

【作者】 胡和平

【导师】 朱兵;

【作者基本信息】 湖北中医学院 , 针灸推拿学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目的血压的异常特别是高血压对人们的生活质量的影响越来越大,而针刺能够改变这种异常的状态。针刺对机体的影响虽然是多方面的,但总的看来是一种良性双向调整作用,即通过触发机体自身固有的调整系统(神经、内分泌、免疫系统),并在一定程度上强化其功能,而间接实现其防病治病、增强免疫机能、消除亚健康状态等作用。为了阐明针刺的这种良性双向调节效应的机制,本项研究在大量临床及实验基础上,通过针刺不同血压状态大鼠“耳甲”、“曲池”、“内关”及“足三里”等穴位,探讨针刺对大鼠血压的调节及其与孤束核的关系。方法健康成年雄性SD大鼠42只,用10%乌拉坦腹腔注射麻醉,在孤束核(A -11.3~-14.3;L 0~2.3mm;H 4~7mm)所在颅骨部位钻孔,根据大鼠脑立体定位图谱,通过细胞外记录大鼠孤束核单个神经元的活动,分别在单侧颈静脉、颈总动脉插管,通过三通装置与注射器和压力传感器相联,经三通装置输入压力换能器,将液体压力信号转变为电信号,经载波放大器放大,输入PowerLab计算机数据采集系统记录血压变化。分别在正常血压、高血压及低血压状态下,手针刺激大鼠“耳甲”、“曲池”、“内关”及“足三里”等穴位,观察对孤束核神经元放电及血压的影响。正常大鼠的实验程序结束后,进行组织学定位,将记录部位在孤束核以外的数据删去不用。结果1针刺“耳甲”使正常血压大鼠、高血压模型大鼠及低血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电明显增加(P<0.01),而无论是高血压模型大鼠,还是低血压模型大鼠,虽然孤束核神经元自发活动背景都有轻微增加,但与正常血压大鼠相比,孤束核神经元放电背景差异都不明显(P>0.05)。2针刺“曲池”使正常血压大鼠及低血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电明显增加(P<0.05),针刺“曲池”使高血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电增加更显著(P<0.01),而无论是高血压模型大鼠,还是低血压模型大鼠,虽然孤束核神经元自发活动背景都有轻微增加,但与正常血压大鼠相比,孤束核神经元放电背景差异都不明显(P>0.05)。3针刺“内关”使正常血压大鼠及高血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电明显增加(P<0.05),针刺“内关”使低血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电增加更显著(P<0.01),而无论是高血压模型大鼠,还是低血压模型大鼠,虽然孤束核神经元自发活动背景都有轻微增加,但与正常血压大鼠相比,孤束核神经元放电背景差异都不明显(P>0.05)。4针刺“足三里”使正常血压大鼠及高血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电明显增加(P<0.05),针刺“足三里”使低血压模型大鼠孤束核神经元放电增加更显著(P<0.01),而无论是高血压模型大鼠,还是低血压模型大鼠,虽然孤束核神经元自发活动背景都有轻微增加,但与正常血压大鼠相比,孤束核神经元放电背景差异都不明显(P>0.05)。5针刺“耳甲”对高血压模型大鼠及正常血压大鼠均有显著的降压效应(P<0.01),而对低血压模型大鼠降压效应不显著(P>0.05);高血压模型大鼠及正常血压大鼠与低血压模型大鼠降压效应比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05),高血压模型大鼠的降压效应与正常血压大鼠降压效应之间没有统计学差异(P>0.05)。6针刺“曲池”对高血压模型大鼠有显著的降压效应(P<0.01),对正常血压大鼠亦有明显的降压效应(P<0.05),而对低血压模型大鼠则使平均动脉压有所回升,这种升压效应非常有限,在统计学上也不具有显著性差异(P>0.05);正常血压大鼠与高血压模型大鼠降压效应比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),高血压模型大鼠降压效应比正常血压大鼠降压效应更明显。7针刺“内关”对低血压模型大鼠有显著的升压效应(P<0.01),对正常血压大鼠亦有明显的升压效应(P<0.05),而使高血压模型大鼠的平均动脉压稍微下降,但效应不显著(P>0.05);正常血压大鼠与低血压模型大鼠升压效应比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),低血压模型大鼠升压效应比正常血压大鼠升压效应更明显。8针刺“足三里”对高血压模型大鼠有显著的降压效应(P<0.01),对低血压模型大鼠则升压效应显著(P<0.05),而针刺正常血压大鼠使平均动脉压有所下降,但无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论本研究通过电生理学实验研究了针刺“耳甲”、“曲池”、“内关”及“足三里”等穴位对孤束核放电的影响,同时观察了血压的变化。结果表明针刺上述四穴均能有效激活孤束核神经元放电,尤以耳针最为明显,对动物血压亦产生调节效应,这种调节效应与是否直接或间接激活孤束核神经元及心血管系统的节段性交感神经有关,当迷走神经兴奋性占优势时引起降压效应,而交感神经兴奋占优势则引起升压效应,使植物神经系统的调节能够保持在不同活动背景情况下的平衡状态,发挥针灸的良性双向调节效应。

