

Circulation of Tianli

【作者】 宋大琦

【导师】 徐世虹;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文坚持儒家的价值立场,以宋明理学的思维方式来梳理、解释以二程、朱熹为代表的理学礼法观,既是法律思想史研究,也是儒学研究。本文将礼法学的定位为中国古代的法哲学,程朱礼法学是程朱理学在礼法领域的应用,是理学体系的一个重要环节。其研究的主要内容是礼法领域的最一般问题,如理、礼、法之间的关系,礼法的一般价值,仁礼关系,规范展开的枢机等等。本文第一章采用以范畴带动体系的方法勾画出理学的基本框架,从中找出礼法学的位置,并简介了程朱礼法学的基本思路。第二章讲天理如何由宇宙的普遍规律演化为人世之礼法,作为原始秩序的礼如何过渡为人定秩序的法,纲常关系为何成为古代法的基本原则,同时说明了礼法的根本依据是“天理”,中国古代法的结构特征是礼法一体。第三章讲天理如何在人身上体现为“性”,性含仁、义、礼、智,其中义、礼、智又由仁含摄、派生,礼是仁的外化,仁是礼法的内在精神,义是仁在法中的具体体现,智是成就仁、礼的工具,礼法出自人本性中的秩序需要而非自外铄。第四章讲礼法自身的展开。人们对礼法的需要产生于理欲之争,理欲之分确定了规范的内容,理一分殊推出了一个普遍性与特殊性相结合,既有统一标准,又各有其分的礼法体系,最后,人通过格物致知、克己复礼的实践而返回天理。至此,前四章完成了理学的目的。礼法学的作用就是追寻人在天道循环中行为选择的依据,道德意志的价值。所以说,礼法实践是天理在人间循环的一个重要环节,程朱礼法学是天人合一、理气并建、内圣外王、孟荀兼收的法哲学。第五章选择了程朱礼法学对义利、王霸、德刑、变法等四个问题的看法进行探讨,并挖掘其中的现实意义,是礼法哲学的具体应用研究。具体结论为国家行为应以义为利,尊王黜霸,德主刑辅,在变法中坚持仁义的核心价值。本文正式提出礼法学是古代法哲学的命题,以二程、朱熹的理论为依托,勾画出了理学流派礼法学的基本面貌,并用程朱礼法学的一般原理研究了古今皆存的一些基本法哲学问题,此三者在法学界皆有创新意义。本文在忠于思想史原貌的前提下,从法哲学角度论述了天人合一、仁礼合一,将重在心性伦理的理学研究重新引向社会实践,对儒学的现代化、法理化亦有一定意义。

【Abstract】 This doctoral dissertation, persisting in Confucian value standpoint, hackles and makes an explanation of the Neo-Confucianism which is represented by two Chengs and Zhu Xi, with the Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism thinking mode. It is not only history of legal thought research, but also Confucianism research.This dissertation looks the etiquette study as the ancient Chinese jurisprudence. Chengs-Zhu’s theory of etiquette and law is the result of Chengs-Zhu’s Neo-Confucianism’s application in the etiquette domain, which is an important link to Neo-Confucianism system, whose main research content is the most general questions in etiquette domain, such as the relations among the principles, the rituals and the laws, the general values of etiquette, the relations between kindness and ritual in Confucianism, the core of spreading rules, and so on.The first chapter outlines the basic frame of the Neo-Confucianism, by the method of concept-to-system, to discover the position of etiquette study, and introduces the basic mentality of Chengs-Zhu’s etiquette theory.The second chapter introduces how the natural justice devolving from universal disciplinarian to human law, and explains how the ritual from primitive orders transferring to the human manners, how the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues going into the basic principles of ancient law. And at the same time, the dissertation draws an conclusion that the main base of etiquette is the natural justice, and the structure characteristics of ancient Chinese laws is the admixture of etiquette and law. The third chapter introduces how the represents of natural justice the is nature of persons. The nature contains the kindness, righteousness, the ritual, the wisdom. Thereinto, the righteousness, the ritual and the wisdom also contains the kernel, the ritual is appearance of the kindness, the kindness is the soul of the etiquette, the righteousness is the concrete marks of the kernel, the wisdom is the tool for kernel and the kindness’forming, the etiquette-system comes from the personal nature.The fourth chapter introduces the spreading of etiquette, the need of people’s etiquette and law comes from the struggle between the principle and, the division between the principle and desire determines its rules’content, the division between the principle and one justice promoted an the union of the universality and special disposition, which is the etiquette and system with unified standard and respectively position. Finally, the people will return back to the natural justice, by the practice of thorough investigation and the self-restraint and ritual.Here, the first four chapters completes the goal of the etiquette study. The etiquette study’s function is to track down human being’s footmark in the natural circulation. Therefore, the etiquette practice is the important link to natural justice in a universal circulation, Chengs-Zhu’s etiquette theory is the beauty union between heaven and human, pattern and metal, saint and monarch, Mencius and Xuncius.The fifth chapter chooses four questions among Chengs-Zhu’s etiquette theory to discuss, which are righteousness and advantage, kingcraft and arbitrariness, education and punishment, the political reform. And excavates their practical significances which is the concrete applying research to etiquette philosophy. The concrete conclusion is that the national behaviors should take righteousness as the advantage, revere kingcraft than arbitrariness, revere education than punishment, and persist the justice and humanity in the political reform the core value.This article officially proposes that the etiquette theory was the ancient legal philosophy for the first time, taking Chengs-Zhu’s theory as its base, and outlines the basic frame of Neo-Confucianism etiquette theory. And studys some fundamental questions of legal philosophy which exists in the ancient and modern time by Chengs-Zhu’s methods. Thess three all have the innovative significance in the legal science. This dissertation, with the precondition of keeping the original visage of the history of legal thought, studies the union between heaven and human, between kindness and etiquette, and leads the etiquette study stressing ethics research to the social practice, which also has certain significance to modernization and legalization of the Confucianism.

  • 【分类号】D909.2
  • 【下载频次】290

