

On Public Interest in Administrative Law

【作者】 蔡乐渭

【导师】 张树义;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 行政法学是以公共行政为研究对象的法学学科,公共行政则因公共利益而存在,因此,公共利益对于行政法学而言是一道绕不过的坎。遗憾的是,这道坎至今仍使人们困惑不已:一方面,理论上人们对公共利益问题从未形成统一的认识,特别是对公共利益如何界定问题更是众说纷纭;另一方面,现实生活中在公共利益的名义下损害个人权利的现象却层出不穷。从行政法学的角度对公共利益问题进行研究的必要性和迫切性由此产生。本文以土地征收为例,以利益关系为分析框架,以公共利益运行过程为主线,分六章对行政法上的公共利益问题进行了论证。第一章公共利益论域中的利益关系:公共利益问题在土地征收中的展开本章指出,公共利益之所以成为一个“问题”,原因在于其引发的利益关系变动。在土地征收中,征收权力的行使导致一系列利益关系的变动,而这一切都是源自于公共利益的需要。公共利益也由此成为土地征收的核心问题之一。第二章公共利益概念辨析无论从行政法还是从其他角度研究公共利益问题,对基本概念的辨析总是一个不能回避的问题。本章从词源考察着手,对公共利益的内涵、外延、特征等进行了初步的探讨。第三章公共利益的优先性:土地征收的理由为了公共利益即可依法征收土地,其原因在于公共利益相对个别利益而言具有优先性。本章从国家与个人关系入手,论证了公共利益优先的理由及其限制,考察了所有权理念与制度的发展,以及中国集体土地所有权的发展,进而论证了国家为公共利益的需要可以征收集体所有的土地。第四章公共利益的范围:为了哪些利益可征收土地集体的土地可因公共利益的需要而被征收。但更进一步的问题在于,哪些利益构成可发动土地征收权的公共利益?本章论证了界定公共利益范围的必要性;对公共利益的界定主体进行了讨论,认为首先应由立法机关承担界定职责,辅之以行政机关的具体界定,以及司法机关的最后确认;考察了实践中公共利益范围的发展;对界定公共利益范围的标准提出了自己的观点。第五章公共利益与个别利益的平衡:土地征收中的补偿问题公共利益的优先性决定了它可限制个别利益,但是,个别利益所做出的牺牲不能是无代价的,否则将无法保证社会的持续稳定发展。本章着重讨论了土地征收补偿问题,对补偿的意义、方式、范围和标准等进行了研究。并指出,为了保证公共利益与个别利益的平衡,国家在为公共利益的需要征收集体土地之后,必须予以公正的补偿。第六章公共利益与程序:通过程序控制土地征收权力本章指出,程序问题是现代行政法治的核心问题之一,就公共利益论题而言,程序更具有重要意义。仅仅依赖实体性标准来界定公共利益是极为困难的任务,因而必须借助程序规则来完成这一任务。实际上,公共利益运行的整个过程,从公共利益的界定到补偿的确定,直到权利的救济,都需要程序规则作为支撑。本章还研究了与公共利益密切相关的具体程序制度,包括行政听证制度、行政公开制度、行政调查制度、征询意见制度、回避制度,以及土地价值评估程序和诉讼程序,等等。最后,本文得出结论:公共利益是客观存在的;相对于个别利益而言,公共利益具有优先性;公共利益的界定归根到底是通过凝聚人们的共识形成的;对因公共利益而牺牲的个别利益,应予以公正的补偿;无论是公共利益范围的界定还是补偿的确定,都应遵循正当程序。

【Abstract】 As the subject of the science of administrative law, public administration exists for the reason of the public interest is the most important reason why public administration has to exist. So, public interest is an important topic in administrative law. However, on one hand, agreement has not been reached on what’s“the public interest”; on the other hand, individual rights are violated endlessly in the name of“the public interest”. It is necessary and urgent to study on the public interest from the angle of administrative law. There are 6 chapters in this paper. Land expropriation is taken for instance to analyze the public interest.Chapter 1 is to discuss how the problem of public interest develops in land expropriation. In this part, the writer point out that the use of expropriation power leads to a series changes of interest relationships and all these are rooted from the need of the public interest. So, the public interest is one of the core elements in land expropriation.Chapter 2 is to analyze and differentiate the definition of the public interest. Definition analyzing and differentiating is necessary for studying the public interest from the angle of administrative law or other angles. Starting with the origin of“the public interest”, this chapter discusses those questions such as the connotation, extension and characteristics of the public interest, and so on.Chapter 3 discusses the priority of the public interest which is the reason of land expropriation. For the sake of the public interest, land can be expropriated by law because the public interest is prior to individual interest. With a view of analyzing the relations between nation and individual, this chapter discusses the reasons of the public interest’s priority and its restriction, the development of the concepts and the systems of ownership, the development of collectivistic land’s ownership which is the object of land expropriation. On the basis of above-mentioned analysis, this part discusses why the government may expropriate the collectivity-owned land.Chapter 4 is to define the scope of the public interest, that is to say, in what kind of situations, land can be expropriated. The government may expropriate the collectivity-owned land for the sake of the public interest, but the further question is what kind of interest is able to make the land expropriated. This chapter analyzes the necessity of defining the scope of the public interest. It also discusses who has the power to define the public interest. In the writer’s view, the legislative has the power to define it firstly. Besides, the government assists the legislative to define it concretely and the judiciary affirms it finally. This part also studies the development of the scope of the public interest and puts forward the writer’s own opinions on this topic.Chapter 5 is to discuss the balance between the public interest and individual interest by compensation on land expropriation. The priority of the public interest makes it possible to restrict or scarify individual interest. However, the sacrifice of individual interest must not be free; otherwise, the society cannot develop stable and sustainable. This chapter emphasizes on compensation of land expropriation. It discusses the relations of compensation and the public interest, means, scope and criteria of compensation, and so on. In writer’s opinion, in order to balance the public interest and individual interest, the government has to compensate impartially after land expropriation. Chapter 6 is to discuss the procedure about public interest. Procedure is a important means to prevent the power of land expropriation from misusing. Procedure is the foundation of the government by law in modern society. For public interest, it is so difficult to define it by substantial criteria that the rules of procedure have to be lent to achieve this goal. What is more, rules of procedure support the whole process of the public interest’s running including its defining, compensating and remedying of rights. System of procedure related with the public interest is made up of procedural rules of hearing, openness, investigation, consultation, obviation, judicial review and so on.At the end of the paper, the writer conclude that there is public interest in deed; compared with individual interest, the public interest is prior; an agreement has to be reached to define the public interest; individual interest’s sacrifice has to be compensated fairly; due process shall be abided by in defining the scope of the public interest and ascertaining compensation.

  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1869

