

Research on the Codification of European Civil Law in the Background of the Approximation of European Private Law

【作者】 张彤

【导师】 江平;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 欧洲私法的趋同是当前欧洲一体化进程在法律领域最为重要的表现。近年来,欧洲统一大市场的形成对欧盟成员国民商法发展的影响日益强劲。要在欧洲建立没有贸易壁垒的统一大市场,并确保统一大市场的公平和效率,就很有必要在共同体内部形成一个共同的私法。在欧洲私法趋同的过程中,《欧洲民法典》的制定是实现欧洲私法协调和统一的另一种选择。从20世纪90年代开始,研究和起草一部《欧洲民法典》便成为欧洲私法学者和比较法学者的一项重大课题。他们围绕“欧洲共同法”展开了形式多样的研究工作,试图以此来构建“欧洲共同私法”的理论框架,为《欧洲民法典》的制定做好准备,最终实现欧洲私法的统一。虽然欧洲民法法典化中的一些问题在欧洲也是争论大、尚未定论的问题,但欧洲法学界在这一领域的科学研究进展迅速,特别是在合同法和侵权法等领域成就斐然。这些研究成果为世界各国民法学者研究欧洲当代私法的发展提供了宝贵的资料。在20世纪末和21世纪初欧洲大陆再次兴起的、在欧盟层面上进行的民法法典化运动,代表了当代私法发展的最新发展趋势,这一现象应当特别值得我们的关注和跟踪研究。本论文以比较法学、法历史学和法律实证分析的方法,以欧洲私法趋同作为欧洲民法法典化的背景入手,分析欧洲民法法典化的必要性、理念、方式、方法及其基本内容构架,借以展现当代欧洲私法统一进程的现状和特点;进一步分析和评述目前欧洲民法法典化过程中存在的问题以及《欧洲民法典》的未来前景。并结合我国目前的民事立法现状,从中挖掘出对我国民事立法有益的理念和方法,为我国当前正在进行着的民法法典编纂运动提供来自异域的思想资源。本论文分为以下六章内容:第一章“导论”。本部分主要阐述本文题目的选题原因和研究价值,说明本文的研究范围;介绍和评价我国目前对该论题的研究现状以及现有文献;并进一步介绍本文的研究方法、研究思路和论文结构。第二章“欧洲民法法典化的背景:欧洲私法的趋同”。本部分主要分析,随着全球化和区域经济一体化,私法的协调和趋同已经成为私法发展的一种趋势。而欧洲民法法典化正是在欧洲私法趋同这一背景下对欧洲私法进行协调和统一的一种方式选择。欧盟私法的趋同方式有多种,但条约、条例、指令等现有的趋同手段都无法克服其各自的局限性,欧盟冲突法的统一也不能彻底解决共同体内各成员国间私法的冲突问题,而欧洲实体私法的法典化是实现欧洲私法统一的另一种可能选择。制定《欧洲民法典》有利于实现欧盟市场经济基本规则与欧盟经济一体化步伐的协调,有助于在共同体内形成统一的民法规范,降低欧盟范围内民事流转的交易成本,使市场能够更为有效地运转。第三章“欧洲民法法典化的理念和方法:‘共同法’之发现”。本部分主要考察和分析11、12世纪欧洲“共同法”的形成及其其后的发展,揭示“共同法”与当今欧洲私法的历史渊源。本文认为,20世纪90年代开始的欧洲民法法典化可以视为是对“共同法”理念的回归。欧洲民法法典化的方法,即欧盟权力机关自上而下式的主导型立法和欧盟比较法学界自下而上式的研究与建议,其目的就在于形成今日之“欧洲共同法”。