

Tectonic Physicochemistry Study on Regional Fluid in East Shandong Area during Mesozoic Gold Mineralization

【作者】 夏林

【导师】 吕古贤; 王义文; 陈柏林; 马寅生;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 构造地质学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 区域成矿流体研究是当今地球科学研究中的一个热点,但在区域地质流体的分布、运移及与矿产的关系等方面,尚未提出有应用价值的成果。本论文在导师的“构造物理化学”理论及方法的指导下,选择胶东金矿集中区作为区域构造与成矿流体研究的对象,该选题既在地质背景上具备了优势,又在理论创新上达到了较高的起点,论文研究取得了以下一些成果:(1)作者通过系统收集并研究前人的研究文献与成果,认识并论述了胶东金矿集中区三个阶段的发育特点,进一步明确指出中生代由于郯庐断裂带强烈的左行压剪以及太平洋-库拉板块的持续向西俯冲,在早白垩纪明显右行剪张情况下,构造体制发生变化,胶东地区大规模的岩石圈减薄,是胶东金矿集中区形成的主要地质构造背景(2)研究并总结了胶东地区作为区域流体研究的三个有利条件,即成矿时代相对比较集中、成矿构造应力场较稳定和成矿可能有相同的成矿流体活动这三个有利条件。(3)在胶东野外观察的基础上,通过岩石三维变形和应力计算,获得构造附加静水压力。结果表明,胶东地区主要成矿构造带的构造附加静水压力值介于40~65MPa这个范围内,且自西向东呈逐渐降低的趋势,大致反映了区域流体沿蚀变网络的自西向东的流动方向。(4)研究胶东典型金矿床包裹体流体的温度、压力、盐度及成分,结果表明,尽管各矿区之间有差别,但是其流体包裹体类型主要为CO2-H2O-NaCl型,且成矿流体中普遍CO2含量比较高。(5)编制了小比例尺的胶东区域成矿流体构造物理化学参数等值线图,并分析了其区域分布特征。以Ca2+为例,Ca2+在胶东西北几个峰值点皆为金矿床集中的区域,表明了Ca2+与金矿化之间的关系。东部没有汇集中心,只有一系列等值线由南向北增加,表明了该区花岗岩体的长轴展布方向。再以CO2为例,CO2高值区分别为马家窑金矿区和招平断裂带南段的尹格庄-姜家窑金矿区。另外,两组CO2梯度变化大的地带代表了区域断裂构造的走向,表明CO2在一定程度上受断裂构造的控制。作者选择了20项浓度参数、气相成分参数、比值参数及状态参数,分析了其分布特征,并阐明了其地质意义。(6)对区域流体有关参数进行模糊聚类分析,可以划分出5个群:[1]以三山岛金矿、焦家金矿及台上金矿为代表的类群;[2]以灵山沟金矿、金翅岭金矿及十里铺银矿为代表的类群;[3]以马家窑金矿、流口金矿及黑岚沟金矿为代表的类群;[4]以金青顶金矿、邓格庄金矿及乳山金矿为代表的类群;[5]以东部范家埠金矿为代表的类群。其类群的不同尽管反映了成矿围岩或花岗岩原岩的差别,然而更明显证明是成矿断裂带直接导矿,且其产生上述各矿种组合有各自的特征,结合构造围岩与矿床类型的关系可进一步说明断裂构造在流体成矿方面具有控制性作用。(7)在全面学习前人工作成果的基础上,进一步扩展研究了胶东的硫同位素分布,发现在平面上,从西到东,硫同位素出现五条高值带和五条低值带相间分布的特征,结合地质背景认为这种分布特征是受断裂和非断裂干扰区的构造规模和强度所控制的;同时,在形成深度上,硫同位素值δ34S往东部有逐渐降低的趋势,反映西部隆起更高剥蚀更强一些。结合前人关于石英脉型金矿床δ34S值普遍比蚀变岩型金矿床的δ34S值低的研究,可以将硫同位素分布作为区域成矿流体研究的基础,也能作为区域地质找矿的判断标志。

