

The Geomechanical Analysis of Fuxin Basin

【作者】 刘志刚

【导师】 孙殿卿; 崔鸣铎; 张国铎; 黄汉纯;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 地质力学, 1988, 博士

【摘要】 本文应用地质力学的理论和方法剖析了阜新盆地地质构造、构造体系和构造演化,解释了盆地的成因,探讨了构造聚煤、控煤规律,並进行了煤田预测。阜新盆地及邻区主要存在纬向系、北西系和新华夏系的形迹,其中北西系还可分前、后两期,新华夏系可分早、中、晚三期;它们先后或交叉出现,迭加在一起,形成目前盆地的构造面貌。纬向系发生最早,对盆地成生起奠基作用,属于成盆前构造;早新华夏系诞生了阜新盆地的雏形;北西系对盆地成生和发展起决定性作用为主要成盆期构造;中、晚新华夏系基本上属于成盆后构造。大致分布盆地中央一带的同沉积坳折隆起带控制聚煤带,一、二级北西西~北西背斜褶皱控制各成煤期的聚煤中心和聚煤区,更小级别的北西西~北西背斜控制富煤带和富煤体;北北东~北东背斜与北西西~北西背斜褶皱的反接复合部位常形成构造穹隆或短轴背斜,使煤层变浅,有利于露天开采;根据受北西西~北西背斜控制的聚煤区具有等距分布特点,预测马户屯河南一带是尚未开发和勘探的远景区。在上述分析的基础上,本文还应用地质力学的理论和方法合理地解释了前人尚未搞清的一系列地质现象或问题。

【Abstract】 By means of the theories and methods of Geomecha-nics, this paper presents analysis of the geological structure, structural systems and structural evolution of Fuxin Basin, explaination of the formation of basin, discussion of the regulation of structural system con- trol on coal-forming and distribution and prediction of some coalfields.There mainly exist the traces of the Latitudinal Structural System, the North-West Structural System and the Neocathaysian Structural System in Fuxin Basin and adjacent areas. Among them, the North-West Struc-tural System can be divided into former and later phase systems, the Neocathaysian Structural System includes early, middle and later phase systems. They occured in either sequence or intersection overlapped each other and constituted the present basin structural framework. The Latitudinal Structural System formed earliest, and laid the foundation of the basin. It belongs to the pre-basin forming structure. The Early Neocathaysian made up the embryamie form of Fuxin Basin. The North-West Structural System, being the main basin-forming structural system, played a decisive part in the formation and development of the basin. The Middle and the Later Neocathaysian Systems is paet of post basin forming structure basically. The syndepositional rise in depression which distributes approximately in the central part of the basin controlled coal accumu- lation belts. The first and the second scale NWW-NW anticlines controlled the coal auumulation centre and area of every coal-forming phase. The less scale NWW-NW anticlines controlled coal rich belts and bodies. The transposition compound parts between the NNE-NE and the NWW-NW anticlines often made up structural dome or short axis anticline, which made coal seamshallow and favoured open-cutting. According to the equal distance distribution feature of coal accumu- lation areas controlled by NWW-NW anticline, author predicts that the south area of Mahutun River is the long-range area that have not been cut and exploited before.Basing on above analysis and by means of the theories and methods of Geomechanics, the author reasonably explained a series of geological phenomena or problems that former geologists have not resolved yet.

  • 【分类号】P55
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】205

