

Narrative Representation of Daily Discourse in Novels

【作者】 孙国亮

【导师】 蔡翔;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 日常话语介入文学雅言系统是90年代以来一个重要的文学现象。本文选取了在小说中表现的较为典型的日常话语——王朔的“粗口”、安顿和林白的“口述”与“闲聊”、90年代以来小说写作的“方言”等日常话语为主要研究对象,既从文学史的角度思考日常话语对建构晚近二十年来中国当代文学的效用及其影响;又从文化研究,特别是话语分析的视角,采用多文本并置的“互文性”解读,将小说日常话语纳入整个社会文化和文学实践的大情境中进行内部和外部的整体性观照,将文本、话语实践和社会实践三个向度加以整合,尝试在文化霸权斗争的框架内进行研究,揭示在新意识形态压抑机制下,文学生产通过谋求“声口”的变化,利用“日常话语”的发声策略,激活文学介入社会生活、对社会重大问题发言的能力,呈现日常生活和解放政治之间的矛盾和症候;其中,日常话语与文学雅言话语和主流意识形态话语之间微妙而复杂的博弈过程,是本文的创新和研究的重点。在王朔“粗口”的表征背后,既展示了小说日常话语介入文学雅言后的反抗性和正当性,又在某种程度上配合了主流意识形态对“财富道德话语”的建构。“侃平”作为话语“民主化”的表象,凸显了“粗口”作为转型期中国的独特阶层——“侃痞”——阶层建构的符号策略和利益诉求,其语言的冒犯是“政治寂静主义”(political quietism)的一种修辞学表达,揭开了90年代小说在“粗口”泡沫下走向政治寂静和无害的序幕。以安顿和林白为代表的“口述实录”与“妇女闲聊录”,展示了日常话语对文学的积极介入、对“雅言系统”的反动和对意识形态话语的介入与“敞开”。虽然,在一定程度上复活了弱势的女性群体“发声”的能力。但知识分子话语通过“拟定话题”、“咨询性引导”、“隐形的权威控制”、“富有人情味”、以及“话语权的有限转让”等“技术化”策略,有效地渗透、影响和操控了日常话语。而意识形态话语无所不在的“笼罩”,使日常话语沦为马尔库塞所谓的“操作主义(operativism)语言”,起到了弗洛姆所说的“语言的社会过滤器”功能。90年代以来的方言写作,无疑预示着小说日常话语发展的一个方向。作为“文化飞地”的方言区,通过方言表达对差异政治和生活政治的认同,探寻在总体制度内部建立抵抗话语的可能性,这正是詹姆逊所谓的“葛兰西式的飞地(enclave)文化斗争”模式。这预示着日常生活及其话语有可能摆脱被监控和规训的命运,摆脱所谓的“意义世界”对“生活世界”的绝对殖民。然而,这种话语斗争和抵抗因为是在意识形态内部的、臣属性的、分散的,所以,又是破碎的和不彻底的。总之,研究小说日常话语与文学建构和社会变迁的互动关系、其背后潜在的对官方话语的有限性认同和自发性抵抗、与书面语的拒斥和杂交、以及由此形成的主体自我和群体认同、社会分层和阶层互动、社会想象和结构变迁,乃至阶层符号边界的确立和建立文化抵抗“飞地”的努力,展示了超越“解放政治”的遮蔽和缺陷,以及建构未来“生活政治”的愿景。

【Abstract】 This doctoral dissertation chooses daily discourse as the main object of research, such as Wang Shuo’s "vulgar language", An Dun’s "faithful oral record", Lin Bai’s "record of women’s chat" and the "dialect writing" in novels since the 1990s. The article doesn’t only deal with the effect and impact of daily discourse on constructing Chinese contemporary literature during the recent 20 years from the perspective of history of literature, but it also adopts "intertextuality" of placing several texts alongside to interpret, i.e., bringing daily discourse of novels into the large whole situation of social culture and literature practice in order to make observations and comparisons with the integrity of both inside and outside. Besides, by combining text, discourse practice and social practice together, this article tries to study within the frame of struggle against cultural hegemony, to reveal under suppression mechanism of new ideology, that literature production stimulates literature’s ability to join the social life and give opinions on significant social problems by means of seeking changes of "voices" and using speaking strategy of daily discourse, as well as presenting contradictions and symptoms between daily life and politics of emancipation. Among them all, the subtle and complicated conflicting process between daily discourse together with literary language and language of mainstream ideology is the key point that this article would like to study and blaze new trails.Behind the representation of "vulgar language" written by Wang Shuo, it shows the rebelliousness and justness after the daily discourse of novels join the literary language, and to some extent, also cooperates with the mainstream ideology in the construction of "discourse of fortunes and morals". "Deriding to achieve mental balance" as the representation of "democratization " of discourse has highlighted that "vulgar language" becomes the symbol strategy and interest demand of the special class - "chat riffraff during the restructuring period in China. The offence of their language is a kind of rhetoric expression of "political quietism", which has raised the curtain of novels of 1990s heading for political quietness and harmlessness within the bubbles of "vulgar language". As representatives, "faithful oral record " and "record of women’s casual talk" present the active interposition of daily discourse into literature, the rebellion of daily discourse against "system of literary language" as well as the interposition and "wide opening" to the ideological discourse. Though to some extent, it has brought female’s ability of "speaking" back to life, the language intellectuals have effectively infiltrated, influenced and dominated daily words and expressions by means of "drawing up topics", "guiding consultatively", "authority-dominating invisibly", "being full of human feelings", "transferring the right of speaking limitedly" and the other "technicalizing" strategies, while the omnipresent envelop of ideological language has made the daily language reduced to Marcuse’s "language of operativism" and achieved the effect of "social filter of language" mentioned by Fromm.The dialect writing since the 1990s undoubtedly indicated a moving direction of daily discourse in novels. As the dialect regions of "culture enclaves", they express identification with politics of difference and life, as well as by using dialects to explore the possibilities of creating discourse of resistance in the total system, which are the mode "conflict of enclave culture". This predicts that daily life and its language are likely to get rid of supervision and instruction, also the absolute colonizing of so-called "world of meaning" to the "world of life". However, this kind of discourse conflict and resistance is inside the ideology and subordinate, scattered, so it is also broken and not thorough.To sum up, it presents the obstruction and demerits of surpassing "politics of emancipation" as well as the dream of constructing the "politics of life" by studying the mutual relationship of daily discourse in novels and construction of literature together with social changes, the potential approval of limitation, resistance of spontaneity against official language, the rejection and cross-breeding with written language as well as subject egoism and group approval, social division and communication among stratums, social imagination and structure changes, even the establishment of border of stratum symbols, culture suspension at the bottom and the efforts to establish the enclave of culture resistance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

