

Research on Conflict of Intellectual Property Rights

【作者】 谭华霖

【导师】 张楚;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 知识产权权利冲突研究是一个实践性命题,它来自于对一系列法律现象的理论归纳,并最终体现为指导法律构建与运行的制度建议。权利冲突并不总是负效应的,同时还发挥着推动权利体系发展、孕育新的权利等积极功能。知识产权权利冲突产生的原因是多层面、多角度、多因素的,包括知识产权自身特殊性,科技、经济、社会发展,权利意识勃兴等,是多种原因综合作用的结果。知识产权权利冲突是权利体系化的副产品,作为一种法律现象在抽象意义上不可能被整体性消除。完善的法律体系判断标准在于是否能够提供调节权利冲突的制度,并通过正当程序来化解权利所表彰的利益冲突,最大程度地实现权利在法上的质的规定性。解决权利之间的冲突即为完成权利具体化以及划定界限的过程,需要建立具备化解权利冲突能力的知识产权法律体系。本文从本体论和制度论两个层面展开。本体论侧重探讨知识产权权利冲突的概念、原因及从法价值角度探寻权利冲突的本质。制度论从具体的知识产权权利冲突类型着手,通过典型案例的实证分析,梳理类型化权利冲突的特征和协调方案,最后提出化解权利冲突建议。具体由以下几个部分构成:导论介绍选题的意义和价值、有关该选题的文献综述、研究方法和路径。本体论由第一、二、三章组成。第一章阐述知识产权权利冲突的概念,并对本文研究的权利冲突范围进行界定。从分析法学角度将权利冲突命题还原为权利要素的连结点寻找,论证了权利客体的关联性和权利内容的交叉性是权利冲突产生的权利构造角度原因。通过对物权法结构原则与知识产权法结构比较,指出在知识产权法领域并不适用类似“一物一权”的“一客体一知识产权”原则。比较法律冲突、侵权行为与权利冲突之间的异同,说明权利冲突角度的研究具有自身的理论价值和现实意义。通过对权利冲突的影响进行阐述,强调在力图消解权利冲突消极作用的同时,更要关注权利冲突带来的权利体系发展的内动力,从而推动法律完善和权利发展。第二章阐述知识产权权利冲突的原因。从法理层面分析,知识产权权利冲突是知识产权法律体系化进程的副产品;权利意识勃兴是提供了权利冲突的主观诱因;自然权利的法哲学基础为有劳动就有所得提供了正当性说明,进而在知识产品利益保护上奉行绝对保护原则,是权利冲突的法哲学原因;知识产权法价值在现代呈现多元化,权利设置反映了法价值,知识产权权利冲突是不同法价值之间碰撞的本质反映;以权利为基础质料构造的现代知识产权法律结构,在利益衡量的天平中向权利人倾斜,权利的优位为冲突产生预埋了不稳定因素。从现实角度来看,知识产权客体无形性导致知识产权在占有规则上同物权相比具有很大的不同,是冲突产生的权利属性因素;知识产权单行立法模式是权利冲突产生的立法技术方面原因;知识产权行政管理机关分散,缺乏有效沟通,是权利冲突产生的现实基础;知识产权权利非理性扩张带来的权利龃龉,是权利冲突产生的重要根源。第三章从知识产权法价值多元化角度展开,提出了知识产权权利冲突在本质上是不同权利制度所体现的法价值之间的冲突。知识产权法不同制度分别体现了效率、秩序、正义、安全、自由等法价值,法价值不仅体现在静态的立法中,更需要通过司法来运送这些价值。法价值冲突与取舍是抽象的立法必然面临的,同时也通过具象的司法来予以展现。司法中对于因体现不同价值的权利冲突纠纷处理,应当进行个案考察,来确定能够优先实现的具体价值。制度论由第四、五、六章组成。第四章从类型化角度来总体上对知识产权权利冲突进行分类。第五章从制度层面对具体权利冲突进行了实证研究,通过三个角度来阐述权利冲突的实践问题和制度协调建议。围绕标识性知识产权发生的权利冲突主要发生在市场竞争领域,应当以诚实信用原则及禁止混淆原则为协调原则,来划定权利界限;作为无形性的知识产品需要以载体来固定,由此引发了载体上的其他权利同知识产权之间的冲突,其协调要做到物的资源和知识资源利用之间的平衡;法益同知识产权都受到法律保护,具有同质性,二者发生冲突时需要从公共政策角度做出价值判断,进行个案衡量。第六章从法理角度和制度层面提出知识产权权利冲突协调机制的构建方案。在法哲学层面完成劳动财产学说向功利主义理论的范式转换,实现权利优位的法律结构向社会优位转变,以利益平衡原则为衡量制度正义与否地判断标准。指出保护在先权利作为协调权利冲突的基本原则具有正当性但也存在局限性,在先权利的范围以及效力需要明确化,在实践中应采取相对主义保护的标准。讨论知识产权法典化对权利冲突协调的积极意义和局限,提出以内外兼修、宽严相济的标准来作为构建权利冲突协调机制的准则,在制度层面以权利行使隔离模式、权利层级相对化模式和尊重意思自治来完成权利具体化以协调权利冲突。结论总结全文。

