

Perspectives on the Residual Rights of the Exclusive Economic Zone

【作者】 陈威

【导师】 周忠海;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 以《联合国海洋法公约》为代表的当代国际海洋法最大的成就之一,就是创造了专属经济区(Exclusive Economic Zone,以下简称“EEZ”)制度,从而使靠近沿海国海岸的广阔海域成为沿海国开发和利用海洋环境和资源的“自留地”,实现了海洋国家和沿海国家海洋资源的合理分配。然而,《公约》生效以来,EEZ制度成了海洋法上遇到的最困难、最复杂、范围最广泛、发生国际争端最频繁的问题。原因在于这个广阔、富有的海域涉及到众多国家的主权权利、安全和资源开发利用等核心利益,同时,又有大量的剩余权利需要继续探讨。剩余权利就是法律未加明文规定或禁止的权利。由于国际海洋法是动态的,是谈判折衷、相互妥协和协商一致的产物,《联合国海洋法公约》在扩大沿海国的管辖权和缩小公海自由的调整和确立两种不同管辖海域制度的过程中留下了余地和空间,也就是所谓的海洋法中的剩余权利问题成为各国发生矛盾和冲突的焦点所在。EEZ制度的确立,赋予沿海国在这一区域内对其自然资源享有主权权利和其他管辖权,而第三国和其他国家在有关规定的限制下,享有航行自由、飞越自由和铺设海底电缆的自由。这一特定的区域是沿海国和其他国家利益分配、交叉和剩余权利的集中地区。海洋法是一个在法律应变过程获得暂得其平的法律秩序。它的使命一方面是在满足各国的共同要求,另一方面也是在满足各国的特殊要求。因此,在这个新生的地区,沿海国的主权权利和专属管辖权与公海自由及其他国家的权利划分自始就不十分确定。二十一世纪以来,沿海国和其他国家在一些权利与义务方面引发了一系列的矛盾和分歧,促使EEZ这一新的区域内大量的剩余权利被提上讨论日程。从EEZ产生的历史来看,剩余权利是伴随着EEZ的产生而产生的。拉美和非洲国家主张建立EEZ的原始意义在于解决生物资源的捕捞和分配问题,而EEZ制度的建立的同时就把生物资源的捕捞和分配的剩余权利列入了《公约》当中,沿海国的捕鱼权通过EEZ的建立而得到了进一步的巩固,但是,这并不能排除其他国家,特别是内陆国和地理不利国在这一区域内捕捞剩余可捕量的权利。EEZ制度保留了传统的用海权利——航行权,其他国家在这一区域内有着符合国际法用途的航行自由,但是,对于什么是国际合法行为,各国都有着维护本国利益的不同解释。第三次海洋法会议采取的是协商而非表决的办法,历经十年才达到了某种程度的内部平衡。在各方不断争论和妥协的过程中,大量的权利不可能清晰的界定,许多问题也不可能涉及。随着人类用海活动的发展,这一区域的因此而产生的剩余权利越来越明显地凸现出来,可以说,剩余权利是伴随EEZ制度和海洋法的发展而发展着的。这些剩余权利将如何进一步地明确和分配,将是国际海洋法面临着的重大问题。EEZ制度可以总结为三部分有机构成:一是EEZ海洋权益分配制度;二是沿海国与其他国家的权利行使规则;三是EEZ剩余权利的分配原则。根据“权益分配制度”,沿海国与其他国家在EEZ内的权利并存。沿海国享有以勘探、开发、养护和管理区域内自然资源为目的的主权权利,享有对“人工岛屿、设施和结构的建造和使用”、“海洋科学研究”、“海洋环境保护和保全”等事项的专属管辖权;其他国家在公约有关规定限制下,享有航行和飞越自由,铺设海底电缆和管道的自由,以及与这些自由有关的海洋其他国际合法用途。根据“权利行使规则”,沿海国和其他国家在EEZ行使权利和义务时,应适当顾及对方的权利和义务。沿海国应以符合公约规定的方式行事,非沿海国应遵守沿海国按照公约的规定和其他国际法规则制定的与EEZ制度不相抵触的法律和规章。根据“剩余权利规则”,在公约未将EEZ的权利或管辖权归属于沿海国或其他国家,而沿海国和其他国家的利益发生冲突的情况下,有关冲突应在公平基础上加以解决。在解决冲突时,应参照一切有关情况,并考虑所涉利益分别对有关各方和整个国际社会的重要性。EEZ不是公海,而是属于《海洋法公约》中规定的自成一类的特定法律地位的国家管辖海域。EEZ制度自生效以来已经成为习惯国际法,为世界各国所遵守。在这个区域内,沿海国与其他国家的权利并存,各方在行使权利时要适当顾及对方的权利,未加明文规定和蕴藏的其他权益将再行分配。由于EEZ制度是相互妥协和“一揽子交易”的结果,其本身先天不足。《联合国海洋法公约》对海洋的军事用途没有作任何规定,另外,二十多年来国际政治、经济和军事情势发生的巨大变化,使得这项制度在具体实施过程中出现了诸多国际纠纷。而引发这些纠纷的则主要是军用舰机通过专属经济内的海空军事活动。近年来,在EEZ海域发生的许多海空危机情况都与这项制度有关。EEZ应只用于和平目的,但这并不排除沿海国依第78条对违反适用于EEZ法律和规定的行为采取相应措施的权利。在现代科技时代,海军原本夺取制海权的主要任务必须适应新时代而有所转变,应该说海军在平时主要是执行警察任务,为政府提供服务和其他用途。正因为EEZ制度存在着“航行和飞越自由”的质量缺陷、“海洋科学研究的专属管辖权”缺陷、用于“和平目的”与“和平用途”的缺陷、相互“适当顾及”机制的缺陷和“剩余权利”规则缺陷,造成了有关国家在平时海上军事行动中存在弹性解释和灵活利用的法律空档。所以EEZ军事利用的法律问题,从海洋国家的角度看,就是和平时期外国在沿海国EEZ及其上空是否有权进行海空军事活动;从沿海国家的角度看,就是沿海国是否有权对这些军事活动进行限制甚至禁止的问题。和平时期EEZ及其上空的军事活动,大致可以分为:仅为通过EEZ而进行的航行和飞越、海空军事侦察、军事测量和军事演习。几乎所有国家对仅为通过EEZ而进行的航行和飞越这一问题上的赞同立场都比较一致,而对于海空军事侦察、军事测量和军事演习等军事用途,沿海国与海洋大国存在着巨大分歧。表现在第三次联合国海洋法会议上的斗争上,争论的焦点就是“航行和飞越自由”与“沿海国的管辖权”的关系问题。《海洋公约》的EEZ制度是习惯国际法,它的相关规定对非缔约国同样具有法律效力。EEZ属于特殊法律地位的含义首先在于它是不属于公海地位的,沿海国与其他国家在EEZ享有的权利和应履行的义务是不同的,所以EEZ不存在传统的公海自由,在军事利用方面也不再保留传统的公海自由。这种解释应该是更符合公约本身固有的精神以及其他国际法原则的。沿海国和其他国家在该区域特别是在其水体和海床的军事利用上,权利和限制是不一样的。由于“只用于和平目的”是对所有军事利用活动共同的要求与限制,沿海国在其EEZ有超过其他国家更多的军事利用权利,而其他国家在沿海国EEZ军事利用应受到多方面的限制。所以EEZ军事利用活动应遵循“和平目的”的利用原则、“不使用武力”原则、沿海国权利优先原则和行使自卫权和紧追权不超过必要限度原则。EEZ内“军事性探测”式航行明显地侵害了沿海国的主权权利和安全利益等权益,同时这种行为也侵害了沿海国在该水域中享有的“海洋科研专属管辖权”。因此,军事侦察目的的航行行为是不符合国际法中关于EEZ内航行自由权要求的。EEZ内的军事侦察活动在国际法上因不符合“和平目的”和沿海国同意的要求,所以并不能认为这是符合《联合国海洋法公约》要求的海洋科研活动。联合国海洋法规定,紧迫权在被追逐的船舶进入其本国领海或第三国领海时立即自动终止。一国对追逐船只的攻击是在沿海国EEZ内进行的,事先没有进行通报,这种动武行为是否符合国际法,是否尊重沿海国在该海域的主权权利与尊严,是否符合沿海国有关法律规定,很值得研究。但是,在任何情况下都应尽可能地避免使用武力,尽一切努力确保人的生命安全。另外,根据国际法,一国在沿海国的EEZ内搜寻和打捞沉船应事先获得沿海国政府的同意。在引发种种军事利用分歧的背后,我们可以看到,是否承认沿海国在EEZ存在的安全利益,是导致对“航行和飞越自由”不同解释的原因所在。同时,近年来诸多的冲突已经说明,沿海国和海洋国家在海上安全利益方面的“脆弱平衡”已经被打破了。为了维护海洋的和平、安宁和良好秩序,亟需建立新的“平衡”。我们可以从法理上推断出,EEZ的安全利益渊源于国家与生俱来的自卫权以及由此衍生的其他权利,是国家“自然延伸”了的安全利益。它们的目标是防御并抵御任何可能的对其国家主权、领土完整、内部事务、人民生命和财产以及国家社会秩序的侵犯、干涉、破坏和损害。因此这种安全利益表现为沿海国的海上军事力量、海上执法力量和海洋管理力量在其EEZ的活动,同时兼备海防、海洋执法和海洋管理功能。而其他国家在别国EEZ的安全利益则是通过自由。只要这种自由是在尊重沿海国国家安全利益、主权权利和专属管辖权的前提下行使的,就应该是安全的和有保障的通过自由。所谓有保障,是指不应受到不当阻碍或中断;所谓安全,是指不受非法行为的干扰并在自然灾难条件下得到及时救助。沿海国与其他国家的海上军事力量如何在EEZ“共处”是该海域是否能有和平、安宁和良好秩序的深层次矛盾所在,我们只有明确承认沿海国在其EEZ内存在不容侵害的国家安全利益,而且明确此种安全利益优先于其他国家在该海域的航行安全利益,其他国家“航行和飞越自由”才是有保障的和安全的。而承认沿海国在该海域存在国家安全利益,并深入探讨确保实现这些利益的方法和途径需要军事利益集团国家之间,以及海洋军事利益集团国家和沿海国家利益集团之间,从政治、经济、军事、法律、外交多层面,通过双边、区域乃至更广泛的协商和外交谈判解决。只有这样我们才能从法律角度设计EEZ安全和军事利用的指导原则并符合法律的公平、理性和正义精神,建立EEZ内安全利益的平衡。PSI在EEZ的适用说明,在沿海国的EEZ内,应该是该国自己,而不是其他国家,应该负起海上防扩散的主要责任。从这个意义上看,沿海国的国家安全利益,仍然优先于其他国家的航行权益。由于空气空间总是与其之下的地面取得一致的法律地位,因此,EEZ上空具有与EEZ本身同等的法律地位。EEZ上空的剩余权利属于沿海国,沿海国在其EEZ上空存在安全利益,其他国家危害沿海国安全利益的“飞越自由”应当受到限制。沿海国可以对侵犯EEZ安全利益的行为进行立法,这是沿海国在其EEZ的主权权利,同时也是国际法的发展为这类剩余权利提供的解决方向。各国的实践为我国在EEZ维护自己的安全利益提供了立法借鉴。第三次海洋法会议上沿海国和船旗国争辩的问题是关于沿海国如何对EEZ内的海洋污染行使管辖权,会议最后达成折衷性条款。