【Abstract】 Objective: The abnormality of blood pressure especially the influence ofthe hypertension upon people’s living quality be more and more big, butthe acupuncture can change the appearance of this kind ofabnormality. Although the influence of the needling upon the body bevarious, always see to is a kind of positive double to adjust a function,then pass to trigger the body oneself proper adjustment system(nerve,endocrine, immune system), and enhance its function to some extent, butindirectly carry out the cure that it defends a disease, strengthenimmunity function and remove second healthy appearance etc. function. Forclarifying needle of this kind of is to the mechanism which regulates aneffect, this item study at ingreat quantities clinical and experimentfoundation up, pass acupuncture pointses, such as the needling differentrats" Auricular concha ", "Quchi" of the blood pressure appearanceand"Neiguan" and"Zusanli"...etc., inquiry into needle to regulatehypertensive rats and it ties the relation of nucleus of solitary tract.Methods: The study was performed on male healthy Sprague-Dawley rats,whose weight ranged from 280-380g, and were anesthetized with urethane.according to brain stereotaxis atlas of rat (Paxinos and Watson,1998), expose the brain tissue of NTS (-11.3~-14.3mm posterior to bregma,0~2.3mm lateral tomidline, and 4~7 mm below dura). The extracellulardischarge signals were recorded with glass microelectrode. Artery cannulaand vein cannula are inserted into carotid artery and jugular respectively,artery cannula is connected with injection syringe and pressure receptor,vein cannula is connected with injection syringe directly. The bloodpressure was inputed to energy transducer; the signal was outputted toPowerLab data-collecting system. Under the same situation, we stimulatedpositions include "Auricular concha"、"Quchi"、"Neiguan"、"Zusanli"by hand acupuncture and observed its effect on discharges of nucleus of solitary tract and the pressure. when the recording was finished,circulateed 20μA direct current to glass microelectrode and importedpontamine sky blue to brain tissue and located the recording place,deleted the data which was out of the place of NTS.Results: 1 Under the condition of normal-blood-pressure, hypertension orhypotension, acupuncture can all significantly increase the firingfrequency of NTS (P<0.01), yet compare with normal-blood-pressure,whatever it is hypertension or hypotension, the spontaneous backgroundactivity both increased, but it is of no significant difference (P>0.05).2.. Acupuncturing "Quchi" can not only increase the discharge frequencyof NTS of the normal-blood-pressure rats and hypotension rats(P<0.05),butalso the hypertension rats (P<0.01); yet compare withnormal-blood-pressure rats, whatever it is hypertension rats orhypotension rats, the spontaneous background activity both increased, butit is of no significant difference (P>0.05).3. Acupuncturing "neiguan" can not only increase the dischargefrequency of NTS of the normal-blood-pressure rats and hypertension rats(P<0.05), but also the hypotension rats (P<0.01); yet compare withnormal-blood-pressure rats, whatever it is hypertension rats orhypotension rats, the spontaneous background activity both increased, butit is of no significant difference (P>0.05).4. Acupuncturing "zusanli" can not only increase the dischargefrequency of NTS of the normal-blood-pressure rats and hypertension rats(P<0.05), but also the hypotension rats (P<0.01); yet compare withnormal-blood-pressure rats, whatever it is hypertension rats orhypotension rats, the spontaneous background activity both increased, butit is of no significant difference (P>0.05).5 hcupuncturing "Auricularconcha" can obviously decrease the pressureof the hypertension rats and normal-blood-pressure rats (P<0.01), buthas not significant effect on the hypotension rats (P<0.01); yet hypertension rats and normal-blood-pressure rats both have moresignificant depressurization effect than hypotension rats, there is nostatistical difference between hypertension rats andnormal-blood-pressure rats (P>0.05).6 Acupuncturing "Quchi" can obviously decrease the blood pressure ofthe hypertension rats (P<0.01) and normal-blood-pressure rats (P<0.05),and the effect of acupuncture on the former is obviously than that on thelater(P<0.05), Acupuncturing "Quchi" can slightly made the mean bloodpressure of the hypotension rats increased,yet it is of no significantdifference (P>0.05).7 Acupuncturing "Neiguan" can obviously increase the mean bloodpressure of the hypotension rats(P<0.01)and normal-blood-pressure rats(P<0.05), and the effect of acupuncture on the former is obviously thanthat on the later (P<0.05), Acupuncturing "neiguan" can slightly madethe mean blood pressure of the hypertension rats de creased,yet it isof no significant difference (P>0.05).8 Acupuncturing "Zusanli" can obviously decrease the mean bloodpressure of the hypertension rats (P<0.01), Acupuncturing the samepoint can significantly increase the mean blood pressure of hypotensionrats (P<0.05), yet Acupuncturing "zusanli" made the mean bloodpressure of normal-blood-pressure rats decreased, yet it has nostatistical significance (P>0.05).Conclusions:Our research studied the effect of needing "Auricularconcha"、"Quchi" "Neiguan" and "Zusanli" by hand on the dischargesof NTS and the blood pressure.Our result showed that acupuncturing thefour points above could all effectively activiated the discharges of NTS,especially when needling "Auricular concha",at the same time aupuncrurecould have regulating effect on the blood pressure of the animals. Theregulating effect had relationship with whether activating NTS directlyor indirectly or activating the segmented sympathetic nerve of the cardiovascular system. When the excitability of the vagus nervepredominated, it caused depressurization effect, and when theexcitability of segmented sympathetic predominated, it causedboosting-pressure effect, which could keep a balance status of autonomicnerve under different situation, and educed the nonmalignant two-wayregulating effect.

  • 【分类号】R245
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】318

