

Study on the Feature and Spatial-Temporal Regulation of Rural-Urban Land Conversion

【作者】 闵捷

【导师】 张安录;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 协调经济发展与土地资源的稀缺性是社会经济发展中的一项艰巨任务。农地城市流转是人类社会经济发展的一种必然现象,是土地资源竞争配置的结果。随着经济发展阶段的演进,农地城市流转的特征、机制和规律性如何发生变化,我们又该如何利用农地城市流转的机制和规律性对农地城市流转进行合理调控。本文围绕这些问题对农地城市流转特征和时空规律进行了比较系统的研究。第一章:绪论。论述了农地城市流转特征与时空规律研究这一选题的背景和研究意义、论文的研究前提,论文研究目标及具体内容、研究思路及可能的创新、技术路线。解释说明了论文研究内容、方法安排的逻辑思路和合理性。第二章:农地城市流转理论研究。为从总体上把握研究的方向与深度,该章首先总结概述了国内外有关农地城市流转特征与过程、流转机制、流转模型等方面的研究。在对国内外研究进展进行回顾后,进行了相关的评述,指出了现有研究中存在的不足以及需要进一步研究的内容。然后,介绍了本文所涉及的相关理论,主要有区位理论、地域分异规律、城乡生态经济交错区土地利用动态演变的相关理论和经济发展阶段理论。第三章:农地城市流转特征分析。分别从时间、空间、流转主体和流转客体这几个不同的角度分析农地城市流转所表现的特征。时间特征主要分析农地城市流转的时间波动性、一定时间段内耕地减少流向特征、城市化和城市人口增长与耕地资源流失在时间上的一致性以及农地城市流转与经济发展在时间上的同步性;空间特征分析主要分析不同尺度下农地城市流转的差异性;通过对发生农地流转的农户和村集体进行问卷调查,分析流转的主客体特征。第四章:农地城市流转过程分析。主要侧重于农地城市流转的时间和空间过程。根据城乡作用和经济发展阶段理论将农地城市流转的时间过程划分为低速流转、加速流转、减速流转和动态平衡四个阶段,根据经济发展周期理论将农地城市流转时间过程划分为流转数量较少、流转数量大幅增加、流转数量减少和流转数量收缩阶段,从土地演替的角度,将农地城市流转的时间过程描述为:近郊农业用地→菜地→工业用地→居住用地填充→商业服务设施用地配套的一般性转化过程;根据城乡生态经济交错区的空间演化过程,总结农地城市流转的空间过程为:飞地式侵占—轴向扩展—指状填充—环状蔓延—轴向再扩展的逐步推进过程。第五章:不同尺度下的农地城市流转机制研究。农地城市流转机制的研究是分析农地城市流转规律的基础。该章首先对尺度与农地城市流转的关系进行了分析,然后以全国31个省和直辖市、湖北省14个地、市、州、江汉平原18个区、县、市、武汉市和罗田县39个村集体和188个流转地块为样本点,从省级尺度、市级尺度、县级尺度、村级尺度和地块尺度对农地城市流转机制进行定量分析,得出了在不同尺度下影响农地城市流转的驱动因子。第六章:基于尺度划分的不同经济发展阶段农地城市流转时空规律。该章首先分析了经济发展阶段与农地城市流转之间的关系,然后根据人均GDP、产业结构、就业结构和人口结构对1999-2004年全国31个省市和湖北省14个地、市、州,以及2001-2004年江汉平原18个区、县、市的经济发展阶段进行划分,通过土地利用变化、农地城市流转速度和农地城市流转不平衡指数几个指标对不同经济发展阶段地区农地城市流转进行定量分析,得出了不同尺度下不同经济发展阶段农地城市流转的规律,从而为如何从时空上制定农地城市流转的调控措施提供了依据。第七章:结论与讨论。总揽全文,综合本文研究主要结论,在农地城市流转机制和时空规律的基础上,提出了相应的农地城市流转时空调控措施,并对论文中存在的不足进行相关讨论。