从《公约》的规定来看,在EEZ内,保护海洋环境的管辖权分配到船旗国、沿海国和港口国三方,但是,对于利益攸关的沿海国管辖,《公约》施加了若干限制,三者的管辖权尚未达到平衡。同时,许多条款也只是原则性的规定,存在许多模糊不清的地带。因此,EEZ内海洋防污的管辖权属于EEZ中的剩余权利。从EEZ内海洋防污管辖权的历史沿革及发展趋势来看,在一系列国际海洋防污协定中,一再扩大了沿海国的管辖权,缩小了船旗国的管辖权。体现了沿海国管辖权扩大的趋势。《海洋法公约》规定,沿海国为防止各种污染源发生的污染,应当考虑到国际上议定的规则、标准和所建议的办法和程序,制定本国的法律规章。但是,所谓的“国际规则和标准”及“主管国际组织”的具体内容在《海洋法公约》并没有明确规定或说明。“国际规则和标准”需要“通过主管国际组织或一般外交会议”加以确认,使其成为“一般接受的国际规则和标准”,或者是“可适用的国际规则和标准”,从而保证规则和标准的国际性、统一性和稳定性。而“可适用的国际规则和标准”也不排除当事方共同参与的区域性公约或双边条约中的规则和标准,应当承认,当事方接受是可适用的前提。另外,我们可以从每一个联合国专门机构或政府间组织的重点工作领域和工作实绩,从不同的污染源来判断“主管国际组织”。关于防止、减少和控制船舶造成海洋环境污染法律和规章的执行,《海洋法公约》依污染源、行为地及环境损害后果以及排污者的态度等几种情况,规定了所谓的“一揽子”方案,即沿海国、港口国、船旗国分别有各自处理违章船舶的执行权,但船旗国在某种程度上对船舶的一般违章行为具有优先执行权。这说明公约所规定的船旗国、沿海国和港口国的管辖权是不平等的,船旗国管辖权实际上是凌驾于其他国家的管辖权之上的,这种规定充分反映了海运大国的利益,将很大程度上损害沿海国的利益。因为虽然《海洋法公约》赋予了船旗国很大程度的管辖权,但世界上不少船旗国却并没有真正有效地管理在本国登记、悬挂其旗帜的船舶,特别是一些开放登记国,也即所谓的“方便旗”国家。世界上1/3的船舶实际上处于缺乏船旗国管辖和控制的状态。这种状态给EEZ和公海航行安全带来很大麻烦,经常出现方便旗船上发生问题无人管辖的现象。沿海国管辖权,通过《海洋法公约》的规定,无论是管辖范围还是管辖程度,都较之前有了进一步的发展。就管辖范围而言,从“领海”延伸到“领海或EEZ”;就管辖程度而言,沿海国在EEZ内还不能规定比国际公约所规定的船舶排放油污、船舶设计、建造、人员配备和设备更高的标准,沿海国对违章船舶的处理也只限于船舶停靠在该国港口时,但是如果国际公约所规定的标准不足以保护在沿海国容易发生事故水域的海洋环境及其他特殊利益时,沿海国在“特别区域”内可以制定更高标准的强制性措施。同时,港口国管辖权得到了一定程度的确认,但是也受到了诸多的限制。关于防止船舶事故污染,1982年《联合国海洋法公约》中做了一些广义的原则规定,其他公约都没有直接涉及。因此,需要进一步确认沿海国对船舶污染事故的管辖范围,特别是要确认沿海国是否有权在船舶排放污染前,取得肇事船的报告和资料。这些问题的解决与否,对沿海国在航运事故发生后采取紧急措施,防止污染对本国利益的损害和严重威胁,将是非常重要和有利的。《海洋法公约》对于控制船舶倾废污染仅作了原则性规定。肯定了沿海国在EEZ的防污管辖权,这使沿海国的管辖权得到扩大并允许沿海国有采取措施的权利。在海洋防污管辖权问题上,一方面,公约规定有些还比较笼统,不易操作;另一方面公约过于强调船旗国作用,对沿海国和港口国的共同管辖不能给予足够重视,也不易收到实效。因此,虽然1982年《联合国海洋法公约》在防止船舶污染管辖权问题上,显示出了从单一的船旗国管辖权向综合的船旗国、沿海国、港口国管辖权发展的趋势,但这一问题的发展并未结束,现有国际公约中的不少条款还需进一步加以完善,船旗国、沿海国、港口国的管辖权也尚未达到平衡。《公约》关于海洋污染管辖权的规定主要体现在防污法律规章的制定和执行两方面,解决管辖权冲突的重要途径之一就是各国在国内立法和司法实践中。在发生管辖权冲突的情况下,应本着公平、合理、有利于促进国际交流和保护双方当事人合法权益的原则进行解决。我国也应该着眼于适应海洋防污管辖权三方并存的现实,从沿海国、船旗国、港口国三个方面加强海洋环境保护的管辖。EEZ的剩余权利如何解释和分配将是EEZ制度和海洋法面临的重大问题。应该指出,海洋法中的剩余权利属于全人类,属于世界各主权国家和人民,而决不属于某个超级大国或海洋大国。这是法理中的应有之意。沿海国在EEZ内的权利与大陆架固有权利最大的不同在于EEZ的权利是需要沿海国以法律的形式主张或宣告而成立的,因此,沿海国如何主张自己在现有的法律中没有说明的权利将是剩余权利分配的重要途径。在EEZ众多的剩余权利问题面前,各国都在积极运用军事、外交、法律等各种手段,寻求本国利益的最大化。基于协调和平衡而产生的EEZ制度在其立法原意上是为了扩大沿海国的管辖权从而保障沿海国的自然资源和其他利益,维护第三世界国家权益的。而其他国家则因为这个区域缩小了公海自由而不断从EEZ制度模糊的立法解释中获取自己的利益,这不仅违背EEZ的立法原意而且也无助于剩余权利问题的解决。EEZ层出不穷的冲突和矛盾说明剩余权利的分配越来越迫切地需要加以解决。EEZ内的权利和义务要达成新的平衡不仅是有待于在实践中发展的问题,同时也将是国际社会需要改革现有体制,从海洋军事利益集团国家和沿海国家利益集团之间,从海洋航运大国和沿海国家之间,通过双边、区域乃至更广泛的协商和外交谈判,在公平基础上,参照一切有关情况并考虑所涉利益分别对有关各方和整个国际社会的重要性逐步加以解决的问题。当然,海洋法和EEZ制度还在发展之中,随着人类用海活动的深入和发展,EEZ的剩余权利以及因此产生的矛盾和冲突将会越来越明显地凸显出来,这些在现有的法律中没有说明的权利如何重新分配将需要各国和国际社会在实践中对EEZ制度和海洋法进行不断地发展和完善,同时,各国在EEZ内的权利和义务也会在协调和谈判的新一轮立法中达到新的平衡。

【Abstract】 One of the greatest achievements of the modern law of the sea represented by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is the creation of the regime of the Exclusive Economic Zone (called EEZ as follows), which has enabled the vast sea areas adjacent to the sea coasts of coastal States become the "household plot" for exploration and exploitation of marine environment and resources, hence realizing the rational allotment and distribution of marine resources among marine States and coastal States. However, since the effectiveness of the Convention, the regime of EEZ has become in the law of the sea the most difficult and complex issue of the widest scope that may lead to the most frequent international disputes. The reasons thereof are that such vast and rich sea area involves the core interests including the sovereignty, security and resource exploration and exploitation of numerous nations and that there are a number of residual rights remained for further discussions.Residual right is the right that the law has not stipulated or forbidden in writing. Since the international law of the sea is dynamic, and is the result of the tradeoff of negotiations, and the compromise and consultation, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea leaves the space and margin when it adjusts and establishes the two different regimes for jurisdiction of the sea areas in terms of enlarging the jurisdiction of the costal States and narrowing the freedom of the high seas, that is, the issue of the so-called residual right becomes the focus of conflicts and disputes arising among States. The establishment of EEZ endows the costal States to enjoy the right of sovereignty for the natural resources and other jurisdiction in the area in question while the third State and other