

A Research on Performance Management of Employed Technical Staff in Military Hospital of CQ Area

【作者】 曹小勇

【导师】 陈俊国;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在军队体制编制调整背景下,军队医院人力资源结构发生了很大变化,聘用人员日益成为军队医院的一支重要力量。聘用人员人力资源管理也已成为军队医院管理中较为突出的问题,关注这一问题既是新时期军队医院人力资源管理的重要内容,也是保证聘用人员职业生涯健康发展的客观需要,它关系到军队医院的和谐和可持续发展,应该引起管理层的高度重视。绩效管理是人力资源管理的重要内容,员工工作绩效的高低直接影响着组织的整体效率和效益。要充分调动聘用人员的积极性和创造性,最大限度地提升其工作绩效,就要求管理者谙熟绩效管理的理论和方法。国内外研究者围绕着绩效管理的内涵与外延、方法和内容进行了广泛的研究,但相关研究多集中在企业领域,研究成果在医院管理领域的适应性尚需探讨。同时,由于绩效管理的复杂性,医院领域内现有绩效管理的研究多属理论思辨和一般调查,缺乏深层次的理论分析和系统的实证研究,更缺乏对军队医院聘用人员绩效管理的专门研究。本研究从综合化研究取向出发,采用理论分析、人员访谈、问卷调查、现场调研、探索性因素分析、多样本比较等方法,对军队医院聘用人员绩效管理的理论和实践进行了较为系统的探讨。整个研究分为6个部分,主要有9项研究构成,依次是研究背景与研究方法分析、绩效管理理论辨析、绩效管理现状研究、绩效管理关键环节研究、绩效管理关键环节应用特征研究、工作满意研究、工作绩效研究、工作满意与工作绩效关系研究、全面绩效管理的理论研究。综合以上研究的结果,得出了如下结论:1.自编的《绩效管理关键环节量表》、《工作满意量表》和《工作绩效量表》具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为测量工作使用。2.强化军队医院聘用人员绩效管理是军队医院内外环境所要求的,是军队医院和谐、可持续发展的基石,具有重要的现实意义。3.各界对绩效管理的解读尚不统一。基于对绩效管理的理论辨析,界定了军队医院聘用人员绩效及绩效管理的内涵,在军队医院管理中引入了绩效管理理念和方法。4.现行军队医院聘用人员的绩效管理只是有了绩效管理的形式,尚不是完整意义上的绩效管理。聘用人员对绩效管理目的、作用的认识尚有偏差,对现行绩效管理系统各层面的满意度均较低。现行军队医院聘用人员的绩效管理系统是不完整的,绩效管理的各个环节均存在基础性的弊端,绩效管理流程存在明显的局限性。5.军队医院聘用人员绩效管理的关键环节包括目标计划、行为监控、考核评估、反馈互动和结果使用五个环节,这五个环节能够解释变异的59.026%。6.在绩效管理关键环节的应用特征上,不同医院聘用人员对绩效管理“目标计划”和“考核评估”两个环节重要性的认知上存在显著差异,而在“行为监控”、“反馈互动”和“结果使用”三个环节上的重要性认知上不同医院聘用人员间无显著差异。不同个人背景(性别、毕业时间、学历)的聘用人员在五个关键环节重要性认知上没有显著差异。从整体上讲,在绩效管理的五个关键环节上,聘用人员的看法与医院的实际重视程度之间均存在显著差异。不同医院内部聘用人员对关键环节重要性的看法与医院实际运作之间在某些环节上存在显著差异。7.军队医院聘用人员在高工作满意、普通工作满意及低工作满意三个层面相互间均有显著差异,总体满意度的每题平均分为3.3198,处于普通满意程度水平。在工作满意各构面上,内在满意显著高于外在满意和一般满意,外在满意和一般满意无显著差异。男性在内在满意、外在满意、一般满意及总体满意各层面上均显著高于女性。应届毕业生在内在满意、外在满意、一般满意及总体满意各层面上均显著高于往届毕业生。中专、大专、本科学历的聘用人员的内在满意、外在满意、一般满意和总体满意水平依次降低,且均相互间有显著差异。8.军队医院聘用人员在高工作绩效、普通工作绩效及低工作绩效三个层面相互间均有显著差异,总体工作绩效的每题平均分为3.8802,处于中、高绩效水平。在工作绩效各构面上,周边绩效显著高于任务绩效。男性在任务绩效、周边绩效和总体绩效方面显著低于女性。应届毕业生在任务绩效、周边绩效和总体绩效上显著低于往届毕业生。在任务绩效方面,本科学历显著高于中专学历。在周边绩效方面,不同学历无显著差异。在总体绩效方面,本科学历显著高于中专学历。大专学历在任务绩效、周边绩效和总体绩效方面与其他学历无显著差异。9.内在满意与任务绩效、周边绩效和总体绩效无显著相关。外在满意与总体工作绩效及其各构面成正相关。一般满意与周边绩效及总体工作绩效成正相关。一般满意与任务绩无显著相关。总体工作满意与周边绩效和总体工作绩效成正相关。外在满意对任务绩效、周边绩效和总体绩效均有显著的回归效应。10.提出“全面绩效管理”理论设想,界定了“全面绩效管理”的概念、核心理念及管理流程,探讨了军队医院聘用人员全面绩效管理的实施策略。综上所述,本研究在以下几个方面有所发展和创新:(1)在理论上首次提出了“全面绩效管理”的理论设想,第一次较为全面系统地阐述了“全面绩效管理”的理论架构及内涵,在一定程度是对绩效管理理论发展的新探索;(2)比较系统、全面地将绩效管理的理念和方法引入到了军队医院聘用人员人力资源管理中;(3)较为完整地揭示了军队医院聘用人员绩效管理的现状及存在的问题;(4)确定了军队医院聘用人员绩效管理的关键环节,并分析了其应用特征,为管理实践提供了参考依据;(5)编制了符合测量学要求的《绩效管理关键环节量表》、《工作满意量表》、《工作绩效量表》,初步解决了军队医院聘用人员绩效管理关键环节、工作满意与工作绩效的测量工具问题;(6)阐述了基于全面绩效管理理论的军队医院聘用人员绩效管理实施策略;(7)整合的研究取向和多种方法、手段的综合运用,为军队医院聘用人员绩效管理提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 In the background of the restructuring of the army’s establishment, great changes have taken place in the structure of human resources of military hospital. Human resources management of the employed staff has become a more prominent issue, and we concern ourselves with this issue either because it is an important aspect of human resource management, or because it is the objective needs of ensuring healthy development of the employed staff’s career. So it is vital to the harmonious and sustainable development of the military hospital and the management should pay close attention to this issue.Performance management is an important part of human resource management. The performance of the staff directly affects the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. To fully inspire the enthusiasm and creativity of the employed staff to maximize their performance upgrade, the managers are required to be familiar with the theory and methods of the performance management.However, because of the complexity of performance management, the present researches in this area are mainly general investigation and correlative researches, lacking of deeply theoretical analysis and systematically empirical researches, and even more lacking of researches on