

Studies on Molecular Evolution of Domestic and Wild Bactrian and the Physical-chemical Properties of Camel Milk

【作者】 吉日木图

【导师】 张和平;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 畜产品安全生产, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文对内蒙古阿拉善驼和蒙古国戈壁红驼以及野骆驼乳的化学组成进行了分析比较,并采用AFLP和线粒体DNA序列比较法对家骆驼和野骆驼进行了分子进化研究。乳理化特性分析结果表明,三种双峰驼乳化学成分存在着较大的差异。阿拉善双峰驼首次采集初乳总干物质、蛋白质、脂肪和灰分含量分别为20.16%、14.23%、0.27%和1.22%。但它们的含量随着泌乳期发生一定的变化。总干物质含量在泌乳第2h~30d内的变化波动不大,为17.46%~17.42%;第90d时下降至14.31%。蛋白质含量在第24h时下降至8.06%,并有继续下降的趋势,第7d、30d、60d及90d时分别降至7.45%、4.87%、4.34%和3.56%。脂肪含量在第24h时增加至4.18%,达第30d时增至6.91%,而第90d时又降到5.65%。灰分含量在第24h时降至0.90%,而以后的整个试验期内稳定在0.82%~0.98%范围内。乳糖含量在整个试验期内变化较小,为4.24%~4.72%。首次采集的初乳中,WPN占总氮58.74%,CN占总氮38.57%,NPN仅占总氮的2.69%;第24h时WPN、CN及NPN分别占总氮的32.54%、65.08%及2.38%。随着泌乳期的推移,驼乳氮分布中CN逐渐升高,WPN逐渐降低,在2h~90d内NPN占总氮变化较小,为5.26%~7.89%。驼乳中C12:0~C18:0偶数长链饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的57.54%,其中C16:0、C18:0及C12:0分别占总脂肪酸的30.12%、15.15%和11.49%, C18:1~C18:3长链多不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸组成的30.25%,其中以C18:1脂肪酸为主,为26.05%。首次采集的初乳中钙、磷含量最高,分别为222.58 mg/100g和153.74 mg/100g;钙、磷、钠、钾及氯在3~90d内变化范围分别为154.57~186.87 mg/100g、116.82~141.67 mg/100g、59.5~79.5 mg/100g、150.0~191.0 mg/100g和80.9~152.0 mg/100g。初乳中VA、VC含量低于常乳,VE和VB1含量高于常乳,VD、VB2及VB6与常乳相近。第90d驼乳中VA、VE、VB1、VB2、VB6、VC和VD分别为0.97 mg/L和1.45 mg/L、0.124 mg/L、1.24mg/L、0.54mg/L和29.60mg/L和692 IU/L。蒙古国戈壁红驼首次采集初乳中总干物质为20.86%,在第2h~30d内变动范围为17.86%~18.32%,达第90d时下降至14.49%。首次采集初乳中蛋白质为14.86%,第24h时下降到8.15%,之后继续下降,第7d、30d、60d及90d时分别为7.44%、4.92%、4.51%和3.56%。乳糖含量在第2h~90d泌乳期内变化较小,为4.35%~4.65%。首次采集初乳脂肪含量为0.28%,第24h时增加至4.26%,第30d时为6.85%,第90d时又下降到5.71%。首次采集初乳中灰分含量为1.28%,第24h时下降至0.92%,在90d的泌乳期内稳定在0.86%~0.95%范围内。第90d驼乳中C12:0、C14:0、C16:0、C18:0、C18:1、C18:2和C18:3的脂肪酸分别为3.2 mg/g fat、49.3 mg/g fat、165.0 mg/g fat、158.6 mg/g fat、161.0 mg/g fat、12.3 mg/g fat和7.6mg/g fat。首次采集的初乳中钙、磷含量分别为216 mg/100g和154.3 mg/100g;钙、磷、钠、钾及氯在第2h~90d内变化范围分别在156.3~192.2 mg/100g、126.8~154.3 mg/100g、60.0~83.0 mg/100g、126.8~184.2 mg/100g和85.6~193.2 mg/100g。第90d驼乳中VA、VE、VB1、VB2、VB6、VC和VD分别为1.07 mg/L、1.41 mg/L、1.57mg/L、1.51mg/L、0.68 mg/L、33.55mg/L和639.5 IU/L。野骆驼第90d驼乳干物质为16.47%,蛋白质为4.47%,乳糖为4.58%,脂肪为6.39%,灰分为0.92%;钙、磷、钠、钾、氯、硫、镁、锌分别为156.3 mg/100g、135.5 mg/100g、57.9 mg/100g、185.0 mg/100g、145.8 mg/100g、39.9 mg/100g、11.8 mg/100g、0.7 mg/100g;VA、VE、VB1、VB2、VB6、VC和VD分别为1.04 mg/L、1.48 mg/L、1.65mg/L、1.44mg/L、0.71 mg/L、33.70mg/L和638.33 IU/L。分子进化分析结果表明,野双峰驼和家养双峰驼分子进化相关的线粒体基因组长度为15440 bp,野双峰驼和家养双峰驼在进化上的分歧时间为600万年。现存的野双峰驼具有远古血统和谱系,是家养双峰驼的祖先。

