

Research on Strengbeweis of Criminal Procedure

【作者】 罗海敏

【导师】 宋英辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 严格证明与自由证明的理论于20世纪20年代产生于德国,其后传至日本、我国台湾地区等地,成为刑事诉讼证明理论的重要组成部分。虽然英美法系和其他大陆法系国家或地区并没有明确的严格证明概念,但严格证明所蕴涵的,从证据资格和证据调查程序两方面对法官形成自由心证的诉讼证明过程予以必要规范与限制的理念,在两大法系多个国家和地区的刑事诉讼制度建构中得以体现。我国传统上接近于大陆法系,但并没有形成严格证明的相关理论,也不存在就不同待证事实规定不同证明方式的相关诉讼制度。本文力图在归纳、阐释两大法系严格证明理论探索及制度构建的具体内容、共同特点及发展趋势的同时,剖析、反思我国诉讼证明立法与实践中存在的问题,在此基础上,有针对性地吸收、借鉴域外先进经验,以期为修改、完善我国刑事诉讼立法及解决司法实务中存在的问题提供理论支持。全文除导论外,共分六章。“导论”部分,主要论述研究刑事诉讼严格证明的目的与意义,指出对刑事诉讼严格证明的研究不仅有利于丰富我国刑事诉讼理论研究,也有利于改革、完善我国刑事诉讼立法及司法实务中存在的突出问题。本部分也概括了文章的基本框架、内容以及研究的主要方法。第一章“基本范畴”,在界定刑事诉讼证明概念、特点的基础上,从结果意义上和行为意义上分别将刑事诉讼证明划分为狭义证明与释明、严格证明与自由证明两大类,并具体阐述了严格证明的概念、严格证明与自由证明之间的区分。其中,严格证明是指根据法律规定的方式和程序对具有证据资格的证据进行证据调查,以形成法官内心确信的一种诉讼证明方式;而自由证明是指对证据资格或证据调查程序要求较低的一种相对自由的证明方式。第二章“严格证明与相关证据法原则”,在明确证据裁判原则和自由心证原则具体含义的基础上,围绕严格证明与这两项证据制度基本原则之间的密切关系进行了论述。概括而言,严格证明是证据裁判原则的应有之意,也是证据裁判原则的具体体现;严格证明是自由心证实现的一种方式,对于严格证明事项,只有通过了证据资格和证据调查程序双重限制的证据,才能由法院对其证明力作自由的判断。第三章“严格证明的价值”,主要分析了严格证明所具有的实体价值、程序价值、效率价值及其他社会价值。对犯罪事实等重要事项采取严格证明的方式,既有利于提高案件事实认定的准确性,有利于实现维护人权、保障程序公正、规范追诉权行使等程序价值,也有利于提高诉讼效率和保障其他社会利益及关系。第四章“严格证明依据的证据”,围绕严格证明的证据资格要求,介绍、分析两大法系严格证明中证据资格规范的具体模式与体系,剖析我国有关证据资格的立法现状,并就我国证据资格规则体系的完善提出具体构想。第五章“严格证明的程序”,在阐述严格证明中证据调查程序的概念、意义和模式的基础上,具体论述两大法系严格证明中证据调查的共通原则及具体程序要求,进而剖析我国刑事诉讼证据调查程序存在的问题并提出具体的完善建议。第六章“严格证明的事项”,在介绍两大法系严格证明与自由证明事项划分方式的基础上,总结、归纳适合我国国情的划分原则,以此为基础确立我国刑事诉讼中犯罪构成要件事实、被告人承担证明责任的事实、量刑事实、诉讼法上的事实以及某些特殊事项的证明方式。

【Abstract】 The theory of strengbeweis and freibeweis appeared in 1920s in Germany, and then propagated to Japan and the Taiwan district of our country. It has become one important part of the whole criminal proof theory. Although there is no definite concept of strengbeweis in common law system or other countries or districts of civil law system, the idea of exerting appropriate restriction on the process of proof by stipulating the competency of evidence and the proceedings of evidence investigation is embodied in their legal systems of criminal procedure. Even though our country approximates the civil law system traditionally, it has no similar theory of strengbeweis or relevant systems about using different prove modes on different pending affairs. My dissertation wants to sum up and expound the detail contents, joint characteristics and developing trends of the theory of strengbeweis and the relevant system, to analyze and rethink the existing problems in legislation and judicial practice in our country, then to absorb and refer to extraterritorial beneficial experience, in order to give theoretical supports to revise and improve legal provisions about criminal procedure and to resolve the problems in judicial practice in our country.This dissertation is composed of six chapters besides the preface.The preface mainly discusses the purpose and meaning of research on strengbeweis in criminal cases, the basic frame and contents of this dissertation, the main research methods as well.The first chapter clarifies the concepts of the proof in criminal procedure, the proof in the narrow sense and the explanatory proof, the strengbeweis and the freibeweis. The second chapter deals with the mutually relationships between strengbeweis and two basic evidence principles like evidential adjudication and free evaluation of evidenceThe third chapter analyzes the substantive value, procedural value, efficiency value and other social value of strengbeweis in details.The fourth chapter introduces and analyzes restriction modes and systems of the competency of evidence in the two systems of law, and dissects the present conditions of the legal provisions about the competency of evidence in our country. Then to provide detailed propositions concerning how to promote the system of evidence rules in China.The fifth chapter summarizes and concludes common principles and detailed proceedings in evidence investigations of strengbeweis in the two law systems, makes clear existing problems regarding evidence investigation in our country. Then, put forward detailed reform suggestions about it.The sixth chapter deals with division of matters of strengbeweis and matters of freibeweis in civil law system and common law system, then make sure principles and methods about this division in China on the basis of analyzing actualities of our country and absorbing beneficial experiences from other countries and districts.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】696