States, subject to relevant provisions, enjoy the freedoms of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines. This specific area is the collection of interest distribution and overlap and residual right between costal States and other States. Law of the sea is a sort of legal order which acquires temporal balance during the course of changes of the law, which aim is to satisfy the common requirements of each State and on the other hand, to satisfy the specific requirements of each State. Therefore, in this newly established area, the mark for rights of sovereignty of costal States and exclusive jurisdiction and freedom of the high sea and rights of other States is not quite certain at the very beginning. Since the 21st Century, a series of conflicts and divergences have arisen in respect of the rights and obligations between costal States and other Sates, which urge the discussion of the residual right in the new area- EEZ.From the history point of the view, the production of residual right always accompanies that of EEZ. When Latin American and African States called for the establishment of EEZ, their intention was to solve the problems of fishing and distribution of living resources. The residual right of fishing and distribution of living resources were written in the Convention as long as the establishment of EEZ, through which the fishing rights of the coastal States are fatherly consolidated. However, this cannot exclude the rights of fishing the remaining quantities in this area for other States, especially for the land-locked and geographically disadvantaged States. The regime of EEZ reserves the traditional right of uses of the sea-navigation right, and other States enjoy the freedom of navigation in this area, subjecting to the provisions of the international laws. Nevertheless, each State has different interpretations on what is international lawful action to safeguard its own interests. The third conference of the law of the sea adopted the manner of consultation instead of vote and after spending ten years the internal balance in certain extend just had been reached. Numerous of rights are unable to be defined clearly and many problems are unable to be involved in a process full of debates and compromises among all parties. Along with the development of the mankind activities on uses of the sea, the residual right in this area incurred accordingly has become more and more obvious; in another word, the development of the residual right is accompanied with that of EEZ and the law of the sea. That how to define and distribute the residual right in further will become a significant problem faced by the international law of the sea.The regime of EEZ can be summarized into three organic compositions: (1) the distribution regime of the rights and interests of the sea within EEZ; (2) the rules for coastal and other States to exercise their rights; (3) the principle for distributing the residual right within EEZ.In accordance with the "distribution regime of right and interest", the rights of coastal and other States are co-existed within EEZ. The coastal States enjoy their sovereign rights over EEZ for the purpose of exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources within the zone, and enjoy the jurisdictions over "the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures", "marine scientific research", and "the protection and preservation of the marine environment on the continental shelf, etc.; other States, subject to the relevant provisions of the Convention, enjoy the freedoms of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines and the other lawful uses of the sea related to the abovementioned freedoms within EEZ.In accordance with the "rules to exercise right", the coastal and other States shall have due regard to the rights and duties of other States while exercising those of their own. The coastal State shall comply with the regulations of the Convention in handling issues; non-coastal States shall comply with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance with the regulations and rules of the Convention and other international laws without conflicting with the regime of EEZ.In accordance with the "rules of residual right", in cases where a conflict arises between interests of coastal and other States when the rights or jurisdiction of EEZ have