

Constructing Administrative Law of Policing

【作者】 祝悦

【导师】 朱维究;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 警察行政法制的完善不仅对于保障民众权利有着关键的作用,而且,对于警察行政效率的提高,警察任务的顺利完成以及依法行政理念的贯彻都有着积极的作用。除此之外,警察行政法制完善与否更是一国警察法体系以及相关理论完善与否的“试金石”。以1995年颁行的《中华人民共和国警察法》为标志,我国初步建立起了与社会主义初级阶段相适应的警察法体系。随着社会形势的不断变迁,进一步完善现行警察法体系成为一种必然趋势。本文通过对警察法治发达国家相关经验的梳理、比较,试图为我国警察行政法制构建与完善提供一定的理论支撑。具体而言,本文通过对警察任务法、警察组织法、警察作用法、警察责任法进行学理上的研究、分析,为我国下一步警察法的修改,或者相关领域法制的健全提供较为全面的学理参考。本文主要有以下部分组成:第一章主要就问题意识的形成,研究的意义、研究的方法、研究的范围以及相关术语进行了基本的介绍。论文第二章主要探讨警察任务法制的构建。警察任务的正确界定是警察“依法行政”与“人权保障”的首要内容。当前,警察任务膨胀,“非警务事项”泛滥。而之所以造成现有的这种状况,除了没有正确梳理政治/行政之间的关系之外,更在于我国警察任务法制没有健全、完善。本章在对各国警察任务法制的内容、体系以及相关理论学说进行分析比较的基础上,提出了我国警察任务法制建设的基本内容,为从规范层面有效界定我国警察任务奠定了学理基础。具体而言,首先,本章探讨警察任务的内涵、分类;警察任务在国家任务中的定位;警察任务与整个国家理念的内在关系。其次,通过对世界各国警察任务进行比较,得出警察任务范围缩限是法治发达国家的普遍趋势。再次,分析了我国现行《警察法》有关警察任务法的规定,分析了我国警察任务膨胀的主要原因。论文指出,警察任务“概括条款”的存在,使得警察往往能够以此为借口,任意干涉民众权利。因此,在建构我国警察任务法制的过程中,除了对现行的《警察法》、《公安机关组织管理条例》以及一些具体的管理法进行分析、研究之外,如何完善警察任务法制的理论,如何应积极吸收国外相关领域的经验,如何定位警察任务概括条款等就成为整个警察行政法学的关键。在此基础上,论文针对我国警察任务法的健全,提出了初步的建议和意见。第三章、第四章主要研究警察组织法制。传统的以法院为中心的控权论对于警察组织很少予以关注。实际上,较之警察行政行为,警察行政组织对于依法行政理念的贯彻,对于警察任务的完成、对于民众权利的保障有着更为积极的意义。警察组织法制就是为确保警察任务的有效达成,从依法行政的角度,按照法治和行政的相关标准,对警察组织加以设计、指导,从而使得警察组织有一套完善的决策、运行体系的过程。这样,建立在警察组织法治基础上的警察组织不仅可以提供一套合法、合理、高效的管理形式,而且,有效的协调了警察机关与外界,警察机关内部相互之间的关系,最终为达到警务协调运行提供了组织框架。我国现行的警察组织法制还是相当的不完善,其不仅没有被纳入到警察行政法的研究范围,而且,整个理论都相当的“程式化”。在这两章中,论文首先分析了我国警察管理体制的历史沿革;接着,研究了行政主体理论与警察组织法治化之间的关系,并指出,现行警察组织的种种弊端在很大程度上是源于警察组织法治化程度低下。因此,加强组织法治化是警察依法行政的必然内涵;接着,对中央/地方关系、警务保障以及警察人事管理体制等具体方面进行了分析,并初步提出了改进方案。在此基础上,论文指出,警察组织法制化是落实依法行政的必然取向。第五章侧重研究警察作用法制的构建。论文首先分析了警察权限法的理论基础——“法律保留原则”和“授权明确性原则”,指出了“任务法”与“作用法”区分的实益。接着,论文从警察权限的角度分析了我国《警察法》存在的问题,提出我国警察职权应该得到进一步的规范和控制。在此基础上,论文分别从立法体系、立法内容等角度分析了我国建立警察职权行使法的可能性,并指出,警察职权行使法是平衡秩序维护和人权保障的重要制度,也是警察依法行政法治的标志。第六章主要分析、研究警察责任法的完善。论文首先分析了我国警察责任与监督制度的现状,在此基础上,指出我国警察责任法基本结构初具成形,但是,在整个监督体系并未能形成合力对警察进行有效控制,相反,还存在着诸如权责不明、效率低下等问题。更为重要的是,在当前的监督制度中,民众的影响力相当有限,因此,其无法得到民众的有力支持。在这种情况下,本文通过对美国的公民监督制度的介绍,指出,在警察责任制度中引入民众监督对于消除官官相护,提升民众的信任度有着相当的益处。

【Abstract】 The police administrative law,which constitutes a basic framework of the policing theory and practice under the circumstance of the rule of law, not only safeguards the basic human rights but also improves the administrative efficiency.With the overall and unceasing changes of the society, our current Police Law, which is the symbol and basic foundation of our police law system, is feeling great pressures from this changs. Policing reformation especially reformation of police administrative law is one kind of inevitable trends. On the basis of in-depth comparison and contrast of related theory of developed states, this dissertation attempts to provide the theoretical support for the future amendment and correction of our police law. In other words, this dissertation tries to analyze the police mission law, the police organization law, the police competence law and the police accountability law, which are the main sections constituting the whole police law system. From the perspective of structure, this doctoral thesis is composed of three parts, namely introduction, body and conclusion. The first chapter is mainly on the issues such as researching causes, researching significance, researching method, the research ingscope as well as the explanation of basic terminology.The second chapter mainly focuses on the police mission law, which is the most import part in whole police law system. Nowadays, extra-legal mission is the real cause of the explosion of police mission, which will definitely damage its’capacity to carry out legal-stipulated mission. The contents, characteristics, the relationship between police role and state ideal as well, are firstly discussed. Then, on the basis of research in detail, the thesis concluded that mission-narrowing is a world wide tendency. Next, the thesis analyses the causes of mission-widening and proposes that the general clause is the most important one.The third chapter and the fourth chapter mainly study the police organization law. In these two chapters, the thesis firstly analyzed historical evolution of our police management system. After that, it studied the relationship between the theory of administrative body and the rule of organizing by law, pointing out that the present malpractices stem from the organizing by man. Therefore, the thesis makes a proposition that organization by law is the connotation of the principle of rule of law. After that, the relationship between central and local, personnel management system and were researched. The fifth chapter studies the law of police competence. In this chapter, it is pointed out that police mission law should be separated from the police competence law because of non-delegation doctrine and clear-delegation doctrine. After that, the paper has analyzed our present "Police Law", proposing that it is mixed that mission law with competence law, which is totally illegal according to the principle of rule of law.The Sixth chapter mainly deals with the legal system of police accountability. The dissertation has first analyzed our current institution of police responsibility and accountability, pointing out that current legal system of the police accountability has formed a basic framework. Then, the thesis analyzed the real causes of the low efficiency of this institution. More importantly, the current surveillance system is unable to have populace’s advantageous support. In this kind of situation, this article try to draw lessons from advanced state, pointing out that citizen review is a good measure to assure police accountability.

  • 【分类号】D922.14
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】992

