

The Study on LCA of Pork Production for Cleaner Production in Sichuan and Key Technologies of Swine Manure Treatment

【作者】 白林

【导师】 李学伟;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对四川养猪生产中突出的清洁生产技术问题,一方面采用生命周期评估(LCA)方法学和情景分析法相结合的方式对四川三种典型的养猪生产情景进行了系统的环境影响评估,提出了这种分析方法应用于当前养猪生产环境影响评估时的具体算法,并揭示出各种养猪生产系统中的环境友好和不利方面以及其资源利用效率;另一方面,在猪粪无害化处理和资源化利用技术研究中,1、对好氧堆肥的实用工艺效果,堆肥化过程中主要控制参数对微生物群落的系统演替产生影响的规律进行了研究;2、对利用猪粪生产蝇蛆蛋白的物质、能量转化规律进行了探索。在猪肉生产的LCA分析中,得出了如下主要结论:1、引入了生命周期概念之后,把原本局限于猪舍或猪场的生产过程向上扩展到原料(饲料)的生产甚至农资的原料开采和生产、运输,向下延伸到猪场产生的各种废物的处理利用之后,可以更加深刻地认识养猪生产系统的环境问题和生态效率高低的根本原因。2、本文提出“农田资源耗竭当量”的概念并建立了相应的数学模型,有利于在现有统计资料的基础上将饲料原料生产中不同生产模式下农资消耗量进行转化,对以后开发相关的数据库有一定的帮助。3、研究结果表明四川省养猪生产中环境问题优先序列为土地占用→富营养化潜势→酸化效应→水资源消耗→气候变暖→不可更新能源耗竭。4、三种养殖模式的分析比较反映出不同的生产系统具有不同的环境影响方式:情景A(散养模式)下具有最大的气候变暖潜势,情景B(适度规模养猪)具有土地占用最多,不可再生能源消耗最大,酸化效应和富营养化最严重等,而情景C(集约化养猪)水资源消耗最大。5、对不同生产阶段的环境影响贡献的分析表明,环境问题表现的关键环节有很大差别。在水资源消耗、土地占用和不可更新能源耗竭方面,饲料原料生产过程的环境影响贡献最大,而气候变暖、酸化和富营养化等方面则以废物处理和利用阶段的环境影响贡献最大。但资源的消耗不仅在饲料生产过程中,动物生产过程的饲料转化率低是间接导致原料生产资源消耗增大的重要原因。6、提出了改善猪肉生产环境问题的具体措施:①是采取规模化、集约化的农牧结合生产系统,加大有机肥还田的比例,合理配方施肥和测土施肥,提高饲料作物生产技术水平,增加土地单产,降低每功能单元的氮肥投入和养分流失,减少饲料原料运输的能源消耗;②通过品种改良、科学合理配制饲料、改善饲养管理方式和养猪环境,提高饲料利用效率,减少废物排放和营养物质损失;③改进废物处理技术,并对处理产生的有机肥和甲烷加以充分利用。在猪粪无害化处理和资源化利用技术研究中,采用自行设计的烟道加热静态垛好氧堆肥工艺(FHSC),探索规模化猪场粪便高温堆肥化处理的快速腐熟技术,得出了以下结论:1、FHSC系统在8h内迅速进入高温阶段,比对照组提前40h以上。从节约能源的角度出发,以加热3h为宜。2、添加菌剂有利于硝化作用的进行,相应试验组温度达到相对稳定的时间只有20d,比对照组提前了18d左右,根据C/N和种子发芽指数的变化,表明添加菌剂对生物发酵也起到了显著的促进作用。3、在本研究中由于烟道上方设计了贮水空间,使堆肥产生的渗滤液不致流失,一方面消除了环境污染,另一方面由于水分蒸发,再次进入堆料中,保证了通风中物料含水率自然保持在适宜的水平。4、FHSC具有独特的杀灭病原微生物和最终干燥有机肥料的作用,在堆肥过程中能源投入上虽有所增加,但由于减少了专门进行发酵后产品干燥过程,降低了这部分能源消耗,对产品成本的影响较小。