

Research on the Principle of Civil Law in Modern China

【作者】 韩冰

【导师】 刘广安;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 从19世纪中叶开始,中国传统法制开始向近代法制转型,传统民法也挥别过往开始向近代民法转变。民法原则是民法理念的重要表征与体现,它直接决定了民法的基本性质与价值取向。本文主要论述了近代中国民法之肇端《大清民律草案》所确立的五项近代民法原则,即民法法源及其适用原则、诚实信用原则、所有权绝对原则、契约自由原则和过错责任原则在近代中国民法中的演变历程;廓清与梳理了这五项民法原则在近代中国的确立、演进和传承的历史脉络;探讨与分析了围绕这五项民法原则所体现的近代民法理念、立法文本和司法实践的变化,以及近代中国民法原则的递嬗历程所映射出的近代中国民法文化的变迁。从而以接引历史之烛光照当下之现实,为我国现今将制定的民法典提供历史镜鉴。全文共分八部分。第一部分,“引言”,本部分主要包括选题意义、题目说明、研究现状和本文写作所采用的材料和研究方法等内容。第二部分,“近代中国民法发展概况”,本部分主要介绍了近代中国民事立法概况,即《大清民律草案》、《民国民律草案》和《民国民法典》的立法概况。从而为下文论述提供良好的铺陈。第三部分,“民法法源及其适用原则”,本部分主要探讨了民法法源及其适用原则在西方的发展脉络以及在我国近代的发展传承,并对“习惯”、“习惯法”、“条理”及“法理”等概念进行了一定程度的分析阐释,剖析了其在不同时期的含义以及作为制定法之外的民事法源所具有的立法意义。第四部分,“诚实信用原则”,本部分首先论述了诚实信用原则在西方的发展沿革以及在《大清民律草案》中的规定,接着论述了该原则在我国近代的历史传承与发展。第五部分,“所有权绝对原则”,本部分第一节介绍了所有权绝对原则在西方的历史发展和我国传统的所有权观念,然后论述了本原则在《大清民律草案》中的确立;第二节汇整了部分体现所有权绝对原则的大理院判例要旨,并结合具有代表性的案例予以评析,从而揭示了民国初期所有权绝对原则的传承过程;第三节分析了《民国民法典》中有关所有权的立法规定,以及其出台后所有权学说理论的新发展。第六部分,“契约自由原则”,本部分第一节先追溯了契约自由原则在西方的历史演进过程,然后考察了中国传统的契约自由观念,最后论述了《大清民律草案》对本原则的确立;第二节汇整了部分体现契约自由原则的大理院判例要旨,并对有代表性的案例予以评析,从而说明了民国初期契约自由原则的传承过程;第三节论述了契约自由原则的理论发展,以及在私法社会化思潮的影响下,契约自由原则在民法理论上与民事立法上所受制限。第七部分,“过错责任原则”,本部分第一节先概述了过错责任原则在西方的历史沿革和中国古代对于侵权行为归责所适用的依据,然后论述了《大清民律草案》对过错责任原则的继受;第二节汇整了部分大理院体现过错责任原则的判例要旨,并选择有代表性的案例予以评析,从而展示了民国初期过错责任原则的传承过程;第三节探讨与分析了《民国民法典》中侵权行为归责原则的变化。第八部分,“结语”,主要通过回溯五项民法原则在近代中国的递嬗历程,考察其所反映的近代中国民法文化的变迁,从而得出对现今民法典制定的有益启示。

【Abstract】 From the middle of 19thCentery, traditional legal system of China change to modern times legal system, traditional civil law change to modern civil law. The principles of civil law are the important character of civil law which directly determine the basic nature and value of civil law. The five principles of civil law which the thesis will research on are legal sources and application principle of civil law, the principle of good-faith, inviolability of property principle,the principle of freedom of contract and the principle of liability for fault which first have been regulated by Civil Law Draft Codification of Qing Dynasty. The thesis has combed these five civil law principles establishment, evolution and inheritance historical vein in the modern China, analyzed the modern China civil law culture vicissitude which these five civil law principles manifest, thus it will provide the historical mirror warning for our legislation of Civil Law Code.The full text altogether divides into eight parts.The first part is the introduction. This part mainly introduce the article writing goal and the material and the research technique which the article uses.The second part is the modern China civil law development general situation.This part mainly introduces the modern China civil law legislation.The third part is legal sources and application principle of civil law. This part mainly introduces the legal sources and application principle of civil law in West’s historical evolution as well as in our country modern times development inheritance.The fourth part is the principle of good-faith. This part mainly introduces the principle of good-faith in West’s development evolution, and the principle in our country modern times historical evolution.The fifth part is the inviolability of property principle. This part first introduces inviolability of property principle in West’s establishment course, then elaborates this principle establishment in "the Qing Dynasty Civil law Draft"; Second section collects the Dali Court legal precedents which adopt the inviolability of property principle; Third section analyzes the regulation of the principle in "the civil law code of Republic of China".The sixth part is the principle of freedom of contract. This part first traces the principle of freedom of contract in West’s historical evolution process, then elaborates "the Qing Dynasty Civil law Draft" to this principle establishment; Second section collects the Dali Court legal precedents which manifest the principle of freedom of contract; Third section elaborates the limit of civil law theory and civil legislation has been given to the principle of freedom of contract under civil law socialization ideological trend influence.The seventh part is the principle of liability for fault. This part first introduces the principle of liability for fault in West’s historical development advancement, as well as elaborates this principle establishment in "the Qing Dynasty Civil law Draft"; Second section collects the Dali Court legal precedents which manifest the principle of liability for fault; Third section introduces the development of the priciple to law of torts after the legislation of Civil Law of the Republic of China.The last part is the conclusion. It mainly traces the vicissitudes of history of the five principles of civil law in modern times, inspects the culture changes they reflect in modern China, so that generalizing the useful insights for the making of Civil Law Code of our country.

  • 【分类号】D929;D923
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】862