not been distributed to any of the States, the conflict should be resolved on the basis of equity and in the light of all the relevant circumstances, taking into account the respective importance of the interests involved to the parties as well as to the international community as a whole.EEZ is a State jurisdiction sea area which is unique as its own with the specific legal status stipulated by the Convention on the Law of the Sea rather than the high sea. Since its effectiveness, the regime of EEZ has become the customary international law observed by all States among the world. Within this area, rights of the coastal and other States are co-existed, each State shall have due regard to other State’s rights while exercising those of its own, and other rights and interests which are not stipulated by written rules and implied will be redistributed.Being a result of mutual compromise and a "package deal", the regime of EEZ possesses deficiencies since its establishment. There are no such provisions upon the military use of the sea in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Besides, more than twenty years of tremendous changes in international political, economic and military situations lead to many international disputes emerging in the process of the implementation of the regime. The main cause of the disputes is the military activities of navy and air force that the military ships and planes need to pass through EEZ. In recent years, most of marine and air crises happened in the sea area of EEZ is related to this regime.EEZ shall be used for the purpose of peace only. However, this will not exclude the coastal State, in accordance with article 78, from exercising the right to adopt corresponding measures upon the activities, which violate the laws and provisions applicable to EEZ. In the age of modern technology, the quondam main task of winning the command of sea for the navy shall be transferred to keep up with the changes of the new times. It is said that, in the peacetime, the navy’s primary task is to play the role of police and provide service and other usage for the government.It is precisely due to the quality defect of the "freedom of navigation and overflight", jurisdiction defect of the "marine scientific research", defect of the "peaceful purpose" and "peaceful usage", defect of the mutual "due regard" mechanism, and of the "residual right" rule existing in EEZ regime so that it leaves legal margin of elastic interpretation and flexible usage in the routine naval activities for relevant States. Therefore, from the ocean State’s point of view, the issue of the military use of EEZ in legal is the problem that whether foreign States enjoy the rights to conduct naval and air activities in EEZ and over its air space of the coastal State in peacetime; from the coastal State, it is the problem of whether the coastal State is entitled to restrict and even prohibit these military activities.Basically, military activities in EEZ and over its air space during peacetime can be divided into: navigation and overflight, naval and air military reconnaissance, military survey, and exercises conducted only for passing through EEZ. Almost all States hold consistent approvals on navigation and overflight conducted only for passing through EEZ. However, tremendous differences are existing between the coastal and large marine States on the military purposes of naval and air military reconnaissance, military survey and exercises, etc.. It was demonstrated by the struggle in the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea and the relationship between "navigation freedom" and "jurisdiction of the coastal States" became the focus of the argument.The regime of EEZ of the Convention on the Law of the Sea is the customary international law and its relevant provisions have same binding force on non-signatory States. EEZ possesses specific legal status, firstly, because that it does not belong to the status of the high sea. As the coastal and other States enjoy different rights and perform different duties in EEZ, neither traditional freedoms of high sea, nor traditional freedoms of high sea for military use is remained in EEZ. This interpretation shall be more in conformity with the inherent spirit of the Convention and the principles of other international laws.The coastal and other