

Toward Development Quality: A Research on the Urban Community Governance

【作者】 杨蓓蕾

【导师】 诸大建;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 自1991年民政部推行社区建设以来,我国城市社区建设成就有目共睹。然而,随着社区建设向纵深发展,现行社区建设模式中蕴涵的发展质量问题愈益凸现,其根源在于现行社区建设模式的治理结构影响了我国城市社区的可持续发展。如何解决?即未来的社区发展模式应如何构建,是极具理论和应用价值的课题,也是本文研究的主题。首先,本文以发展质量为目标研究城市社区建设。本文认为,当前社区建设模式存在物质增长与人的发展不协调的发展质量问题,单纯的物质增长并没有带来居民更多的需求满足和更高品质的生活,当然也不可能真正实现人的发展。本文不仅要解决发展理念问题,即为什么发展,更要解决怎么发展的问题,也就是未来社区建设如何提升发展质量、提高人的满意度问题。本文选择从治理结构角度切入,以我国现行城市社区建设模式为重点,通过历史分析和绩效衡量,在对我国以往“街-居”制和16年社区建设模式发展成效疏理的基础上,指出通过治理结构变革转变发展路径,探索出一条适合我国国情的、能带来居民高满意度和能力提升的社区发展之路。其次,对3种基层社会发展模式进行整体剖析。本文在分析“街-居”模式的基础上,着重对现行社区建设模式的成就和问题进行历史分析和绩效测量。通过研究,本文指出治理结构的变革,推动社区建设模式替代“街-居”模式。较之于“街-居”模式,社区治理结构的变革(包括自治制度的发展)带来了居民满意度的明显提高。但直线式权力运行方式制约了社区建设满意度的进一步上升。随着未来治理结构的进一步变革,网络治理模式将取代社区建设模式,引领社区走上高质量的发展之路。再次,建构并验证了社区合作网络治理模式。本文在理论和实证研究的基础上,推导出高发展质量的社区合作网络治理模式,并通过对这一治理模式的内涵、价值取向、构建、未来绩效及可能存在困境的理论探讨,论证了一群相互依赖的社区建设主体通过社区合作网络把自己组织起来,进行自主治理,从而能够在所有人都面对搭便车、规避责任或其他机会主义行为形态的情况下,取得持久的共同收益。这一社区治理模式由于采取自下而上的运行方式,能更有针对性地满足居民需求;同时,由于这一治理模式能更广泛地吸引居民参与,能获得居民更高的满意度和能力的提升。随后,本文通过对上海已经存在的探索——采取合作网络治理的平凉社区独居老人精神慰藉服务模式的实证研究,从实践角度证明合作网络治理有助于提升社区发展的质量和居民的满意度。最后,本文得出结论,单纯的物质增长不能带来居民更多的需求满足和更高品质的生活,当然也不可能真正实现人的发展。要实现高质量的发展,必须转变发展观念,变革社区治理结构,探索出一条适合我国国情的、能带来居民高满意度和能力提升的网络治理之路。

【Abstract】 Since the implementation of community construction by Ministry of CivilAffairs of PRC in 1991, many achievements have been witnessed. However, with thefurther development of community construction, the issue of development qualityattracted more & more concerning. The trend, as it’s always, that the speed ofquantity development is over the speed of quality, seriously hampered the harmoniousand sustainability of the whole society. The focus of this dissertation is to find out thesolution to the issue, i.e. how to construct our future community. I believe this topichas its value theoretically & practically.The first focus is on the study of development quality of our communityconstruction. Nowadays, there exists the inconsistency between quality & quantity inthe development of community construction. People realize that the quantity on thedevelopment will not automatically solve the issue of quality, that the essence ofdevelopment should be the human being but not the stuffs. The increase on materialsside is just the method but not the target. The real target should be the satisfaction ofhuman’s demand and the enhancement of the capability. In the angle of communitygovemance and based the current construction model of our communities, thedissertation has the model of Street-Residential as sample study, which has the sixteenyears practice in China, so as to find out some way that is unique & suitable toChina’s situation, improve the satisfaction of local residents and enhance thedevelopment of the community governace.Secondly, our study will also be focus on the three basic model of communitydevelopment. Based on the "Street-Residential Model", we studied theaccomplishment & issues of it through historical analyzing & performance measure.We would draw the conclusion that we shall promote the change from current"Street-Residential Model" to modem community construction. Compared with the"Street-Residential Model", modern community construction will improve the satisfaction from the local residents. While the straight line execution modelhampered the progress. In the further future, "Network Governance Model" willreplace the modern community construction, which will be finally resulted in higherdevelopment quality.Thirdly, the dissertation goes further on "Network Governance Model". Basedon the study on the theory & practice, we forecast that the "Network GovernanceModel" contains higher quality. Plus, based on the study on its content, value-assess,construction model, future performance evaluation and possible issue...etc, we candraw the conclusion that "Network Governance Model" will make up a more mutualbenefits and harmony environment between several communities. The bottom-up &initiative model could stimulate more unique satisfaction among the community.Besides, the model could absorb more participation from the local residents, whichwill also benefit the satisfaction. Thus, we made case study on the solitaries in ’PingLiang Community’. The community provides conciliative service to those old people,which is a testimony that the collaborative network could increase the residents’satisfaction.Last but not the least, only the improvement on materials cannot bring moresatisfaction to residents’ demand and high-level living standard, nor could it realizethe development of human being. We have to change our mind and the currentquantity-oriented model so as to find out one way suitable to our nation’s conditionand to bring more satisfaction from our residents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期