而且由于堆肥和干燥实现了一体化,减少了干燥设备设施的投入,同时提高了劳动生产率。利用PCR—SSCP技术研究了堆肥化过程中主要控制参数对微生物群落的系统演替产生影响的规律。得出了以下结论:1、在试验中,通风、温度和C/N等参数的变化对细菌和真菌类群数产生了很大的影响。强制通风堆体的细菌类群平均数(2.436个)远比被动通风堆体高(1.54个),真菌类群数表现了相同的规律(3.128个对2.641个),可能是通风方式不同引起氧气供应差异和通风散热差异(强制通风堆1~20d的平均温度只有51.6℃,而被动通风堆为56.3℃)的结果;温度的变化对细菌和真菌类群数产生了明显的直接影响,细菌在68℃以上,真菌在50℃以上都出现了类群数的剧烈下降。根据类群数量的变化,细菌群落最繁荣的阶段为温度48~65℃或堆肥的4~20d阶段,真菌为42.5~50℃和堆肥的15~24d阶段。对于细菌的类群数变化,温度下限的确定还应当考虑C/N的变化,试验中48℃时细菌的类群数剧烈下降与C/N已降到较低水平(17:1)也有很大关系,否则温度可以更低一些。2、在堆肥0~30d中,细菌和真菌类群数最终都大幅度降低,30d后小幅震荡,持续走低,温度、C/N、OC含量过低是主要因素,如果加强人工参数调控并在20d左右时加入细菌发酵制剂、在24d左右时加入真菌发酵剂,对堆肥的快速腐熟将会有促进作用。温度、C/N和微生物类群数的下降,使得堆体二次发酵进程十分缓慢,因此,如何提高堆肥后期(30d后)的发酵效率是加速堆肥腐熟的关键。3、堆肥全过程中,真菌类群数的变异要大于细菌,这可能说明真菌对堆体内微生态环境更为敏感。从整个微生物群落的角度看,第27d以前群落是兴旺的,以后则趋向衰弱。通过调控参数可以让细菌和真菌同时处于最活跃的状态,从而极大地丰富微生物群落的多样性,加速堆肥腐熟的进程。4、由于堆肥30d以前堆体温度主要在44~71℃,在SSCP图谱上的条带估计是好氧高温细菌占主导,如果要通过添加微生物制剂提高这一阶段的发酵效率,必须筛选耐高温菌株。5、在堆体排气口处的二氧化碳释放浓度27d或28d骤然下降,成为堆肥系统第一次发酵结束的最明显的标志。6、在本次SSCP分析中,选取的真菌引物长度小于细菌引物,因此扩增出了更多的操作分类单元(OTUs),证明了PCR—SSCP中扩增片断越长,得到的条带数越少的规律。对利用猪粪生产蝇蛆蛋白的物质、能量转化规律的初步研究得出如下主要结论:1、蝇蛆在粪便中的活动可以快速降低粪便恶臭,同时在短期内(6d)使粪便总重量减少53.04%,其中干物质减少31.14%。2、蝇蛆沉积的干物质占总量的2.85%,生物分解消耗的干物质占总量的28.3%。猪粪中养分降低最多的是粗脂肪(EE),达77.81%,其次是凯氏氮(KN),达62.81%,粗纤维(CF)和无氮浸出物(NFE)只减少9.28%和22.03%,说明蝇蛆在粪便中利用的养分主要是粗脂肪EE和凯氏氮(KN),CF和NFE利用和消耗较少。3、蝇蛆对粪便中的EE和KN的高效转化和利用,可能正是粪便恶臭快速减轻的一个重要原因。4、在利用畜禽粪便生产昆虫蛋白后,猪粪中总能降低了41.58%,但蝇蛆沉积的能量仅占总量的3.578%,残留的猪粪中还有58.42%的能量,说明腐食食物链的其他环节对系统物质还原仍然十分重要。5、蝇蛆的活动对粪便的理化性质影响很大,这种影响对后续的微生物好氧分解极为有利,这可能是生态系统中物质高效还原的基本机制之一。生产上可直接利用这种粪便进行堆肥化处理,生产优质有机肥料,但没有进行堆肥化处理以前,绝大多数有机物质仍处于不稳定状态,用作肥料是不理想的。

