

Research on the Right to Adequate Housing

【作者】 王宏哲

【导师】 徐显明;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法学理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对住房权基础理论的研究,以便使人们认识到:不应把住房仅仅看作是一个住处,或一种财产,而应该把它看作是和社会正义、人格尊严和人生幸福紧密相连的一个人权问题,以体会其对个人和社会发展的深刻意义。论文总共七个部分:引论部分主要介绍适足住房权研究的缘起、现状、意义及本文写作特点。第一章是适足住房权的概念。对表述住房权的不同概念进行了分析,指出“housing”和“adequate”、“适当的”和“足够的”等词语对理解住房权内涵的重要意义;以联合国经济、社会和文化权利委员会《第四号一般性意见》中关于住房权概念的解释为基础,指出了国际上通用的住房权概念的规范内容;鉴于国内学界将居住权和住房权混淆一体的现状,对二者的关系从宪法和民法层面进行了区分。第二章是适足住房权产生的历程。梳理了住房问题从“住(living)”的问题到“住宅(house)”问题,再到“公共住房(public housing)”问题的发展过程。以此为基础,论述了公共住房的兴起,特别是分析了现代公共住房发展的人权意义。第三章是适足住房权在国际上的发展。研究了国际社会,通过将适足住房权搁置在适足生活水准权中的方式确立住房权的过程。以时间为线索,较为详细地罗列了联合国系统对住房权发展所做的主要工作。这些工作是住房权在现代社会被广泛承认为一种人权的事实基础。第四章是适足住房权的国家义务。以《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第2条第1款的内容为基础,分析了国家住房权义务的性质及四个原则;研究了国家对住房权尊重、保护、促进和实施的一般义务以及国家住房权的最低核心义务。第五章是适足住房权的救济。以联合国经济、社会和文化权利委员会的报告制度为例,分析了国际层面对住房权的救济方式;以欧洲人权法院审理塞浦路斯诉土耳其等几个人权案例为基础,研究了住房权在地区层面的人权救济;以南非宪法法院审理的Grootboom案为基础,分析了通过司法审判以救济住房权的可能性和可行性。第六章是住房权视野下中国住房政策的调整。以中国住房政策的演变为史料,反思了其中存在的人权问题。指出中国住房政策存在缺少公共住房意识、把住房问题产业化、过于依赖于市场等住房人权缺陷。

【Abstract】 Through the research of the fundamental theory of housing rights ,the dissertation wants to express the following nation: housing should not be taken only as a residency ,or as a property, but on the country ,we must know the meaning of housing to individual and the society from the aspects of justice ,dignity and happiness .This dissertation including seven parts:The foreword mainly introduce the background、meaning、research methods .and the characteristic of writing .The first chapter is the conception of housing rights. This part detailed analysis the different using condition of this conception .furthermore, express the accurate meaning of the word of“adequate”,it make readers can easily to grasp the connotation of the conception of housing rights.The second chapter is how to housing rights come into being. Housing problem from the“living”problem ,to“house”problem, then to“public housing”problem .in the end ,due to the need of public housing ,the human rights of housing was established in the modern world.The third chapter is the international development of housing rights. from the course of housing rights was put in the rights of adequate living standard ,we can know how the human rights was accept .at the same time ,list on the development of housing rights of UN system.The fourth chapter is the country’s obligation to housing rights. Especially take the article of 2(1)of《International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights》as the basis ,then analysis the nature of country’s obligation and four principles .Express the common and the mini-core obligation.The fifth chapter is the remedy to housing rights. From the opening out of the“report”system of the committee of Economic, Social and Cultural introduce the international remedy of housing rights; from the case of Cyprus v Turkey, introduce the remedy in the level of region ;from the case of Grootboom, introduce the remedy from the national level.The sixth chapter is the adjustment of Chinese housing policy from the aspect of housing rights. from the development history of Chinese housing policy ,rethink the problem of human rights of those policy. In the end, the author pointed out there are three question in Chinese housing policy: lack of the notion of public housing; take housing problem only as a problem of economic ; magnify the function of market in the course of settle the housing problem.

  • 【分类号】D911
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】917

