

The Research on Remedy of Legal Error in Criminal Adjudication

【作者】 孙淼

【导师】 宋英辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 刑事裁判中法律错误的救济与事实错误的救济一样,都是刑事诉讼法律救济制度中的重要内容。由于刑事诉讼法所特有的“人权保障法”性质,使得对于裁判中法律错误的救济更具有重要的作用和意义。本文共六章。首先从法律错误的基本概念入手,分析了救济法律错误的理论基础,总结了法律错误的救济目的、救济原则。然后,在对法律错误救济的审级及其构造特点进行全面认识的基础上,比较、归纳了法律错误救济的基本程序要求和特点。最后,以法律错误救济基本理论为基础,提出了完善我国刑事裁判中法律错误救济制度的具体建议。第一章“绪论”着重阐述了刑事裁判中法律错误的概念、特征、种类及其产生原因。同时,考察了各国刑事诉讼制度中有关法律错误的具体规定,并在此基础上归纳了界定具体法律错误的一些基本原则。第二章“刑事裁判中法律错误救济的理论基础”旨在通过对法治理念、司法正义、程序公正的全面分析,阐释了为什么要对裁判中的法律错误进行救济的理论基础,为构建完善的法律错误救济制度进行必要的理论准备。第三章“刑事裁判中法律错误的救济目的和救济原则”通过对部分国家和地区刑事裁判中法律错误救济制度的比较,总结了法律错误的救济目的。根据法律错误本身的性质和救济的基本要求,概括了针对裁判中法律错误进行救济的基本原则。同时,还分析了法律错误的救济与相关刑事诉讼原则的相互关系。第四章“刑事裁判中法律错误救济的审级及其构造”主要比较分析了不同国家或地区审级制度之下法律错误救济的基本特点。同时,考虑到法律错误救济与事实错误救济的不同,特别分析了法律错误救济的审级构造,进一步扩展了法律错误救济的基本理论。第五章“刑事裁判中法律错误的救济程序”则是将法律错误的救济具体化,分别通过对未生效判决、生效判决以及裁定中法律错误救济程序的比较,具体归纳、总结了法律错误救济的基本程序性要求及其规律。第六章“法律错误的救济与我国刑事诉讼制度的改革与完善”主要通过对我国刑事诉讼有关裁判中法律错误救济制度存在问题的分析,根据刑事裁判中法律错误救济的基本理论认识,对我国刑事诉讼制度中有关法律错误救济制度的完善提出了一些具体的改革建议。

【Abstract】 In criminal adjudication, both legal error remedies and factual error remedies are important part in remedies system of criminal procedure law. Because criminal procedure law has the unique characteristics of Protection of Human Rights, it is more important and significant to remedy legal error in the adjudication.This thesis has six chapters. It successively starts from the basic concept of legal error to analyze the theoretical basis of legal error remedies and summarize their goals and principles of legal error; compares and summarizes the requirements and characteristics of basic procedure of legal error remedies based on overall understanding of their grading and structural characteristics; and proposes specific suggestions for improvement of legal error remedies system in Chinese criminal adjudication based on their basic theory.Chapter 1, Introduction. It states the concept, characteristics, categories and origins of legal error in criminal adjudication, surveys the specific rules of legal error in criminal procedure system of different countries, and then summarizes several basic delimiting principles of specific legal error.Chapter 2. Theoretical Basis. It explains the theoretical basis for legal error remedies in the adjudication through the overall analysis of legal concept, formal justice, and procedure justice, so as to construct a complete legal error remedies system for necessary theoretical preparation.Chapter 3, Goals & Principles. It summarizes the goals of legal error remedies by comparing different legal error remedies systems in criminal adjudication of different countries, outlines their basic principles in criminal adjudication according to the nature of legal error and the basic requirements of remedies, and analyzes the relationship between legal error remedies and relevant criminal procedure principles.Chapter 4, Grading & Its Structure. It compares the basic characteristics of legal error remedies in grading systems of different countries, especially analyzes their grading structure due to their difference from factual error remedies, and further extends their basic theory.Chapter 5, Remedy Procedures. It specifies the legal error remedies, compares the procedures of legal error remedies in ineffective and effective judgment (adjudication), and summarizes their basic procedure requirements and principles.Chapter 6, Reform & Improvement. It mainly analyzes the problems of legal error remedies system in adjudication of Chinese criminal procedure system, and proposes several specific suggestions for reform and improvement of such system.

【关键词】 法律错误理论救济完善
【Key words】 Legal ErrorTheoryRemediesImprovement
  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【下载频次】279

