

New Theory of Humanistic Legal Thoughts of Xunzi

【作者】 姜登峰

【导师】 郭成伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 建设社会主义和谐社会,必须全面落实依法治国的基本方略。而依法治国最重要的核心就是要建立和完善以人为本的法律制度和法律运行机制,这是法律能否真正为建设和谐社会服务的关键因素之一。如何建立和完善以人为本的法律体制和法律运行机制是我国法治建设必须面对的重大社会课题。本文以荀子的性恶论为核心论述了荀子的人性法律思想,揭示了我国古代人性法律思想的丰富内涵,这对于我国新时期的法治建设有着重要的借鉴价值。本论文包括导论、正文十章和结论三个部分:导论部分主要介绍本文的写作原因和写作目的以及人性法律思想的含义。通过对本问题研究现状的分析结合本论文的研究方法,论述了本论文研究的理论价值和实践意义。第一章主要通过对先秦社会基本情况的分析,介绍了我国先秦时期人性法律思想产生和发展的三个历史阶段和儒、墨、道、法四家主要学派的人性法律思想。第二章通过对荀子人性法律思想产生的历史背景的介绍,分析了荀子人性法律思想对以往各家学派人性法律思想的吸收和继承,论述了荀子人性法律思想立足于战国诸侯纷争的社会现实,总括百家思想的鲜明时代特征。第三章主要论述了荀子人性法律思想的哲学基础。荀子在“天人相分”的基础上,提出了“制天命而用之”的光辉思想,把人定义为天下最为贵者,在这一主体性思想中,论述了人是礼法的主体。第四章主要介绍了荀子人性法律思想的基本内容,突出论述了荀子的法治思想和礼治思想的主要内容和基本特征。第五章通过阐述礼法共同的人性基础,论述了礼法相互关系的三种主要形式。第六章以静态的人性论为核心,论述了人性和法律的一般关系,并进而指出以人性论述法律是东西方思想家共同的认识规律,特别着重论述了荀子性恶论的实质以及性恶论思想在理论和实践中的价值。第七章以动态的人性论为核心,分析了人性矛盾关系,运用马克思主义的人性论思想分析论述了人性的相互冲突是法律产生的基本前提,以及法律对人性调整的必要性和可能性。第八章重点分析和论述了在立法和司法活动中,坚持以人性为核心的立法理念和司法的人性化的重要性及必要性,这不但关系到法律能否发挥调整社会关系的真正作用,而且也关系到社会正义能否真正的实现。第九章论述了人性和人权的相互关系,着重指出人权并不是对人性的全面肯定,而是肯定与否定的对立统一。德治和法治思想正是直指人性的两面。在现代社会的法制建设中必须以人权保障为核心,但对人性也必须抱有必要的警省。第十章荀子是我国古代伟大的思想家,但身后人们对其褒贬不一,并对其多有误解,真正认识荀子本人必须排除对其认识的片面性。只有站在历史角度和运用历史唯物主义的思想方法,才能正确认识这位伟大思想家的历史功绩,他隆礼重法的思想开创了中国古代两千多年的封建国家的治理模式,奠定了中国封建法制的理论基础。结论部分主要是对全文的论点和荀子人性法律思想的借鉴价值进行了归纳,指出了荀子人性法律思想对我国当前以人为本的执政理念与和谐社会的建设具有重要的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 By building a harmonious socialist society, the fundamental principle of the judicial administration must be implemented in all aspects. The key of the judicial administration is to establish and improve the people-oriented legal system and its operation mechanism, which is one of the key factors determining whether the law will actually serve the harmonious society. The biggest social program we are facing is how to build up and improve the people-oriented legal system and its operation mechanism. Based on the theory of vicious the human nature as the core, this dissertation demonstrates the theory of humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi and shows the plenty of humanistic legal thoughts in Chinese legal history which may provide valuable reference and enlightenment for establishing the socialist people-oriented legal system and its operation mechanism.This dissertation includes three parts that is, introduction, text in ten chapters and conclusion.Introduction is to introduce the reason and aim of this dissertation and the meaning of the humanistic legal thoughts. By analysis of the current study situation of this program and in associate with the means of study of this dissertation, it demonstrates the theory value and meaning of practice of this dissertation.Through the analysis of the basic social situation of the pre-Qin dynasty, the first chapter introduces the three periods of the emergence and development of the humanistic legal thoughts in pre-Qin dynasty, and the humanistic legal thoughts of the four main streams, which are Confucianism, Mouism, Daoism, and Jurisprudence.Through the introduction of the historical background of the emergence of the humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi, the second chapter analyzes the adoption and inheritance of sorts of different previous school of humanistic legal thoughts by the humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi and demonstrates the social reality for the humanistic legal thoughts to be important among the schools of legal thoughts in the Spring & Autumn and Warring States Period, which includes the fundamental features of hundreds of schools of thoughts.The third chapter demonstrates the philosophical basic of the humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi. Based of the theory of“separation of nature and human”, Xunzi provided the bright thoughts of“producing the nature and using it”. He defined the human as the most important one among the nature and based on this thought of subjective, he demonstrated that the human is the subject of the ritual law.The fourth chapter mainly introduces the basic contend of the humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi, It prominently demonstrates the main contend and fundamental features of the judicial administration and ritual administration of Xunzi.Through the analysis of the mutual humanistic basic of ritual and law, the fifth chapter demonstrates three main forms of the relationship between ritual and law.Based on the core of static humanistic theory, the sixth chapter demonstrates the general relationship between humanism and law and points out that it is the mutual cognitive rule to demonstrate the law by means of humanism. Especially, it demonstrates the nature of the theory of vicious the human nature of Xunzi and the theoretical and practical value of the thought of vicious the human nature.Based on the dynamic humanism as the core, the seventh chapter analyzes the contradict relationship of the humanism. Applied with the Marxist humanistic thought, it analyzes that the contradict relationship of the humanism is the fundamental premise of the emergence of the law and analyzes the necessity and possibility of regulation the humanism by law.The eighth chapter mainly demonstrates and analyzes that, during the legislation and judicatory activities, the significance and necessity of insisting on the legislation based on humanism and judicatory humanism. This is not only influential on whether the law will play the role of regulating the social relationships and also on whether the socialism will come in true.The ninth chapter demonstrates the relationship between the humanism and human right. It points out that the human right is not to affirm the humanism in all respects, but it is the contradictory unite on affirmation and negation. The virtual administration and judicial administration are just the two sides of the humanism. It is a must that the protection of humanism is the core in the build up of the legal system in the modern society, but we shall exam and are careful about the humanism.The tenth chapter introduces that Xunzi is a great ideologist thinker, but he received different comments after he died and most people misread him. In order to understand Xunzi truly, it is a must to eliminate the unilateral understanding of Xunzi. Only from the historical point of view and applied the historical materialism, we can understand the achievement in the history of this great thinker. The thought of respecting the ritual and law has started the feudalism manner of administration in 2000-year history of China and established the theory base of feudalism legal system of China.The conclusion part mainly concludes the main argumentation of this dissertation and the value of introducing the humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi. It points out that the humanistic legal thoughts of Xunzi is very valuable for the current people-oriented administrative idea and the build up of harmonious society.

  • 【分类号】D909.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】910

