

Optimization Design of Waverider-Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle

【作者】 车竞

【导师】 唐硕;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 飞行器设计, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 高超声速技术是研究以吸气式发动机为动力的高超声速飞行器的技术,它代表着一个国家未来开发并利用空间的能力,是衡量军队战斗力和生存力的重要标志,具有重要的军事价值和广泛的应用前景;同时,高超声速技术又是一项集航空、航天技术优势相互融合的新领域,将极大地带动材料、推进、气动、控制、电子等学科领域的深入发展,由此成为二十一世纪航空航天技术领域的战略制高点。高超声速飞行器的气动布局和总体性能优化设计是高超声速飞行器的技术关键。由于它高空高速的特点、复杂的飞行环境和不同的执行任务,使得飞行器的优化设计难度较大,传统优化设计方法难以达到设计目标。对高超声速飞行器气动性能的总体优化设计,旨在总结和发展一套高超声速飞行器气动布局的总体优化设计理论与方法。论文以吸气式高超声速巡航飞行器为研究对象,通过建立飞行器的参数化模型,引入多目标遗传算法和多目标混合遗传算法,以巡航飞行阶段的气动力、气动热、雷达散射截面(RCS)、操稳性能、机身容积以及机体/推进的一体化作为优化目标,对高超声速飞行器气动布局的部件优化设计、总体优化设计和机体/推进一体化设计展开了全面深入的研究,取得了一系列创新成果:1)构造了高超声速飞行器气动布局和性能的总体优化设计框架。借助理论分析、工程计算、优化设计、构型分析对比和数值实验验证等手段,在高超声速飞行器几何建模、性能指标建模、优化算法建模的基础上,构造了高超声速飞行器气动布局优化设计的总体框架。2)总结和发展了一套高超声速飞行器气动布局优化设计的理论与方法,提出应从飞行器总体性能和全局、系统的高度出发对飞行器进行优化设计。总体性能应涵盖气动力、热、RCS、操稳特性、机身容积以及机体/推进的一体化,或根据飞行任务和坏境增加其它的性能指标。这一优化方法深化了传统优化设计思想,成为高超声速飞行器优化设计领域的新方法。3)建立了全面描述高超声速飞行器类乘波体外形的参数化模型。采用该参数化模型,可以描述所有同类高超声速飞行器的外形,并可将建立参数化模型的思想用于其它飞行器的参数化,提供了用数值方法优化具有复杂外形飞行器的技术基础。4)从优化设计的角度完善了各种性能指标的工程计算方法。在气动力、热和RCS的计算中,考虑了较多的影响因素,建立了较完整的性能指标计算模型。尤其是在RCS计算中,考虑了面元遮挡和多次反射效应;并针对翼身二面角结构具有梯形翼面和机身遮挡等特点,提出了等效照明面积概念,将理想二面角反射器的计算公式扩展到由不规则平面构成的有遮挡物存在的不完全二面角结构情况。5)在高超声速飞行器超燃冲压发动机性能分析的基础上,应用一维性能计算模型,进行了贯穿整个发动机流道的机体/推进一体化设计,克服了以往将前体/进气道和后体/尾喷管分开优化的缺陷。6)针对气动性能的总体优化设计,通过改进标准遗传算法,建立了有约束的基于Pareto级别概念进行全局和局部搜索的多目标遗传算法和多目标混合遗传算法;并首次将多目标混合遗传算法用于高超声速飞行器气动布局总体优化设计这类大规模复杂的多目标优化设计领域,获得了从不同角度、不同性能指标选择的优化结果——D、E、F、G、H最优布局构型,初步实现了设计目标,达到了优化效果。论文的研究工作,首次将多目标优化设计方法从常规飞行器引入到高超声速飞行器气动布局总体性能优化设计,克服了传统优化设计方法只注重飞行器局部性能,对总体性能涵盖不够的缺点,提高了飞行器的设计水平。同时,通过对优化设计构型的计算、分析和实验验证,总结出一套高超声速飞行器气动布局优化设计的方法与理论,具有重要创新意义和工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 Hypersonic technique is an important technique to study Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV)with air-breathing engine. It stands for the abilities of exploring and utilizing space of a country,and it is an important symbol of measuring battle and survival effectiveness of military.Hypersonic technique has an important military value and a wide applied prospect, and it is also anew technical field focused on the advantages of aeronautics and astronautics fields, which canaccelerate greatly the development of material, propulsion, aerodynamics, control and electronicssubjects so that it will become the strategetic high land of aeronautics and astronautics fields in21 th century.The aerodynamic configuration and integral optimization design is a key technique of HCV.Because HCV has some characteristics such as great flight height and high velocity, complexflight environment and different mission aim, the optimization design is more difficult. Thetraditional design method is not easy to reach the design goal. Through the optimization work, weexpect to summarize and develop an integral optimization design theory and method ofaerodynamic configuration of HCV.Based on the air-breathing hypersonic cruise vehicle, and by means of building parametricmodeling of HCV, this dissertation develops a widely complete research on aerodynamic partsoptimization design, integral optimization design and airframe/scramjet integration of HCV withMulti-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MGA) and Hybrid Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms(HMGA) introduced. In the optimization design, many performances are considered as objectivessuch as aerodynamics, aeroheating, radar cross section (RCS), volume of airframe andairframe/scramjet integration and so on, a series of innovative advantages are got. Theseadvantages