其归责等基础理论问题进行了分析和研究,力图为我国犯罪理论体系和刑事立法的完善,为刑事司法实践中准确地定罪、合理地量刑提供借鉴和参考。基于不同的犯罪理论体系、立法背景和司法文化,实行行为的内涵、地位和功能各不相同。实行行为是行为人直接追求的刑法分则规定的具有法益侵害现实危险性的构成要件行为,具有分则规定性、构成要件必备性、定型性和相对性等特征。实行行为必须与危害行为、犯罪行为、构成行为、非实行行为、先行行为等行为类型区分开来。实行行为具有罪状建构、罪名识别、定罪准据、共犯区分和量刑基准等理论和实践机能。实行行为的本质和具体形态构成了实行行为的定型。实行行为的本质在于现实、直接的法益侵害性与排除社会相当性的有机统一。实行行为的立法选择性也是分析实行行为的定型不可忽视的重要因素。实行行为的形态包括故意的作为的直接实行犯、不作为、间接实行行为、原因上的自由行为和过失实行行为等表现形式。不同行为类型的实行行为性的确定必须在实行行为本质规定性的指导下具体地进行。实行行为的结构应从内在构造和外在结构模式两方面来认识。实行行为的内在结构由体素和心素两大要素组成。实行行为的体素是特定行为独立为罪的基本依据,使得实行行为与客观的超过要素等非构成要素区分开来。实行行为的心素区别于主观的超过要素,实行行为的心素与体素具有一致性,是主观和客观的有机统一。实行行为的外在模式是对刑法规定具体分析的结果,包括单一实行行为、复合实行行为、集合行为和短缩的二行为犯等结构模式。不同的结构模式对于犯罪的成立、犯罪形态的认定及共同犯罪的成立等具有不同的意义。实行行为的阶段始于实行着手,终于实行终了。实行阶段的确定应区分不同的实行行为形态进行具体认定。实行的着手可据以确定实行行为的内容、区分未遂犯与预备犯、阴谋犯、不能犯乃至划清罪与非罪的界限。实行行为的形态不同,实行着手的认定标准也不尽一致。实行的终了不仅关系到犯罪地的确定、犯罪既遂的认定、告诉期间和追诉时效的确定,而且,对于未遂犯和中止犯种类的划分及其责任的确定亦具有重要意义。实行终了的确定必须坚持主客观相统一的原则标准。实行行为对于承继的共同正犯、共谋的共同正犯等共同正犯的成立具有重要意义。共同犯罪中实行过限的认定必须根据不同的共犯形态和表现形式确定具体的认定标准。实行行为与有关身份犯的共同犯罪性质及犯罪形态的确定具有密切的联系。实行犯作为共犯人的核心,在不同的共犯体系中具有不同的地位和功能。实行犯与主犯、从犯及胁从犯具有不同的关联性,其在共同犯罪的责任分配和量刑活动中具有基础性意义。我国共犯理论体系和共同犯罪司法认定中应注重发挥实行行为及实行犯的基础性地位和作用。

【Abstract】 The executive act is one of basic concepts in modern criminal law theory. It is one type of actually harmful action stipulated in criminal law which is pursued by criminals. The executive act has some typical characters: stipulated by the certain provision of criminal law, the necessity of criminal structure, case-hardened quality, relativity and so on. The academic and practical functions of the executive act are as follows: the structuring of the charges in an indictment, the classification of different charges, the criterion of conviction, the identifying of joint crimes, the criterion of punishment and so forth.The executive act lies in its nature and the special form. The essence of the executive action is a combination of actually direct harm to the legal interests and no permission from the society. The forms of the executive act have many species, such as the intentionally and directly executive action, the omission to perform an act, the indirectly executive action, liberal action in causal and the negligent executive action.The structure of the executive act is composed of the objective action and the intention of offenders. The modes of the executive act are as follows: the single action, the compound action, the aggregative action, the short-double action and so on.The phase of the executive act begins from the committing of the executive action and finishes in the end of the executive action. When ascertaining the phase of the executive act, we should be careful of the difference in their types.The theory of the executive act plays an important role in ascertaining joint crimes and the excess of the executive act. There are close relations between the executive act and the ascertaining of the types of the joint crimes related to status crimes. The roles and functions of perpetrator are different in different joint crime systems. The executive act is one of basic elements in determining criminal responsibilities and punishment in joint crimes.

【关键词】 实行行为结构阶段未遂犯正犯
【Key words】 the executive actstructurephaseattemptperpetrator
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1222