States have different rights and restrictions upon the military use in this area, particularly in its water and seabed. As "only for peace purpose" is the common requirement and restriction upon all activities of military use, the coastal State enjoys more rights of military use than that of other States in its EEZ; nevertheless other States will receive multiple restrictions on their military use of EEZ of the coastal State. Therefore, the military use of EEZ shall follow the principles of use for "peace purpose", "non-use of force", coastal State enjoying priority, and exercising the rights of self defense and hot pursuit within a necessary limitation.Obviously, navigation of "military detection" in EEZ violates the general rights of the coastal State such as sovereignty and security rights and interests, meantime, it violates the "jurisdiction of marine scientific research" enjoyed by the coastal State in this water area. Therefore, navigation for military detection is not in conformity with the requirements of international laws regarding to the freedom of navigation in EEZ. Since it does not meet the "peace purpose" of international laws and the requirements consent by the coastal State, navigation for military detection can not be regarded as the activity of marine scientific research consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.It is stipulated in the United Nations on the Law of the Sea that the hot pursuit right is terminated automatically at the moment the ship pursued enters into the territorial sea of its own or of a third State. It is well worth studying that whether such force activity as one State attacks the pursued ship in another State’s EEZ without notifying in advance, is in conformity with international laws; whether is to respect the sovereignty and dignity of the coastal State in this sea area; whether is in accordance with the regarding legal regulations of the coastal State. However, in all circumstances the force activity shall be avoided as possible as it can be and the safety of human being shall be assured in best efforts. Additionally, under the international laws, a State shall obtain the prior consent from the government of the coastal State for searching and salvaging wrecks in EEZ of the latter.From the inside of all sorts of causes of divergences of military uses, we can see that whether to recognize the security interests existed in EEZ of the coastal State is the reason that contributed the different interpretations of the "freedoms of navigation and overflight". Meanwhile, many conflicts in recent years have indicated that the "fragile balance" between the coastal and ocean States upon interests in marine security has been broken. A new "balance" is needed in urgent to maintain the peaceful, stable and good order of the sea. It can be inferred from the legal theory that the security interest of EEZ is originated from the inherent right of self-defense of the State and other right derived accordingly, and is the "naturally extended" security interest of the State. These interests are aimed to defense and resist any possible violation, interference, destruction and damage against its national sovereignty, territorial integrity, internal affairs, people’s lives and property, and State social order. Therefore, appeared as the activities of naval and air force, law of the sea enforcement and marine management strength in EEZ, these interests combine the functions of the sea defense, law of the sea enforcement and marine management as well. The security right enjoyed by other States in EEZ of the other’s is the freedom of passing through. Once exercised on the premise of respecting the national security interests, sovereignty right, and jurisdiction of the coastal State, will such freedom of passing through be safe and secured. Secured refers to not being hindered or interrupted improperly; and safe refers to not being violated by illegal practice and receiving timely rescue under natural disaster.The deep-seated contradiction on whether this sea area can enjoy peaceful, stable and good order lies on how the naval and air force of the coastal and other sates "co-exist" in EEZ. Only the national security interests without being harmed of the coastal State existing in its EEZ is clearly acknowledged, and its priority over the navigation security of other