而当今欧洲的法学研究和法学教育就是对“共同法”思想的实践。本文认为,欧洲民法法典化具有从法典的民族主义向法典的共同体化发展、其理念和方法来源于“共同法”思想以及欧洲民法法典化目前主要由立法者主导和学术界推动相结合等特点。在这一过程中比较法学家发挥了重要的作用。第四章“欧洲民法法典化的现状:实证分析”。本部分主要是考察欧洲民法法典化的现状,对《欧洲民法典的结构设计草案》的调整对象、结构体系等方面进行分析,本文归纳出其具有如下的特点:调整范围的局限性;结构体系的不完整性;规范兼具原则性与具体性等。本文进一步运用法律实证的方法,选取一、两个具体制度,来展现和分析民法几个主要领域,即合同法、侵权法和物权法领域是如何融合、如何统一的,并对该领域已有的规范草案,如《欧洲合同法原则》和《欧洲侵权法原则》进行评析。最后总结出《欧洲民法典》的性质和作用,认为它具有软法的性质,起到示范法的作用。第五章“欧洲民法法典化的未来:问题与前景”。本部分主要分析目前欧洲民法法典化中存在一些问题与障碍,即制定《欧洲民法典》可行性问题、欧盟各成员国法律文化的多样性与统一性的矛盾问题、法律渊源方面,如大陆法系和英美法系的差异与融合问题。本文认为,制定《欧洲民法典》并不必然会破坏欧洲法律文化的多样性。普通法和大陆法之间具有历史的和现实的联系性,两大法系之间的融合已是一个趋势。欧洲民法法典化的进行既需要立法者来推进,也需要法律职业者的共同努力。尽管其未来的调整范围和具体形式仍然未能确定,但寻求“共同点”正是欧洲民法法典化的推动力,如果政治一直足够有力并且法律人(法学家)准备好路径的话,那么欧洲的法律统一仍有可能实现。第六章“欧洲民法法典化对于中国:启示意义”。本部分主要分析欧洲民法法典化带给我们的启示。本文认为,私法的趋同是法律全球化的表现,私法发展的潮流是在各国法律的差异中寻求“共同点”。在我国民法典制定中应注重国际私法趋同的潮流,吸收和借鉴一些共同的立法理念和立法方法。在法典化过程中民间学术团体的广泛参与、比较法方法的运用等对法典化的影响都是不可忽视的重要因素。最后,论文的结论是:在法律全球化和私法趋同化的背景下,以一个民族国家为范畴的民法已不能完全适应高速发展的市场经济社会的需要,需要国与国间建立共同的民、商事规范,需要在更大的范围内寻求“共同法”。《欧洲民法典》的制定过程就是在各成员国之间寻求“共同法”的过程。虽然欧洲民法法典化这一进程步履艰难,甚至存在着巨大的障碍。但我们研究欧洲民法法典化的最终目的不在于预测欧洲民法法典化是否成功,而是从它所面临的问题以及现在所取得的成就中获得有益的启示。欧洲民法法典化的理念、方法,各种学术团体所取得的阶段性研究成果,以及在立法过程中各种学术团体积极、广泛地参与和跨国界的良好合作精神,特别是在法典化过程中比较法的运用和比较法学者在民法法典化中的作用,都是我们在制定民法典时值得借鉴的地方。当然,从欧洲历史上的民法法典化经验教训和现在正在进行的法典化现状中我们可以看到,只有科学研究是不够的,政治意志是使学者们的工作瓜熟蒂落不可或缺的因素。中国作为正在向市场经济转轨时期的国家,在来越快地融入国际社会的时候,我们在进行民商事立法,特别是制定民法典时,在强调中国特色和实际的同时,更要借鉴和吸收国际上共同的民商事法律立法理念、立法方法和法律制度。

