

Research on Resources Deploying Oriented to Networked Cooperative Manufacturing

【作者】 贺文锐

【导师】 何卫平;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 基于WEB技术实现企业间制造资源的有效集成和优化配置,从而在生产经营活动中集成广域优势资源,快速响应市场需求变化,对于制造企业参与和赢得市场竞争具有重要的意义。本文针对制造业生存环境的变化和制造企业提升竞争能力需求,以实现广域协同制造环境下的制造资源集成和共享为目标,研究了基于Web的制造资源优化配置的概念、模型、技术和应用。论文的研究内容主要包括:1)研究了WEB环境下制造资源协作与优化配置的特点和需求,首次将语义技术引入了资源配置系统,提出了“基于语义的网络协同制造资源优化配置”的基本概念、特征、体系结构和功能模型,并从资源建模、资源发现、资源评价、制造资源链构建四个角度系统地研究了资源优化配置的关键问题,奠定了开发制造资源优化配置应用系统的理论框架和技术基础。2)面向网络协同制造的资源模型是实现资源优化配置的信息基础,本文在分析协同环境下制造资源建模的特点和需求的基础上,构建了包括应用层、语义层和物理层的多层次网络协同制造资源语义模型,并对于各层的关键问题进行了深入研究。在应用层讨论了制造资源功能定义模式和制造资源组织模式;在语义层建立了制造资源概念语义网络,分析了概念语义网络生成流程,并实现了关键的操作算子;在物理层构建了基于XML的制造资源表达模式,以支持资源模型的动态扩展。3)研究了面向复杂制造过程的任务定义模式。文中首先分析了网络协同制造任务的特点,提出了解决复杂制造任务定义的总体思想;其后讨论了制造任务的分解模式、分解规则以及规范化方法,并定义了基于XML的任务结构数据模式;针对分解形成的子任务和任务元,研究了任务约束定义机制,建立了任务元约束定义方法和任务关联约束定义方法;在任务约束和任务分解模型的基础上,讨论了制造任务过程定义问题,构建了基于有向图的制造任务过程模型。4)构建了基于语义技术的制造资源发现算法,解决了当前资源信息获取中存在的完整性、准确性、冗余性的问题。论文首先对于面向加工设备资源的制造资源发现技术进行了研究,以分解形成的加工任务元为对象,以任务元中所定义的制造对象、约束条件为发现约束,通过面向任务需求的制造资源语义扩展检索,以及进一步的约束语义检验,获得能够满足加工任务元需求的制造资源对象集合。论文中建立了面向制造任务元的资源发现流程,对于其中的关键技术进行了讨论,并在此基础上构建了面向任务元的制造资源语义发现算法。其次,针对软件服务的资源发现任务,论文首先建立了基于向量空间法的制造资源功能向量数学模型,提出了功能语义满意度的计算方法,进一步从属性单体和属性整体两个层次构建了属性约束的语义满足性检验方法,从而实现了面向软件服务的资源发现。5)提出了基于模糊理论的制造资源评价方法,解决了如何对于网络环境下的制造资源进行面向制造任务的评价和优选问题。作为网络协同制造的核心问题,资源评价和选择是一个建立在不确定信息基础上的复杂问题。本文基于模糊AHP方法,通过评价因素集的构建、指标评语集的确定、基于AHP方法的任务指标权重集构建、资源模糊评价隶属函数构建和制造资源模糊综合评价五个过程,实现了面向制造任务元的制造资源评价与选择。6)提出了面向复杂制造任务的多资源优化配置方法。本文在任务元资源评价的基础上,首先定义了面向复杂任务的制造资源链的概念及数学模型,分析了多资源配置的需求和约束条件,在此基础上构建了面向多节点制造任务的复合资源发现总体流程,建立了基于约束传播的冗余资源对象删除算法,并提出了制造资源链构建算法。进一步,对于构建的制造资源链,本文建立了基于模糊排序的制造资源链整体性能评价算法,实现了对于制造资源链的优选。7)在以上研究成果的基础上,本文构建了网络协同制造资源优化配置的原型系统。该系统初步实现了面向非标零部件、特别是复杂零部件的协同制造任务定义与发布、协同制造资源的发现、资源评价与优化选择,以及制造资源链的构建,从而验证了论文中所构建理论的有效性。

【Abstract】 It’s a significant way for enterprises to enhance core competence and to rapid respond to the market changing that integrating outside manufacturing resources based on the web technologies. In this dissertation, aim at efficiently integrating, evaluating and sharing the wide-ranging manufacturing resources, the pivotal concepts, model, technique and applying pattern of the manufacturing resources optimization deploying system are studied systematically.In chapter 1,based on the analysis of present status of manufacturing industry in our country and impact of the network technology on the manufacturing industry, the signification of the research subject is expounded. The present status of study on networked manufacturing resource deploying is analyzed and the main study contents of the treatise are summarized.In chapter 2,on the basis of analysis and study of the background and characteristics of resource deploying, the framework of networked manufacturing resource deploying was built up and it’s concept, feature, structure and function model were discussed. Then, a study is given to the resource interoperation and communication mechanism in the web environment.In chapter 3,multi-hierarchies resource information semantic model (RISM) for networked manufacturing were constructed and the theory, method and architecture of RISM were studied in detail. Then, the resource function definition model was built based on the resource meta-function that is the basic function unit in the machining process. Moreover, as the key factor of RISM, the concept semantic net was constructed. The net creating method and semantic operators were discussed. Last, the manufacturing resource representation mechanism based on XML-Schema was proposed in order to support the heterogeneous information integrating and sharing.The task definition model for complex manufacturing task was studied in chapter 4. Based on the manufacturing feature, the decompounding method was presented. According to it, a complex manufacturing task can be decomposed into a tree-model that including several meta-tasks. Then the restraint rules were built that including the restraints on the meta-task itself and the restraints between meta-tasks. Base on the tree-model and the restraint rules, an algorithm for building machining process model of the complex manufacturing task was put forward.In chapter 5,to satisfy the demand of integrality, veracity of resource information finding, manufacturing resources matching algorithm based on the semantic comparing technology was studied. It included two facets; the one was to match the machining tool resources, the other to match software services for manufacturing. For the first, the semantic expanding operators and semantic verifying operators were constructed. Then, the key technique and workflow for semantic matching was studied. Based on these, the algorithm was brought forward for matching the machining tool resources to meta-task. For the second one, the function vector model of the service was established based on the VSM (Vector Space Model), then the calculating method for the function semantic satisfaction degree was studied, base on these, the software services matching algorithm was presented.In chapter 6, to resolve the problem of how to evaluating and selecting the manufacturing resources oriented to machining task in web environment, the algorithm of resources evaluation based on fuzzy and AHP theory was put forward. Then, the multi-resources deploying algorithm oriented to complex manufacturing task was studied. The concepts and the mathematics model of the multi-resources deploying algorithm were defined. To reduce the useless candidate resource, an redundancy resource object deleting algorithm was bring forward based on the constraints expanding method. Moreover, the manufacturing resource chains selecting method was constructed based on fuzzy sorting.In chapter 7, based on the above-mentioned theory, a prototype of networked manufacturing resources deploying system was provided.In the end, the major conclusions of this dissertation and the outstanding research issues are summarized in chapter 8.