States in this sea area is clarified, can the "freedom of navigation and overflight" of other States is secured and safe. To acknowledge the national security interests of the coastal State in this sea area, and carry out further discussions to find out methods and paths to make these interests realized, requires States of military interest group, and States of marine military interest group and interest group of coastal States to adopt bilateral, regional and even wider consultations and diplomatic negotiations in respects with political, economic, military, legal and diplomatic levels among themselves. Only in this way can the guiding principles of security and military uses in EEZ be designed from the legal point of view and be in conformity with the spirit of equity, ration and justice of the law, and make the security interests balance in EEZ to be established.The application of the PSI in EEZ indicates that within this area, it is the coastal State instead of other States shall assume the primary responsibility of preventing proliferation at sea. From this perspective, the national security interests of the coastal State still take precedence over the navigation rights of other States.As air space always enjoys the same legal status with it’s under ground, the space over possesses the same legal status as that of EEZ. The residual right of the space over EEZ belongs to the coastal State. The coastal State enjoys the security interests in the space over its EEZ, while the "freedom of overflight" of other States which may harm the security interests of the coastal State will be restricted. The coastal State can conduct legislation upon the activities that violate the security interests of EEZ. This is the sovereignty right of the coastal State in its EEZ, and the solution direction provided by the development of the international norms for these residual rights. Practices of other States provide legislation reference for China to safeguard its own security interests in EEZ.What debated on the Third Conference on the Law of the Sea between coastal and flag States is how the coastal State exercises its jurisdiction upon the marine pollution in EEZ. Tradeoff provisions were agreed on the conference at the end. From provisions of the Convention, the jurisdiction of protecting the marine environment in EEZ is distributed to the tripartite sides of flag, coastal and port State, however, the Convention imposed a number of restrictions on the jurisdiction of the coastal State related to the interests, and the tripartite sides have not reached a balance so far on jurisdiction. Meanwhile, many of the provisions are only regulations of principle with many vague areas still being remained. Therefore, the jurisdiction of marine pollution protection in EEZ is attributed to the residual rights of EEZ.From the history of the jurisdiction of marine pollution protection in EEZ and its developing trends, the jurisdiction of the coastal State keeps enlarged while those of the flag State keeps reduced in series of international agreements of marine pollution protection, which demonstrated the expanding trend of the jurisdiction of the coastal State. Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulated that the coastal State, for the purpose of preventing pollutions caused by various pollution sources, shall consider the rules and standards agreed internationally, and the practices and procedures recommended when develops its domestic legal regulations. Nevertheless, there are no specific contents of so-called "international rules and standards" and "competent international organization" to be fixed or explained clearly in the Convention of the Law of the Sea."International rules and standards" need to be validated by "competent international organization or general diplomatic conference" to become "international rules and standards accepted generally" or "applicable international rules and standards" so that to ensure the rules and standards will be international, uniform and stable. "Applicable international rules and standards" do not exclude the rules and standards stipulated in regional conventions joined by relating parties or bilateral treaties. It shall be acknowledged that accepted by relating parties is the premise of applicable. Besides, we can tell the "competent international organization" from