

Theories and Methods of Industrial Product Form’s Ergonomics Design

【作者】 骆磊

【导师】 陆长德;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 形态设计是计算机辅助工业设计中至关重要的环节。产品形态不仅是保证产品功能的载体,也是决定产品人机性能的关键因素。在产品形态设计中,基于产品信息空间分析形态影响的人机性能,是解决产品计算机辅助形态设计的有效策略。本文在以下几个方面展开了较深入的研究:1.形态人机设计信息空间构架通过对产品形态设计的人机交互分析,将产品的形态分为人机形态和技术形态。研究了基于数据信息的产品形态设计的内部过程和外部过程,分析了两者的构成和特征。针对涉及人机性能的形态设计,提出了人机性能加入形态设计的方法。根据产品设计信息空间结构,构建了以抽象程度和编码程度为变量的形态人机设计信息空间,用于产品形态人机设计的详细规划。2.信息驱动的产品形态人机设计研究了信息驱动的产品形态人机设计方法,依据产品人机交互的过程及目标,给出了产品人机交互环节的人机性能要求。提取与人机性能有关的产品形态要素,分析其约束条件,设计了手机形态人机设计过程的参数化表达式。分析产品人机交互的过程和性能评价、人体形态与姿态参数,研究了实例产品使用过程中的两个关键动作:持握和按键。应用遗传算法提出形态人机设计的求解算法,将产品形态人机设计归结为若干优化求解问题,解决了实例产品形态设计任务中设计目标多、约束条件多的矛盾。3.形态人机设计的评价指标分析了基于感性工学的形态设计评价方法,从影响产品形态人机交互的角度,将产品的形态性能分解为人机因子和形态因子,选取了形态评价的指标因子。通过分析产品形态对用户消费行为的影响,确定了评判产品形态优劣的形态要素及方法。选取手机样本并分析手机形态要素,创建了手机形态要素描述表,给出了手机静态要素和动态要素的组成。依据手机形态要素描述表,对手机样本的造型要素进行了编码。4.形态人机设计的评价模型通过调查问卷方式获取产品实例样本评价结果,以手机样本造型要素编码表中的类目取值为自变量,建立其多元线性回归模型,得到的手机产品的类目得分。建立了两种产品形态人机设计评价模型:基于数量化Ⅰ类理论对产品形态人机设计进行线性评价;基于GA-PSO混合规划算法实现了对形态人机设计的非线性评价。对两种评价模型进行了比较,基于GA-PSO混合规划算法的非线性评价模型优于基于数量化Ⅰ类理论的线性评价模型,更接近产品市场的实际情况。5.产品形态人机设计原型系统提出了基于Solidworks平台的产品形态人机设计解决方案。以产品形态人机设计理论方法为基础,兼顾产品整体形态和细节部件,开发了产品形态人机设计原型系统。以项目背景为依托对原型系统进行应用验证,初步证明了基于产品信息空间的形态人机设计理论方法是一种符合计算机辅助工业设计模式的设计方法。

【Abstract】 Form design is an important part of computer-aided industrial design. Theproduct form is not only the carrier of product’ function, but also is the key factor ofproduct’s ergonomics capability. In the study of products form design, analyzing theergonomics capability influenced by form based on products information space wasan efficient strategy for computer-aided form design. This paper carried on research totheory, method and software of product’s form design.1. Framework of form ergonomics design’s information spaceProducts form was divided into two types: ergonomics form and functional formby analyzing the human-computer interaction of products form design. The interiorprocess and exterior process of product form design based on data information wasstudied, and their structure and character were analyzed. Arming at the form designdeal with ergonomics capability, the method of form design combined withergonomics capability was proposed. The information space of form ergonomicsdesign was constructed after investigating its framework. The information space wasused to do the particular layout for products form ergonomics design.2. Conceptual methods of product form’s ergonomics designThe method of product form’s ergonomics design driven by information wasstudied. After analyzing the process and goal of human-computer interaction, theergonomic capabilities of product were presented. Picking up the factors deal withproduct form’s ergonomics capabilities, the function of mobile phone form’sergonomics design was built. According to the process and capability evaluation ofmobile phone’s human-computer interaction, body figure and gesture parameter, twokey actions during using mobile phone were studied: grasp and press. The algorithmof form ergonomics design was proposed which was based on the genetic algorithms.This algorithm put the products form ergonomics into several optimizing problems.The conflict between design objectives and restrictions of mobile phone was resolved.3. Evaluating index of product form’ ergonomics designBasing on Kansei Engineering, product form capability was divided intoergonomics gene and form gene and the index gene of form evaluating wasintroduced. Form essential elements used to evaluate products form were built afteranalyzing the effect of products form upon people’s consuming action. After selecting the mobile phonesamples and analyzing their form factors, the mobile phone’s formstatic factors and dynamic factors were described. According to the factors describingtable, the code of mobile phone’s form factors was constructed.4. Evaluating models of product form’ ergonomics designAn application case of mobile phone was studied and the evaluating result ofmobile phone sample was obtained by making questionnaire. Two evaluation modelsof products form were built and compared: linearity evaluation model based on theoryof quantification and non-linearity evaluation model based on GA-PSO programmingalgorithm. Comparing the models, the non-linearity evaluation model is closer tomarket condition.5. Products form design software based on SolidworksSolutions to Products form design based on Solidworks are proposed. Based onthe theories and methods of product form ergonomics design, and gave attention toboth integer form and detail parts of products, a prototype of products form designwas developed. With the support of the project, products form design was applied andtested by enterprises. The result demonstrated that the theories and methods ofproduct form ergonomics design is a valid design method for computer-aidedindustrial design.