【Abstract】 It is an increasingly critical mission to coordinate and balance the relationships between economic development and land resource scarcity during the course of social development. Rural-urban land conversion is the inevitable phenomenon of the social economic development. As long as the update of different economic developing phases, how do rural-urban land conversion feature and mechanism and regulation change? And how can we make full use of those mechanisms and regulation to efficiently control the rural-urban land conversion? This paper presents a systematic study on the features and spatial-temporal regulation of rural-urban land conversion with above mentioned issues.Chapter 1: Introduction. This section mainly states the background and meaning of selecting the study of rural-urban land conversion and spatial-temporal law, presents the research conditions, introduces the research route and contents.Chapter 2: Theoretical study of rural-urban land conversion. In order to ensure the study progresses in sound direction and with adequate depth, this section summarizes the domestic and the international literatures related to rural-urban conversion feature and process, the mechanisms and the models, etc. Then a comprehensive review was set forth to comment on the incomplete and weak points of those studies. Finally, the major theories adopted in this paper were introduced, including location theory, laws of territorial differentiation, theories on dynamic land conversion at urban-rural eco-economic fringes, and the economic development phases theory.Chapter 3: Features analysis of rural-urban land conversion. The analysis was conducted from the different aspects, including time, space, conversion subjects and objects. The temporal feature study mainly covers the time undulation of rural-urban land conversion, the changing direction of farmland loss within certain period, the time consistency among the urbanization and the increasing urban population and the losing cultivated land, the synchronization between the rural-urban land conversion and economic development. The spatial feature analyses mainly address the dissimilarity of rural-urban land conversion under the different scales. This section also studies the features of land conversion subjects and objects through surveying on the farmers and the collectives that are involved in the rural-urban land conversions.Chapter 4: Process analysis on rural-urban land conversion. This section focuses on the Spatial-temporal processes of rural-urban land conversion. According to the urban-rural interaction and economic development phase theory, the temporal process is divided into four phases: low speed conversion, speedup conversion, speed down conversion and dynamic balance. According to the economic development periodic theory, the temporal process is divided into another four phases: less quantity of conversion land, largely increasing quantity of conversion land, decreasing quantity of conversion land, and shrinking quantity of conversion land. In regards to the land succession, the general temporal process is described the followings: cultivated land on the outskirts→vegetable land→industrial land→residential land→urban commercial land. According to the spatial succession of urban-rural eco-economic fringe, the spatial growth of rural-urban land conversion is summarized as following step by step: invading flied pattern---extending along growth axle---filling in finger pattern---spreading circularly---re-extending along growth axle.Chapter 5: Mechanism study of rural-urban land conversion on different scales. The mechanism is fundamental for investigating the laws of rural-urban land conversion. This section firstly analyzes the relations between the scales and rural-urban land conversion. According to the data source from 31 provinces and municipalities of China, 14 cities in Hubei province, 18 counties in Jianghan plain, 39 collectives in Wuhan city and Luotian County and 188 conversion plots, the quantitative analysis on rural-urban land conversion mechanism was conducted on the scales from provinces, cities, counties, collectives and plots. The result reveals the driving forces that present influence on rural-urban conversion in different scales.Chapter 6: Spatial-temporal laws of rural-urban land conversion on the scale basis within different development phases of the economy. This part analyzes the relations between the economic development phase and rural-urban land conversion. Then according to the per capita GDP, industrial structure, employment structure and population structure, the paper classifies the economic development phases of 31 provinces in China and 14 cities in Hubei province from 1999 to 2004 and 18 counties in Jianghan plain from 2001 to 2004. Based on the analysis on land use change, the speed of rural-urban land conversion and rural-urban land conversion imbalance indexes of these different areas, the quantitative analysis on regional rural-urban land conversions in different economic development phases was conducted. The result shows rural-urban land conversion rules on the different scale bases of different economic development phases, which provides the reliable basis for how to coordinate and balance the rural-urban land conversion in the spatial-temporal settings.Chapter 7: Conclusion and discussion. Based on rural-urban land conversion mechanisms and the spatial-temporal laws, this paper presents the spatial-temporal actions and suggestions to coordinate and balance rural-urban land conversion and summarizes in general the major conclusions. Further discussions on weak points this paper were put forwards as well.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】688

