

Law-Drafting Institution under the Xinzheng Reformation at the End of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 陈煜

【导师】 张晋藩;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 修订法律馆是清末修律时不可绕过的一个机构,其所经历的一段时光也是吾国法律发达史上至为重要的转折阶段。本文运用组织行为学、比较法、法律近代化理论等相关学科与方法,对修订法律馆的所处的清末新政的背景,修订法律馆的组织机构、运作方式、人员配备、权力斗争、成就得失作一项系统的考察。希望能以此加深对我国法律近代化的认识。本文包括引言、正文六章、结论三个部分。引言主要交代本文写作的目的、本论题的研究现状、考察对象和研究方法以及研究的意义。正文第一章重点阐释修订法律馆所处的时代背景,即清末新政,旨在说明修订法律是新政的一环,修订法律馆种种变化,都是与新政发展息息相关的。正文第二章叙述修订法律馆的历史沿革过程,早先为律例馆等一类编书机构,新政中该馆实现转型,成为新的修订法律机构,经过官制改革和宪政运动,修订法律馆成为独立的现代科层制机构。正文第三章叙述了修订法律馆的机构设置和运作方式,交代修订法律馆的组织设计、运作资金、人员配备、修律宗旨和具体修律方式,以求在微观层次上对修订法律馆有一个细致的了解。正文第四章叙述了修订法律馆的组织群体,侧重于分析他们在组织中的角色和对组织的作用。按不同标准可以划分为先驱者和骨干力量、保守势力和激进势力。他们的合力指引着法律馆前进的方向。正文第五章叙述修订法律馆与其他部门的冲突与妥协,其中又渗透着部门权力斗争、理想与现实之争、文化更新与保守之争。一切意味着修订法律馆在矛盾中前进。正文第六章叙述修订法律馆取得的成就,并分析了其中的得失。它更多是在形式上初步完成了法律近代化,但也留下了许多遗憾。结论部分则突出显示:新政力度有多大,修订法律馆就能走多远,种种一切,都是时代之手在操纵。

【Abstract】 Law-drafting institution is a system which cannot be bypassed if we want to carry out an academic research on the last years of Qing Dynasty, which was the most important historical turning point in legal development history.Organization behavior study, legal development and theory and comparing method will be utilized in this dissertation in order to the carry out a systematic inspection of law-drafting institution from the perspectives of background, structure, staff, short–coming and achievements and so on .This dissertation includes introduction, main text and conclusion parts.The introduction gives a brief introduction of the dissertation’s goal and significance, current research situation and the research technique as well.The 1 st chapter gives an in-depth explanation of the law-drafting institution system’s background, kinsmen reformation at the end of Qing Dynasty, which were a built-in segment and a delicate indicator of XinZheng reformation as well.The 2nd chapter of this dissertation traces the historical development of the law-drafting institution. It was transformed from a book-compiling organization to a formal legal drafting organization. Under the bureaucracy reformation and the constitution movement, it becomes a modern and independent bureaucracy.The 3 rd chapter probes into law-drafting institution’s establishment and the operation from a micro angle, namely fund and staff management, structure designing, law-revising goals and different law-revising ways and so on, in order to get a full and real understanding.The 4th chapter is specifically on the structure of law-drafting institution, especially its role and function. According to the specific criteria, it can be divided as pioneer and backbone, preservative and progressed, which leads the direction of the law-drafting institution.The 5 th chapter is on conflicts and the compromise between law-drafting institution and other departments’. This everlasting struggle is manifested by the conflicts between ideal and practice, preservative and progresses. This entire means that this system forwards in the contradiction.The 6th chapter is mainly about the achievements of law-drafting institution, and then has analyzed its successes and failures. From analyzing, it is concluded that law-drafting institution system has been modernized firmly and that it has many built-in problems and regrets definitely.The conclusion part then prominently demonstrated that the law-drafting institution is based on the measures of kinsmen reformation.

  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】584

