

【作者】 于海纯

【导师】 赵旭东;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 保险制度系以诚信善意、互助之精神理念为基础,藉由众人之力以分散消化个体损失之一种之人性化制度。而通过订立个别保险契约之方式建立危险共同体是这一制度运转的核心技术。在此,契约成为达成保险目的的重要手段。众所周知,契约自由乃市场交易之基本准则,但在面对充满人性化的保险交易面前,为避免害及保险制度之本质,契约自由原则应做某种程度之限制,以实现实质公平之保险交易目的。而保险人之缔约说明义务制度是通向这一目标的基本法律保障。本文应用比较法、法解释学、调查法、案例研究和价值分析的方法建立了一个整体分析保险人说明义务制度的框架,试图回答和解决的重要议题是:保险人说明义务存在的正当基础是什么?它生存和发展状态是怎样的?其结构安排和说明范围的边界是如何确定的?如何具体规制违反说明义务之行为?本文通过对这些议题较深入和系统的研究,肯定了这一制度存在的价值,并对如何构建保险人说明义务之具体规则提供了解决的思路。第一章本文绪论。略述研究的主题及缘起、研究的意旨及方法等。第二章保险人缔约说明义务正当化基础。本章主要探讨保险人缔约说明义务存在之理论基础,其内容含摄消费者保护主义、附和契约理论、诚实信用原则和附随义务理论。其中包括对上述诸理论的意义、性质及其沿革和现状的考察分析,并以此揭示保险人说明义务制度存在之合理性和必要性之根源。第三章保险人说明义务之域外法例及学说评要。本章以对两大法系关于保险人说明义务及相关制度之立法和判例学说的引介分析为中心,主要考察了德国、法国和日本关于保险人说明义务之规定及美国与保险人说明义务密切关联的“合理期待规则”,概括总结出说明义务系“事前救济机制”,“合理期待规则”系“事后救济机制”,并分析了两种机制的不同功能;同时,分析了日本保险法上关于说明义务指向之“重要事项”概念的借镜意义。第四章我国保险人说明义务制度及其适用。本章全面介绍了我国关于保险人说明义务制度的立法规定、司法释义、权威机构说明及实务见解,并结合台湾地区对保险人说明义务的相关规定及学说加以比较,总结分析了说明义务履行中的种种问题。第五章保险人说明义务之基本范畴解构。本章基于保险人说明义务缺乏可操作性的践行规则之现实,对保险人说明义务之范畴进行了深入的解构与分析,提出了具体的说明义务程度之判断标准及说明方法,针对保险人说明义务范围的问题,明确提出应以保险契约中之“重要事项”作为保险人说明义务范围之边界,并对“重要事项”采取概括和列举的方式进行了分析。第六章保险人说明义务之违反及其法律效果分析。本章针对保险人说明义务之立法规定缺乏其违反效果规定之诟病,详细研究了说明义务违反之具体形态及其认定标准,将保险契约具体划分为保障型保险契约和投资型保险契约,并区分研究了保险人违反这两种类型保险契约说明义务之具体法律效果,并提出了解决问题的具体思路与方案。第七章结论与建议。概括总结了本文的主要观点,并试拟保险人说明义务之具体修法条文,以为立法机关参酌。

【Abstract】 Insurance is a system based on the spirit of good faith and mutuality to compensate the individuals’for the loss occurred to them with all the other members’help of the risk community.And to found the risk community by making specific insurance contracts is the key technique to make the system work.Thus,contracts have become the important means to realize the aim of insurance.It’s well-known that freedom of contract is the basic principle of marketing,but in terms of insurance transaction,which is full of humanity,some restrictions must be made on the freedom of contract in order to maintain fair dealing.The system of insurer’s duty of disclosure is just the legal safeguard to reach the goal of fair dealing in insurance dealing.This thesis tries to establish a systematic frame of analyzing insurer’s duty of disclosure as a whole by means of comparative law,hermeneutic of law,investigation study of cases and value analysis.The thesis also tries to give resolutions to these important issues:what’s the justification of insurer’s duty of disclosure?how is the state of its existence and development?what’s its structure arrangement and how to decide the extent of the disclosure?and how to regulate insurer’s breach of the duty of disclosure?On the base of thorough and systematic study of these issues,the thesis has affirmed the significance of the system and puts forward some suggestions on how to establish the rules of insurer’s duty of disclosure in detail.Chapter I,Introduction of the thesis,gives a brief introduction to the theme and its motive,the intention and methods of the research.Chapter II,The Basis of Justification of Insurer’s Duty of Disclosure,mainly discusses the theoretic foundation of insurer’s duty of disclosure in contract making,and the contents includes theories of consumers’protection,adhesion contracts,principle of good faith and collateral duty,including the analysis of the significance,the nature,the evolution and the state of the above theories,and by means of which to disclose the cause of the rationality and necessity of the insurer’s duty of disclosure.Chapter III,Comments on Foreign Laws and Theories on Insurer’s Duty of Disclosure,focusing on the introduction to laws related to insurer’s duty of disclosure and the analysis to its theories, makes a survey of the laws regulating insurer’s duty of disclosure in Germany,France and Japan as well as America’s“Doctrine of Reasonable Expectation”,and comes to the conclusion that insurer’s duty of disclosure is“pre-regulating mechanism”and“Doctrine of Reasonable Expectation”is“post regulating mechanism”.The thesis gives an analysis to the different functions of the two mechanisms and also points out the significance of reference to Jananese insurance law on insurer’s duty of disclosure about“Material Facts”.Chapter IV,China’s Regulation on Insurer’s Duty of Disclosure and Its Application,gives a complete introduction to legislations,judicial interpretation,concerned authoritative organizations’interpretations and practical opinions on insurer’s duty of disclosure,and gives a summary and analysis to the problems arise in the performance of insurer’s duty of disclosure by making a comparasion of such regulations and theories in Taiwan district with which in the Mainland.Chapter V,Parse of Basic Category of Insurer’s Duty of Disclosure,makes a thorough parse of Insurer’s Duty of Disclosure and puts forward an estimative standard of the extent of insurer’s disclosure and instructions of disclosure according to the situation that maneuverable regulations are needed in insurer’s duty of disclosure and suggests an extent of disclosure determined by Material Facts in respect of the extent of insurer’s disclosure.Chapter VI,Breach of Insurer’s Duty of Disclosure and Its legal Results,according to the situation where regulations are needed of inurer’s breach of duty of disclosure,the thesis makes a complete research on the exact samples of insurer’s breach of duty of disclosure and their estimative standard and classify insurance contracts into type of indemnity and type of investment.At last the thesis gives a constructive resolution to the problems acoording to the legal results of the above two types of breach of duty of disclosure.Chapter VII,Conclusion and Suggestion,gives a summary of the opinions in the thesis and makes a legal draft of insurer’s duty of disclosure for legislator to make reference to.

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】937