【Abstract】 It is very popular to study the regional metallogenic fluid for the earth science; at present, however,there aren’t any constructive methods and standards in the fields about regional fluid distribution,transportation and the relationship to minerals. This dissertation, under the guidance of TectonicPhysicochemistry, sponsored by Mr. LüGuxian Researcher, selects the east Shandong Peninsula as theregional structrure and metallogenic fluid research target with the following achievements attained:Firstly, by means of a systematic summary of forerunner’s research results, this dissertation illustratesthe development characteristics of three stages of Jiaodong gold mineralization area and puts forwardulteriorly that gold mineralization in the east Shandong Peninsula undergoes threes tages, the formationstage of Archean-Proterozoic greenstone landmass, the stable Paleozoic uplift stage and the strongactivation-reconstruction stage of Mesozoic greenstone belt and points out that a strong sinister shear-extension, dextral shear-extention locally, by Tanlu Fault Belt in Mesozoic resulted in a large-scalelithosphere thinning, a major mechanism for gold mineralization in the east Shandong Peninsula.Secondly, based on the data in this paper and large quantity of existing data, three advantageousconditions for regional fluid study are studied and summarized systematically, that is, a relativelyconcentalized mineralization age, a relatively stable structructural stress field during goldmineralization and a possible same metallogenic fluid.Thirdly, based on the field work, indoor measurements and computation, the rock transformation ratioand and dynamic recrystalline quartz grains are measured and so the sturtural differential stress on acplane and bc plane,σ123, and the additional hydrostatic pressure produced by structure arecalculated with the result that the the additional hydrostatic pressure produced by structure lies between800~1300×105Pa and, from west to east, tends to decrease, indicating in the rough that theregional fluid flows from west to east.Forthly, a deltailed study on temperature, pressure, salinity and components of fluid inclusions among21 gold depsoits in the east Shandong Peninsula means that the fluid inclusions are mainly CO2-NaCl-H2O type with a high content of CO2, although there is obvious difference among all districts, meaningthat there are different regional fluid resources.Fifthly, small-scaled isoline maps about the tectonophysicochemical parameters of gold deposits arecompiled to mean that: [1] among concentration parameters, Ca2+, Mg2+, F-, Cl- reflect the regionalstructure and SO42-, Na+, K+ are relative to gold mineralization; [2] among gas parameters, H2, CO2,H2O reflect the regional structure and CH4, CO are relative to gold mineralization; [3] among ratioparameters, Na+/Ca2+, Ca2+/Mg2+, F-/Cl-, CO2/H2O reflect the regional structure and Na+/K+, R arerelative to gold mineralization; [4] among condition parameters, most gold deposits are located in thetransition zone between high pressure and low pressure and the temperature is obviously relative togranite bodies.Sixthly, at consideration of the other metallic deposits in the east Shandong Peninsula, a fuzzy groupinganalysis about the liquidphase components, vapour components and ratio was made with 5 groupsclassified: (1) represented by Sanshandao, Jiaojia and Yaishang gold depsoits; (2) represented byLingshangou, Jinchiling gold deposits and Shilipu silver depsoit; (3) represented by Majiayao, Liukouand Heilangou gold deposits; (4) represented by Jinqingding, Denggezhuang and Rushan gold deposits;(5) represented by the Western Fanjiabu gold deposit. The categories above, basically subject to thefaults, have unique metallic assemblages, indicating a metallogenic fluid activation-transportation-deposition rule dominated by faults.Finally, at the base of the forrunners’ results, the sulfur isotope distribution and its fractionation instrata, granites, veins and gold deposits are systemactically studied. Indicated by the regional sulfurisotope isoline map, at level, from west to east, the sulfur isotope is characterized by the alternative 5high value belts and 5 low value belts, which is mainly controlled by the size and intensity of faults;west to east,δ34S tends to become lower, indicating a higher uplift in the west. Normally, quartz-vein-type gold deposits (Linglong-type) have a lowerδ34S than altered-rock-type gold deposits (Jiaojia-type)do.

  • 【分类号】P618.51
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】799