each of the key working areas organized by the United Nations specific agencies or intergovernmental organizations and its achievement, and different pollution sources.On implementing the laws and regulations to prevent, reduce and control ships to pollute the marine environment, Convention on the Law of the Sea, in accordance with situations of the pollution sources, the place of acting, the consequence of environment damage, and the attitude of the polluter, stipulates a so-called "package" agreement, i.e. the coastal, port and flag State is entitled to exercise their own rights respectively to treat ships violated regulations, but the flag State takes preference on ships violated general regulations to a certain extent, which demonstrates the jurisdiction of the flag, coastal and port State stipulated by the Convention is unequal, the jurisdiction of the flag State actually overrides the jurisdiction of other States. Such stipulation fully reflects the interests of large marine States which will damage the interests of the coastal States to a large extent. Although the Convention on the Law of the Sea endows flag States with high level of jurisdiction, many flag States of the world have not really been in managing the ships that registered in their country or flying their flags effectively, especially some open-registry countries, i.e. the so-called countries of "convenient flag". In fact, one-third of the ships of the world are in the situation of lacking administration and control from the flag States, which brings great troubles to EEZ and the navigation safe at the high sea. It is quite often that the ships of "convenient flag" are out of jurisdiction when problems emerged.Jurisdiction of the coastal State, being stipulated by the Convention on the Law of the Sea, has been further developed both in scope and degree. On jurisdiction scope, it is extended from "territorial sea" to "territorial sea or EEZ"; on jurisdiction degree, the coastal State so far shall make no standards higher than those of the international convention on ship-induced oil pollution, ship design, ship construction, staff allocation and equipment on the ship in EEZ, and ships violated regulations can only be treated by the coastal State when it is docked at the port of the coastal State. However, in the cases where the standards set by the international convention are not sufficient to protect the marine environment in the accident-prone water area of the coastal State and other special interests, the coastal State is entitled to develop compulsory measures with higher standards in its "special area". Meanwhile, the jurisdiction of the port State has been recognized to some extent at the time received a lot of restrictions.Regarding to preventing the pollution by ship accidents, some provisions of general principle has been made in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982, while no directive regulations are involved in other conventions. Therefore, the scope of jurisdiction over ship-induced pollution accidents of the coastal State needs to be further confirmed, especially to confirm whether the coastal State is entitled to obtain the report and information of the ship violated the rules before its pollution drained. Whether they are solved or not, these issues will be very important and beneficial for the coastal State to take emergency measures preventing damages on its national interests and serious threats by the pollution after a ship accident.Although only provisions of principle on controlling the pollution caused by ships to dump waste are written in the Convention on the Law of the Sea, yet which still confirms the jurisdiction of the coastal State over pollution protection in EEZ, so that the jurisdiction of the coastal State is enlarged and the coastal State is entitled to take measures.Regarding to the jurisdiction on marine pollution protection, on the one hand, some provisions of the Convention are vague and difficult to be executed; on the other hand, the Convention emphasizes too much of the role of the flag State to the extent that sufficient recognition can not be offered to the joint jurisdiction of the coastal and port State and practical effects are difficult to be reached. Therefore, although the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 has demonstrated the