performance management of the employed staff in military hospital.Proceeding from comprehensive research orientation, the methods such as questionnaire survey, interview method, exploring factor analysis method, several samples’comparison and experimental method were used in this paper and a systematical research was made on the theory and practice of performance management of the employed staff in military hospital. This paper includes 6 parts and is composed of 9 researches, which in turn are: Background research and analysis, performance management theory analysis, the status of Performance Management, Performance Management key, key features of application performance management, job satisfaction, job performance, relationship between job satisfaction and performance, Total performance management theory. Based on all the researches mentioned above, this paper has achieved some results as follows:1. The self-edited "key link performance management Scale", "Job Satisfaction Scale", "Performance Scale" had such good reliability and validity that they could work as survey measure tools.2. To enhance the military’s performance management of hospital employed staffs has important practical significance because it is the requirement of the inside and outside environment of the military hospital, and functions as the cornerstone of sustainable development of the military hospital.3. There was not a unified definition for the performance management among all walks of life yet. Based on the theoretical analysis of the performance management, the connotation of the performance and the performance management of military hospital’employed staffs have been clarified, and the performance management concepts and methods have been introduced in the military hospital management.4. The current military hospital’s performance management of the employed staff is no more than a form of performance management and a real performance management has not been established completely. There is a misunderstanding of the purpose and the role of performance management among the staff, and their satisfaction of the current performance management system still remains at a low level. Because of fundamental defects in each aspect of the performance management and obvious limitation in the process, the current military hospital’s performance management system of the employed staff is not a perfect one.5. The key aspects of the performance management include target plan, conduct surveillance, examination and evaluation, interactive feedback and use of results. The five aspects could explain 59.026% of the variance.6. As to the applied features of performance management, there was significant difference in the cognition of "target" and "testing" between the employed staff in different hospitals while there was no significant difference in "conduct surveillance", "feedback interactive" and "the use of the results”. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the understanding of the importance of five aspects among employees with different personal background (gender, graduation time, qualifications). As a whole, there was significant difference, in the five key areas, between the employees’perspectives and the hospitals’actual recognition, and between the different employee’s perspective of some key aspects and the hospital actual operation.7. There are significant differences at the three dimensions of high job satisfaction, general job satisfaction and low job satisfaction. As to the overall satisfaction, the average score for each item is 3.3198, a general satisfaction level. At all levels of job satisfaction, internal satisfaction is significantly higher than general satisfaction and external satisfaction while there is no significant difference between external satisfaction and general satisfaction. Satisfactions