【Abstract】 Changes in chemical compositions of milk during lactation and mitochondrial DNA sequences of Alxa Bactrian camels,Mongolian Gobi Red Bactrian camels and wild Bactrian camels were comparatively studied in this research. The experimental results showed that chemical compositions of milk and mitochondrial DNA were significantly different among the 3 kinds of Bactrian camel.The total solids, protein, fat and ash content in Alxa Bactrian camel colostrums, which was collected first time postpartum, were 20.16%, 14.23%, 0.27% and 1.22%, respectively. However, the content of these compositions were changed according to lactation time. The total solids content was17.46% to 17.42% from 2h to 30th d postpartum, but it was decreased to 14.31% at 90th d postpartum. The protein content was decreased to 8.06% in 24th h postpartum, and continually decreased to 7.45%, 4.87%, 4.34% and 3.56%, respectively, at 7th d, 30th d, 60th d and 90th d postpartum. The fat content was increased to 4.18% in 24th h postpartum and 6.91% in 30th d postpartum, but decreased to 5.65% in 90th d postpartum. The ash content was decreased to 0.90% at 24th h and stabilized during 0.82% to 0.98% in whole left lactation time. Variation in lactose content was small (4.24 to 4.71%) throughout the study period. The WPN, CN and NPN account for 58.74%, 38.57% and 2.69% in total N in first collected colostrums and 32.54%, 65.08% and 2.38% in 24th h colostrums postpartum, respectively. Percentages of caseins N increased steadily, whereas whey proteins N declined gradually until 3 month of lactation. Variation in NPN content was small (5.26 to 7.89%) throughout the study period. Gas liquid chromatography analysis of milk fat showed that the content of even-numbered saturated fatty acids(C12:0-C18:0) account for 57.54% in total fatty acids, and C16:0, C18:0, C12:0 fatty acids account for 30.12%, 15.15% and 11.49% in total fatty acids, respectively. There was a considerable level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (mainly C18:1) in Alxa camel’s milk fat. The levels of Ca and P were 222.58 and 153.74mg/100 g, respectively, in first time collected milk postpartum; The variation in Ca, P, Na, K and Cl levels in study period were 154.57186.87mg/100g, 116.82141.67 mg/100g, 59.579.5 mg/100g, 150.0191.0 mg/100g and 80.9152.0 mg/100g, respectively. The levels of vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, and D were 0.97, 29.60, 1.45, 0.124, 1.24, 0.54 mg/L, and 640 IU/L, respectively, in Alxa camel milk at 90 d PP. Vitamin A and C contents were higher and vitamins E and B1 were lower than those in colostrum.The total solids, protein, fat and ash content in Mongolian Gobi Red Bactrian camel colostrums, which was collected first time postpartum, were 20.86%, 14.86%, 0.28% and 1.28%, respectively. However, the content of these compositions were changed according to lactation time. The total solids content was 17.86% to 18.32% from 2h to 30th d postpartum, but it was decreased to 14.49% at 90th d postpartum. The protein content was decreased to 8.15% at 24th h postpartum, and continually decreased to 7.44%, 4.92%, 4.51% and 3.56%, respectively, at 7th d, 30th d, 60th d and 90th d postpartum. The fat content was increased to 4.26% at 24th h postpartum and 6.85% at 30th d postpartum, but decreased to 5.71% at 90th d postpartum. The ash content was decreased to 0.92% at 24th h and stabilized during 0.82% to 0.98% in whole left lactation time. Variation in lactose content was small (4.35 to 4.65%) throughout the study period. The content of C12:0, C14:0,、C16: 0, C18: 0, C18: 1, C18: 2 and C18: 3 fatty acids account for 3.2 mg/g fat, 49.3 mg/g fat, 165.0 mg/g fat, 158.6 mg/g fat, 161.0 mg/g fat, 12.3 mg/g fat and 7.6mg/g fat, respectively.The levels of Ca and P were 216 and 154.3mg/100 g, respectively, in first time collected postpartum; the variation in Ca, P, Na, K and Cl levels in study period were 156.3192.2 mg/100g, 126.8154.3mg/100g, 60.083.0 mg/100g, 126.8184.2 mg/100g and 85.6193.2mg/100g, respectively. The levels of vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, C, and D were 1.07 mg/L, 1.41 mg/L, 1.57mg/L, 1.51mg/L, 0.68 mg/L, 33.55mg/L and 639.5 IU/L, respectively.The total solids, protein, lactose, fat, and ash content in wild Bactrian camel milk collected at 90th d postpartum were 16.47%, 4.47%, 4.58%, 6.39% and 0.92%, respectively. The levels of Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, S, Mg and Zn in regular milk of wild Bactrian camels collected at 90th d postpartum were 156.3 mg/100g, 135.5 mg/100g, 57.9 mg/100g, 185.0 mg/100g, 145.8 mg/100g, 39.9 mg/100g, 11.8 mg/100g and 0.7 mg/100g, respectively. The levels of vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, C, and D were 1.04 mg/L, 1.48 mg/L, 1.65mg/L, 1.44mg/L, 0.71 mg/L, 33.70mg/Land 638.33 IU/L respectively.The results of molecular evalution analysis showed that the length of mitochondrial gene group in the Domestic Bactrian Camel and Wild Bactrian Camel is 15,440 base pairs. The Domestic Bactrian Camel and Wild Bactrian Camel were differentied to two large branchs and became individent groups about six million years ago. The Wild Bactrian Camel has not only own ancient ancestry and pedigree but also the ancestor of the Demostic Bactrian Camel.