development trends from sole jurisdiction of the flag State to comprehensive jurisdiction of flag, coastal and port State on the issue of jurisdiction over prevention of ship-induced pollution, yet the development of this issue has not ended so far, and numbers of the provisions existing in the international conventions need to be further improved, and the jurisdictions of the flag, coastal and port State has not reached a balance.Provisions on jurisdiction of marine pollution protection in the Convention are mainly demonstrated in two aspects of stipulating and executing the legal rules and regulations to protect against pollution. One of the important methods to settle the jurisdiction conflict is in the domestic legislation and legal practice of each State. In the event that a jurisdiction conflict emerged, the settlement shall follow the principle of equity, justification, in favor of promoting international exchange, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of the both parties. China shall also focus on adapting the fact of tripartite co-existence within the jurisdiction of marine pollution protection, and strengthen its jurisdiction of marine environment protection from the tripartite respects of coastal, flag and port State.How to interpret and distribute the residual right of EEZ will become the major problem faced by the regime of EEZ and the law of the sea. It should be pointed out that the residual rights in the law of the sea shall belong to all mankind, and every sovereign State and its people of the world, instead of being attributed to certain super power or large marine State. This is the meaning due contained within the legal theory.The biggest difference between the rights of EEZ and the inherent rights of continental shelf enjoyed by the coastal State attributed to such that the former is established through legal claim or declaration by the coastal State, therefore, how the coastal State claims its rights which are not explained in existing laws will be the main method to distribute the residual right.Faced with numerous issues on the residual right of EEZ, all States are adopting all kinds of military, diplomatic, legal measures, etc. seeking the maximum of their own interests. Established on the basis of coordination and balance, original intention of legislating the regime of EEZ is to enlarge the jurisdiction of the coastal State so that to safeguard its natural resources and other interests, maintaining the interests of third world States. However, other States ceaselessly obtain their own interests from the vague legislation interpretation of the regime of EEZ because this area has reduced the freedom of the high sea, which not only violates the original intention of the legislation of EEZ, but also provides no help with solving the issues of residual right.Endless conflicts and contradictions emerged in EEZ indicate that distribution of the residual right is pressing for the settlement. To reach a new balance between the duties and rights of EEZ is not only a problem needs to be developed in practice, but also a problem needs to be solved gradually by the international community to reform the existing regimes, the States of marine military interest group and the interest group of coastal States, and large marine States and coastal States to take bilateral, regional and even more broad consultations and diplomatic negotiations among themselves on the basis of equity and in the light of all the relevant circumstances, taking into account the respective importance of the interests involved to the parties as well as to the international community as a whole.Of course, law of the sea and the regime of EEZ is still in the process of development, the residual right of EEZ and contradictions and conflicts arisen accordingly will become more and more obvious along with the deepening and development of the mankind activities of using the sea. How to redistribute these rights which are not explained by the existing laws requires each State and the international community to keep on developing and improving the regime of EEZ and the law of the sea in practice, meanwhile, the duties and rights of each State in EEZ will reach a new balance through consultations and negotiations of a new round legislation.

  • 【分类号】D993.5
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