of the male at all levels are significantly higher than those of the female. Satisfactions of the fresh graduates at all levels are significantly higher than those of the previous graduates. Satisfactions of the employed staff at all levels reduce decreasingly in correspondence with their received education level, from the technical secondary school, junior college to undergraduate education respectively. Moreover, there is the significant difference between each other.8. There are significant differences at the three dimensions of high work performance, general work performance and low work performance. As to the overall work performance, the average score for each item is 3.8802, a general or a high level. At all levels of work performance, contextual performance is significantly higher than task performance. The levels of task performance, contextual performance and overall performance of the male are significantly lower than those of the female. The levels of the fresh graduates at all aspects are significantly lower than those of the previous graduates. The level of the task performance of the undergraduates is significantly higher than that of the technical secondary school graduates. There is no significant difference at the level of contextual performance between the employees. The level of overall performance of the undergraduates is significantly higher than that of the technical secondary school graduates. Moreover, there is no significant difference between those junior college graduates and the others at all levels.9. Internal job satisfaction has no significant correlation with task performance, contextual performance and overall performance. There is a positive correlation between the external job satisfaction and all levels of performance. General satisfaction has a positive correlation with contextual performance and overall performance and no significant correlation with task satisfaction. And overall satisfaction has a positive correlation with contextual performance and overall performance. The external job satisfaction has significant return effects on task performance, contextual performance and overall performance.10. In this paper,“Total Performance Management”theory was put forward for the first time, its concept, core idea and management processes were clarified, and the implementation strategies applied in military hospital’s employed staff was discussed.To sum up, this paper makes some creations as the follows: (1) it has put forward the theoretical concept of "Total Performance Management" for the first time and has made the first comprehensive, systematic exposition of what is a "Total Performance Management". To a certain extent, it is the development and innovation of performance management theory; (2) It has sorted out and analyzed the performance of management theory comprehensively, and introduced the theory into human resource management of military hospital’s employed staff; (3) It has revealed the current situation and problems of military hospital employed staff’s performance management; (4) It has determined the key aspects of military hospital employed staff’s performance management, analyzed the character of its application and provided a reference for management practice. (5) According with psychological surveying standard, the self-edited "key link performance management Scale", "Job Satisfaction Scale", "Performance Scale" has provided the performance management of military hospital’s employed staff with the measure tools. (6) Based on the theory of“Total Performance Management”, the Performance Management Strategy applied in military hospital employed staff has been discussed; (7) The use of comprehensive research orientation and several methods provides the performance management of employed staff in military hospital with a new way.