attained are as follows.1) The theoretical frame of integral optimization design of aerodynamic configuration andperformance for HCV is constructed. In virtue of theoretical analysis, engineering computation,optimization design, configuration comparison, numerical and experimental validation, and basedon geometrical modeling, performance modeling and optimal method modeling, this dissertationconstructs the theoretical frame of optimization design of aerodynamic configuration for HCV.2) Through the optimization work, the theory and method of optimization design for HCVis developed, which puts forward that optimization should be done from a global and systemichighness of integral performance. The integral performance should include aerodynamics,aeroheating, RCS, maneuverability and stability, volume of body and airframe/scramjetintegration. In addition, according to the mission aim and flight environment, other performancescan also be introduced. This optimization method deepens traditional design idea, and will be anew method in aircraft design field.3) A complete parametric modeling of HCV is built. With the modeling, we can describeall of quasi-waverider configurations. And this idea of parametric modeling can also be used intoother HCV, which provides a foundation of numerical optimization to aircraft with a complicatedshape.4) The engineering methods of performances are improved from optimization design pointof view. In the computations of aerodynamics, aeroheating and RCS, the better generalcomputation models are built. Especially in RCS, the surface shadowing and multi-reflection areconsidered, and aimed at the characteristics of wing-body joint such as trapeziform face and body shadowing, the concept of equivalent illumination area (EIA) are presented, which enlarges theapplied range of classical formula from ideal dihedral corner reflector to a normal one.5) On the base of performance analysis of scramjet, the integrated design ofairframe/scramjet is performed with one-dimensional flow model applied, which overcomes theshortage of forebody/inlet integration and aftbody/nozzle integration.6) Aimed at the integral optimization design of aerodynamic configuration, themodification to Genetic Algorithms(GA) is performed; MGA and HMGA with restrictions andthe concept of Pareto class in global and local search are built. As an attempt, HMGA is appliedinto a complicated multi-objective optimization problem with a big scale, for an example, ourintegral optimization design to HCV. From the optimization work, some optimal results such asthe optimal configuration D, E, F, G and H are recommended from different performances anddifferent points of view. These optimal configurations have better performances than basic shape,which proves the optimization work is successful and the design aim and optimization effect havebeen achieved.In this dissertation, we firstly introduce the method of multi-objective optimization designfrom normal aircraft into HCV, and then put forward the optimization design to aerodynamicconfiguration of HCV aimed at its integral performance. These optimization work and methodsimprove the design level of aircraft and overcome some shortcomings of traditional designmethods such as paying only attention to local perfermance and insufficient care to integralperformances of aircraft. At the same time, through the computation, analysis and wind tunnel testvalidation of optimized configurations, a suit of optimization design theory and method of HCV issummarized, which has a great innovative meaning and engineering applied value.