【Abstract】 There are three aspects of clean technologies in cleaner production including in this paper. (1) The scenario analysis and LCA methodology were combined to conduct a systematic environmental evaluation on three typical pork production scenarios in Sichuan province. The arithmetic about LCA applied to estimate datum of environmental impact categories in current pork production was put forward and all kinds of profiles of environmental friendly aspects and disadvantage and resource efficiency were also discovered. (2) A practical technique called flue heating static windrow of composting (FHSC) was designed, then its working condition and the effect of composting were examined. Another experiment about diversity of microorganism and succession of microorganism community in the composting process was determined by PCR-SSCP and the relationship between the composting indictors and microorganism community was analyzed. (3) The transfer flow of nutrients and energy in the system of rearing housefly larvae with pig manure was explored.In the first project, the main research conclusion was summarized as follows:(1) When the concept of life cycle was introduced, the pork production process was stretched to the processes of the feed production, agricultural materials extracting as well as the recycling process of the pig waste. This kind of environmental analysis could help us profoundly understand the environment issues underlying the system which is limited in pig breeding farm. (2) The concept of "Arable Land Resources Consumption Equivalent Unit (ALRU)" was brought forward and the mathematics model was founded. It could be favorable to compute the agricultural materials consumption under different production background which was based on existing statistics datum and it was also helpful to develop related database in the future. (3) The result showed that the priority order of environmental impact potential of pork production in Sichuan was Land Use, Eutrophication Potential, Acidification Potential, Water Use, Climate Warming and Unrenewable Resources Depletion. (4) The climate warming potential was maximum in scenario A (focusing on farmer family),but Land use and unrenewable resources depletion, eutrophication potential and acidification potential were maximum in scenario B (focusing on 100-head size farm), otherwise water use was maximum in scenario C (intensive farm). (5) The analysis of environment impact contribution at different stage revealed that the water use, land occupation and unrenewable energy consumption was maximum at feed production stage, but climate warming potential, acidification and eutrophication potential were maximum at waste disposal stage. However, resources depletion was not only at the stage of feed production, but also due to the lower efficiency of feed transfer in pig breeding. (6) The measures of improving environment were given as follows:First of all, the production system should be integrated, manure be returned to field as much as possible, feed production technique improved, and feed transportation energy should be saved. The second, the pig breeding, the feed processing, animal environment and waste management need to be improved to minimize the nutrients emission. The third, the organic fertilizer and methane produced from manure treatment and storage facilities should be utilized.The conclusion of study on pig waste treatment system of FHSC was as follows:(1) the temperature inside the FHSC piles, which reached at high temperature phase within 3 hours, increased quicker than that of the conventional composting pile for 40 hours. (2)The process of nitrification was accelerated through adding microorganism agent, so the time of reaching at a stable stage was advanced for 18 days in treat group piles compared to the control group. (3) The runoff was stored in the space at the bottom of piles and then recycled in the system so that the pollution of sewage was avoided and water was also saved. (4) The compost could be dried at the end stage and the pathogens were also killed through the flue heating system. It made the post treatment process be simplified and cost decreased.In the study on the interaction between the main physical or chemical indicators of composting and the succession of microorganism community determined with molecular biological technology of PCR-SSCP, the conclusion was drawn as follows:(1) The change of parameters, such as aeration, temperature and carbon to nitrogen ratio et al., influenced the bacteria and fungi species significantly. The average numbers of bacteria and fungi in the pile of aeration were higher than those in passive aeration pile (2.436 versus 1.54 to bacteria species and 3.128 versus 2.641 to fungi species). The main reason should be caused by the difference of oxygen supply and heat loss leading to different temperature (average temperature in aeration pile and passive aeration pile was 51.6 celsius degree and 56.3 celsius degree respectively during 1-20d).The change of temperature directly influenced the specie number of bacteria and fungi. The specie number of bacteria decreased acutely when temperature was above 68 celsius degree, but the similar situation occurred in fungi community at temperature above 50 celsius degree. The most flourishing phase was during 4-20d or 48-65 celsius degree for bacteria community but 15-24d or 42.5—50 celsius degree for fungi community.(2) The number of bacteria and fungi species decreased quickly to a very low level after 24d. The main impact factors were lower temperature, carbon to nitrogen ratio and organic content. It should benefit the composting ferment process if some microorganism agent was added into the pile and the parameters were regulated on the 24th day.(3) The variance of fungi species was significantly bigger than that of bacteria species. This result proved that fungi species should be more sensitive to composting conditions than bacteria species. The composting microorganism community was thrifty before 27d. An idea situation of bacteria and fungi species being both active could be realized by regulating temperature, C/N, and OC et al.(4) The concentration of CO2 at vent of pile decreased suddenly on the day 27 or 28, it should be a good indicator to show the first phase of composting is over.(5) The more fungi species OTUs were amplified by PCR-SSCP than bacteria species in this research due to the length of fungi primer being shorter than bacteria primer. It proved that the longer the fragment amplified by PCR is, the lesser the species OTUs will be gotten.The conclusion on pig manure treat with housefly larvae was summarized as following:The results showed that the odor intensity of manure was decreased quickly, and content of gross energy was reduced by 41.58%. The total quantity of manure was reduced by 53.04%, which included 31.14%DM (Dry material), and the part of housefly body deposition accounted for 2.85%. The nutrient EE (ether extract) of manure, which consumed the most by housefly, was accounted for 77.81% of total EE, secondly, KN (kjeldahl nitrogen) was 62.81%. However, CF (crude fiber) or NFE (nitrogen-free extract) were both used less and accounted only for 9.28% and 22.03% respectively. Furthermore, the physical and chemical characteristics of manure were significantly changed in the activity of larvae, which benefited the consequent process of biological decomposition so that the residual manure could be directly used as the original material of composting after the larvae were separated.

  • 【分类号】S828;X713
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1533
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