【Abstract】 The approximation of European Private Law is the most important aspect in the field of law in the integrating process of Europe. In recent years, the most striking field in the development of European law is the approximation of private law. Among which, the most prominent is the codification of the European Civil Code which is initiated and enacted by European Union. From 1990s, to study and draft out a European Civil Code has become the hot issue of the European scholars. These scholars conduct their research in different forms, the purpose of which is to establish the theoretical frame for common European Private Law. Although some problems in the codification of European Civil Law are still in dispute now, the research on the codifacation has great achievements in Contract Law and Tort Law. These achievements provide civilian scholars in the world with precious materials for the study of European Private Law.This dissertation, from the perspective of comparative science law and history of law, attempts to study on the purposes, background, approaches and basic content of the codification of the European Civil Law so as to exhibit the progression of the harmonisation of the European private law and its trend of development. China is engaged in the discussion and enactment of Civil Law, therefore, the fruits of the study of the Codification of the European Civil Law shall be undoubtedly of important references in enacting the Civil Law in China. The dissertation includes the following parts: Chapter One“Introduction”: In this part, it states the original purpose for writing the dissertation, the research value and the research scope. After this, the research method and the structure of the dissertation are further introduced.Chapter Two“The Background of the Codification of European Civil Law: Approximation of European Private Law”: In this part, it will be analyzed that with the globalization and unification of regional economy, the approximation of Private Law has become a tendency for the development of Private Law. In this thesis, it is considered that the approximation of the European Private Law has its deep economic, political, social and cultural reasons. The ways for the approximation of European Private Law are numerous, but conventions, regulations, directives and other existing approximation methods can’t overcome their limitations. And on the other hand, the unification of Conflict Law of the European Union also can’t solve the conflicts between Private laws of all the member states of the EU. The codification of European Civil Law is helpful to form unified regulations of Civil Law in the Union so that the common market can operate more efficiently.Chapter Three“The Idea and Method of the Codification of European Civil Law: Discovery of‘Ius Commune’”: In this part, it is analyzed that the idea of the codification of European Private Law comes from the“ius commune”of the 11th and 12th century in Europe. In this thesis, it is considered that the codification of European Civil Law of 1990s can be regarded as the regression of the idea of“ius commune”. The way of the codification of European Civil Law aims at forming the present“European Ius Commune”. Today’s European Civil Code is to find the traces of“ius commune”in the laws of different European countries to establish the theoretical frame of common European Private Law and at realize the unification of European Private Law. Chapter Four“The Present Situation of the Codification of the European Civil Law: Analysis with Examples”: In this part, the present situation of the codification of the European Civil Law will be reviewed and the object of the codification of European Civil Code and the Draft of Possible Structure of European Civil Code are analyzed. According to the conclusion of the study and analysis in this thesis, they have the following characteristics: the limitation of the adjusted scopes, the incompleteness of the structural system. In this thesis, the main areas of Civil Law, i.e. Contract Law, Tort Law, and Property Law are also analyzed to show how they are unified. In the end, the character of European Civil Law is generalized that it has the characteristic of soft law and functions as model law.Chapter Five“The Future of the Codification of the European Civil Law: Problems and Prospects”: In this part, the problems and obstacles in the codification of European Civil Law are analyzed, i.e. the necessity of European Civil Code, how to deal with the conflicts between diversity and integrity in culture of member states of the EU. In this thesis, it is considered that from the point of view of prospects, between Common law and Civil Law, historical and actual relation exists and the convergence of these two systems has been a tendency. The codification of European Civil Law should be advanced by the legislators and the cooperation of all the European professional jurists. If the politics is powerful enough and the jurists prepare the way, the unification of the European law can be realized.Chapter Six“The Codification of the European Civil Law to China: Use for Reference”: The fruits of the study of the unification of the European Private law therefore shall be of great significance in enacting the civil law in China. In the process of constituting civil law in our country, we should assimilate the most developed legislating idea and methods. The active participation of the civilian scholars and the use of the method of the comparative law are all important factors that can’t be ignored. At last, the conclusion of the dissertation: The thesis attempts, in the aspects of the unification of European Private Law, especially in the field of the codification of European Civil Law, to study on the objectives, approaches and basic content of the unification of European private law in order to exhibit the progress and trend of contemporary European Civil Law. Although the codification of European Civil Law also has a lot of great obstacles to overcome, the purpose for studying it is not to foresee whether the codification of European Civil Law can succeed, but to get beneficial inspiration from the problems it face and the achievements it has made. The process of the codification of European Civil Code is one in which all the member states of the Union find“ius commune”. China as a country that is transiting towards market-oriented economy has already put the promulgation of its own civil code on the agenda. The achievement of the study on the unification of the European private law is of great significance in enacting the civil code in China. The approximation of law requires that in making the domestic law, the country should rationally and selectively assimilate or transplant the other countries’law or assimilate the common practice of law that has been accepted in the international practice.

  • 【分类号】DD913;D95
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】883