【Abstract】 The research on the conflict of intellectual property rights is a practical proposition, which comes from the theoretical induction of a series of legal phenomena and finally reflects as institutional proposal for the construction and operation of the law. The conflict of rights does not always have negative effects, and also exerts many positive functions such as promoting the development of rights system, gestating new rights and so on. The causes of the conflict of rights in intellectual property are of multi-level, multi-perspective and multi-causes, which include the features intellectual property per se, scientific, economic, social development, the development of the consciousness of the right and so forth, as a result of the comprehensive factors. The conflict of rights is a by-product of the institutionalization of rights, as legal phenomena, which cannot be eliminated wholly in an abstract sense. The perfect evaluative criteria of legal system lie in whether the institution of regulating the conflict of rights can be offered and resolving the interest conflicts represented by the concerning rights through due process and thus implements the transformation of rights in law into its substantial provision. The resolution of conflict of rights is the process of fulfilling the concretion of rights and determining the bounds, therefore, an intellectual property system having capacity of resolving the conflict of rights is to be established.The dissertation is divided into two aspects regarding ontology and institutional theory to expound its subject, in which the former emphasizes the concept, causes of the conflict of rights and pursues the essence of the conflict of rights in the perspective of legal value and the latter organizes the features and coordinative schemes of categorized conflict of rights through the positive analysis of the typical cases from the concrete conflicting categories of intellectual rights and in the end offers the proposals for the resolution of conflict of rights. And the dissertation includes the following parts:The Introduction part presents the significance and value and the survey of concerning literature about the selected title, the introduction of research approaches and the brief framework of the dissertation.The ontology part is made up of three chapters, in which Chapter 1 expounds the concept of conflict of rights in intellectual property, and defines the scope of the conflict of rights in the dissertation. Chapter 2 observes that the causes of the conflict of rights in intellectual property are of multi-level, multi-perspective and multi-causes, which include the features intellectual property per se, scientific, economic, social development, the development of the consciousness of the right and so forth, as a result of the comprehensive factors.Chapter 3 is launched from the pluralistic value of intellectual property, and puts forward that the conflict of rights in intellectual property is essentially the conflicts among the legal values reflected in different right institutions.The institutional theory is made up of Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Chapter 4 classifies the conflict of rights in intellectual property from the perspective of categorization generally. Chapter 5 carries on the positive research into the concrete conflict of rights from the institutional aspect and expounds practical issues regarding the conflict of rights and institutional coordination from three perspectives. Chapter 6 reviews the resolution of conflict of rights in the current legislation and administration of justice of our country.The Conclusion part summarizes the whole text.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1387

