

A Study on Option Contract

【作者】 袁国际

【导师】 许浩明;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以期权合同为研究对象,而期权合同的相关法律问题是国际金融法中的一个全新的研究领域。虽然我国至今尚未正式引进期权交易,但其已经被提上日程。本文的研究目的就是纠正当前存在的对期权合同的错误认识,对期权合同主要法律问题进行准确阐释,为我国正式开展期权交易提供法理支持。除导言外,正文就结构而言分为五个章节。第一章主要分析和介绍了期权合同的概念、分类及其条款内容。期权合同顾名思义就是“有关期权的合同”,因此本文先从分析“期权”与“合同”的概念来着手分析期权合同的概念。通过纠正目前对期权概念的错误认识,本文从法律的角度明确了期权的概念,然后结合“合同”的定义进一步对“期权合同”概念做出了清晰界定。在该章中,本文还介绍了期权合同的分类及其条款内容,为下文开展研究奠定基础。第二章重点对期权合同的法律性质进行了比较研究。期权合同的法律性质关系到期权合同在整个法律体系中的位置,所以,其不仅仅是一个学术上的理论问题,也是一个迫切的实践问题。本文主要通过将期权合同与相关概念进行比较分析来凸现期权合同的法律性质。本文首先对期权合同与买卖合同、单务合同、附条件合同、预约及证券等概念进行了比较分析,然后又对期权合同与赌博合同、保险合同、格式合同及期货合同等相关概念进行了比较分析,最后基于上述的研究基础对期权合同法律性质做出了明确界定。第三章着重研究期权合同关系主体和客体。虽然场外期权合同主体比较容易确定,但场内期权合同的确定却相对比较复杂。场内期权合同自成立到清算涉及众多民事主体,如期权投资者、期权交易所成员、期权清算所成员及期权清算所等,本文就何者能够在法律上以自己名义直接承受期权合同权利义务进行了研究分析。本文随后对期权合同关系客体进行研究,明确了期权合同关系客体是商品、权利,还是法律关系,抑或给付行为。第四章侧重于期权合同关系的层次与内容方面的研究。在分析期权合同关系内容之前,本文先对期权合同所包含的法律关系层次进行了分析。与期权合同相关联的法律关系有期权权利金的金钱债权债务关系、赋予期权的债权债务关系、期权法律关系、标的资产价金的债权债务关系和转移标的资产所有权的债权债务关系,本文研究分析了何种上述何种法律关系应属于期权合同所产生的法律关系。本文接着阐述了期权合同关系内容中所包含的具体权利义务。第五章关注期权合同成立、变更、消灭及法律适用等具体法律问题。首先,本文研究了期权合同的成立,就场外期权合同和场内期权合同的成立方式分别进行了论述。其次,本文对期权合同的变更和消灭进行了详尽论述,全面阐述了期权合同变更和消灭的各种方式。最后,本文依据合同法律适用的“分割论”,分别论述了期权合同主体、形式、成立和效力的法律适用。

【Abstract】 Option contract is the researching object of this dissertation, and the legal problems relating to the option contract is a fully new researching field in international financial law. Although option contract isn’t formally traded in China Mainland until now, it has already been put on the agenda. The purpose of this dissertation is to correct the misunderstanding on the option contract, to interpret veraciously the major legal problems of the option contract, and to contribute the legal theories to the option trading in China. As far as the structure is concerned, this dissertation is divided into five chapters, excluding the introduction part.Chapter 1 analyzes and introduces the concept, the classification and the articles of the option contract. Just as its name implies, option contract means "the contract concerning option", so this chapter starts to construe the concept of "option" and "contract" before that of option contract. By correcting the misunderstanding on the concept of option, this chapter makes a legal analysis on the concept of option, and then further clearly defines the concept of option contract combining with the definition of "contract". This chapter also introduces the classification and articles of option contract, laying the foundation for the further research.Chapter 2 concentrates on the legal property of option contract. The legal property of option contract determines the status of option contract in the whole legal system, thus it is not only a theoretic problem, but also a practical problem called for urgent attention. This chapter gives prominence to the legal property of option contract by contrasting option contract with the other related concepts. Firstly this chapter makes a comparative analysis on the option contract and contact for sale, unilateral contract, conditional contract, pre-contract, securities and so on, then compares the option contract with gambling contract, insurance contract, standard contract, future contract and so forth, finally defines the legal property of option contract based on the conclusion mentioned above.Chapter 3 is devoted to the subject and object of option contract. Though the subject of Over-The-Counter option contract is easily ascertained, the subject of Exchange-traded option contract is rather complicated to determine. There are many civil subjects involving in option contract from concluding to clearing, such as option investor, Option Exchange Member, Option Clearing House Member, Option Clearing House and so on. This chapter examines the subject who can directly enjoy the rights and assume the obligations in option contract in his own name. This chapter then discusses the object of option contract, and clarifies whether commodity, rights, legal relation, or action serves as the object of option contract.Chapter 4 focuses on the level and content of option contract. Before analyzing the content of option contract, this chapter investigates the level of option contract. There are many legal relationships associated with option contract, such as the relationship of claim and debt concerning premium, the relationship of claim and debt concerning enabling option, the legal relationship of option, the relationship of claim and debt concerning the price of underlying assets, the relationship of claim and debt concerning the ownership of underlying assets, this chapter demonstrates which legal relationship should be included in the option contractual relationship. This chapter subsequently discusses the specific rights and obligations comprised in the content of the option contractual relationship.Chapter 5 deals with the creation, modification, extinguishment and governing law of option contract. Firstly, this chapter discusses respectively on the manners of creation of Over-The-Counter option contract and Exchange-traded option contract. Secondly, this chapter discusses at great length the different manners of the modification and termination of option contract. Thirdly, according to the theory of contractual depecage, this chapter reviews the governing law of the capacity, form, creation and validity of option contract respectively.

  • 【分类号】D996.2;D913
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1140

