

【作者】 尹中安

【导师】 费安玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 无论人身保险还是财产保险,均可有受益人之存在。一方面,除被保险人以保险标的——财产及其有关利益之所有权人、他物权人或债权人之地位,以及以生命、身体及健康之人格权人之身份而为法定之当然受益人;另一方面,被保险人以法定之当然受益人之地位,基于意思自治之私法原则而可以将其保险金请求权以指定受益人之方式让度于第三人。被保险人作为当然的受益人,生成之途径是法律规定(下文简称为法定);第三人作为受益人,主要是基于被保险人之指定而生成,在某些情况下,则依法律规定而生成(如以被保险人之死亡为保险事故而未指定受益人者,被保险人之继承人依据保险法而以保险受益人之身份受领保险金之场合即属之)。因此,保险受益人有法定和指定两种生成途径。保险利益之功能在于避免赌博和制造道德危险。被保险人作为法定受益人,因其为保险标的之权利人而自始至终对保险标的具有保险利益,且对人身保险之标的——自己的生命、身体和健康具有无限之利益;第三人作为受益人,对保险标的是否应当具有保险利益,尚有待于探讨。但可以肯定的是,以受益人作为保险利益的约束对象可以使保险利益有的放矢。本文除导论和结论外,正文由上下两编构成,其中上编有四章,下编有两章,故全文共有六章。上编保险受益人构成论,由第一章保险受益人之界定、第二章保险受益人存在之范围、第三章保险受益人与保险利益之关系和第四章保险受益人之分类构成。第一章保险受益人之界定,通过对世界上有代表性的一些国家和地区立法对保险受益人之界定之比较和分析,以及对理论界关于保险受益人界定之差异,提出了保险受益人存在的范围、保险受益人生成之途径、保险受益人是否受保险利益之制约以及保险受益人的类别等问题,由此为下文设定了论述之对象。第二章保险受益人存在的范围,首先指出和实证分析了人身保险中存在受益人之各种情形,接着重点论述了财产保险也存在受益人之理论根据,考察了财产保险受益人之立法例,列举了财产保险存在受益人之实例,从而得出了财产保险除了法定受益人——被保险人之外,亦有指定受益人存在的结论。第三章保险受益人与保险利益之关系,首先从保险利益之功能角度指出了投保人为保险利益归属主体之不当,从理论和实证分析之角度论证了被保险人作为法定受益人应当为保险利益之归属主体,第三人作为受益人对保险标的是否应当具有保险利益,则依情形而定:与被保险人存在经济关系或亲属关系的受益人具有保险利益;反之,不存在这两种关系的受益人,则无须具有保险利益,其作为受益人以被保险人之指定为已足。第四章保险受益人之分类,从不同的角度,即以不同的划分标准列举和论述了保险受益人之类别,包括理论上和法律上的已有类别及本文提出和论述之新类别,有1)人身保险受益人和财产保险受益人;2)指定受益人与法定受益人;3)可变更受益人和不可变更受益人;4)单数受益人和复数受益人;5)原始受益人和后继受益人;6)第一受益人与第三受益人;7)名义受益人与实质受益人共八种分类。下编保险受益人生成论由第五章和第六章两章构成。第五章保险受益人生成途径之一——指定一章,论述了指定受益人之主体——指定权人应当是被保险人,投保人指定受益人之权利来自被保险人之隐藏性授权和基于投保人作为保险契约当事人便利契约订立之考量;全面论述了受益人指定之意义、性质、指定的理论根据及指定的方式、方法及效力;同时还对受益人指定之变更作了相应的论述。第六章保险受益人生成途径之二——法定一章,首先通过论证,指出了推定这一受益人生成途径之立法及理论之不当,论证了法定受益人之根据、受益人法定之情形及有关国家和地区之立法例。

【Abstract】 Besides the insured as a statutory beneficiary, a designated beneficiary is also likely to exist either in personal insurance or in property insurance.On the one hand, as the owner or creditor of the subject matter of property insurance, or as the personal obligee of the subject matter of personal insurance, the insured is sure to be the statutory beneficiary; on the other hand ,the insured ,as the statutory beneficiary ,has the right to designate a third party beneficiary according to the principle of private autonomy.The insured being the beneficiary results from the law,and the third party to be a beneficiary is based on the insured’s designation or based on statutes, for instance,under the circumstance of the insured’s decease.Therefore,there are two means of beneficiary’s creation.The function of the principle of insurable interest is to avoid gambling and to prevent moral hazard.The insured as the statutory beneficiary must always have insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance ,and has unlimitedinterest in the subject matter of life insurance——his/her own life,body andhealth.The third party beneficiary has insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance either because of economic relationship or family relationship;if the third party beneficiary doesn’t have the above two relationship with the insured ,he/she can be designated as beneficiary by the insured.This thesis consists of two parts,besides the preface and the tag.The first part has four chapters and the second part has two chapters.Altogether,the thesis is composed of six chapters.The four chapters in the first part are: Chapter I,The Definition of Insurance Beneficiary, Chapter II, the Scope of Insurance Beneficiary’Existance, Chapter III,Must A Insurance Beneficiary have Insurable Interest?Chapter IV,The Classifcation of Insurance Bnenficiaries.Chapter I puts forward the issues of the scope of insurance beneficiaries,the means of beneficiary’s creation,Is insurable interest required of a beneficiary? the classification of insurance beneficiary and so on,which provides the topic of the thesis in the following. In Chapter II ,the author first analyses the situations where beneficiary exists in property insurance and then discusses the theoretic foundations of insurance beneficiary’s existanc in property insurance,makes a legal investigation of property insurance beneficiary, gives some illustrations of beneficiary existance in property insurance and then comes to the conclusion that beneficiaries,whether statutory beneficiary or designated one both exist in property insurance.In Chapter III, first declares that the prevailing view that insurance applicants or proposers are required to have insurable interest is wrong from the point of the function or goal of the nsurable interest,and states that beneficiaries should have insurable interest from the theoretic and practical points.Chapter IV enumerates seven classifications of insurance beneficiary:which are 1)life insurance beneficiary and property insurance beneficiary; 2)designated beneficiary and statutory beneficiary; 3)revocable beneficiary and irrevocable beneficiary; 4)single beneficiary and plural beneficiary; 5)primary beneficiary and secondary beneficiary; 6)first party beneficiary third party beneficiary and 7)nominal beneficiary and substantial beneficiary.The second part consists of two chapters.Chapter V discussing one means of beneficiary’s creation—designation,points out that the insured has the right to designate beneficiaries because of his being the owner or obligee of the subject matter of insurance,and that the applicant or proposer can designate beneficiary is based on the insured’s concealed authorization and his status of the contractor of the insurance contract.This chapter also makes a study of the modes of beneficiary designation,the ways of beneficiary designatin,the conception of beneficiary designation,the nature of beneficiary designation and the effect of beneficiary designation.In Chapter VI, the other means of Beneficiary’s Creation—Statute Making,the author fisrt criticise the opinion of beneficiary presumption by analyzing its falsehood,and argue that we should abandon the means of beneficiary presumptiob;then,the thesis makes a careful study of statutory creation of beneficiary by giving its reasons ,illustrations of statutory examples.

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1043

