

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 周定国; 张智光;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 循环经济是以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,将物质流动方式由传统的“资源—产品—废物”单向线型经济,转变为“资源—产品—再生资源”闭合循环模式。通过在生产和服务过程中贯彻“减量化、再利用、再循环”的3R原则,实现资源利用的最大化和废弃物排放的最小化,倡导的是一种与环境和谐的经济发展模式。循环经济使人类步入可持续发展的轨道,使传统的高消耗、高污染、高投入、低效率的粗放型经济增长模式转变为低消耗、低排放、高效率、高利用的集约型经济增长模式。我国在十六届四中全会中明确提出要大力发展循环经济,实现经济增长方式转变的重大举措,这是根据我国经济和社会发展的实践提出的,是从传统的经济增长模式向可持续的经济运行模式转变的必然要求。发展循环经济,在我国相当长的一段时期内,都是一个政策性产业,必须构建一整套适合于我国实际的配套政策法律体系,通过政府规制的政策导向来引导、促进和规范循环经济的发展,促进自身的良性循环。当前我国木材资源短缺、农作物秸秆资源浪费及人造板需求膨胀,这些因素为秸秆人造板工业提供了广阔的发展空间,但是当前秸秆人造板产业化进程缓慢,主要问题来自于原料特性及技术工艺的复杂性、生产成本过高导致与其他同类木质产品相比缺乏竞争力等方面。目前,国内外对农作物秸秆人造板的研究,主要是从胶粘剂、设备及工艺等技术角度进行探讨;而对农作物秸秆人造板产业发展所需的持续原料供应体系、产业发展所需的外部环境优化等缺乏系统的分析,秸秆人造板的产业化建设不仅需要技术创新,而且急需建立符合循环经济理念的资源管理体系、产业体系和市场体系。本研究是在当前我国大力提倡循环经济、木材资源短缺、人造板市场需求旺盛,但是以农业废弃物——农作物秸秆为原料加工的秸秆人造板产业化进程缓慢的背景下提出的,结合当前秸秆人造板发展的实际情况,运用管理学、经济学、博弈论等方法建立数学模型,以提升农作物秸秆人造板产业化的理论研究水平。实施农作物秸秆人造板产业化发展是一项复杂的系统工程。为发展我国农作物秸秆人造板产业,本研究首先对农作物秸秆人造板产业发展进行了SWOT分析,指出原料的储量与社会优势是产业发展的优势所在;材料性能、生产成本、市场推广等方面存在的问题是产业发展的劣势;资源匮乏、内需增长、贸易壁垒、绿色消费等因素为产业的发展带来了良好机遇:而造纸业和木质人造板是产业发展的潜在威胁。在此基础之上,本文运用经济学、会计学和博弈论等方法,从绿色营销、市场开拓、产品开发和定价、成本管理等角度对农作物秸秆人造板的产业化发展进行了可行性论证;在此基础之上,从宏观调控、产业重构、社会认同层面设计了农作物秸秆人造板产业化的基本实现方式和基本途径,即以政策指引为源头、技术创新为主体、绿色消费为主线,规划了符合我国国情的、具备可操作性的政策建议和实践指导:即必须以完善的的法规为基础,以公众的绿色消费观念为推动,以行业规范为主导,以企业的经济效益为中心,以文化、技术、人才为支撑,政府、企业、科学界、公众共同努力为配合,构建农作物秸秆人造板产业发展的政策、科技、资金、人才支撑保障体系。最后,基于先进的绿色供应链管理模式,本文分析如何实现秸秆原料供应商、秸秆人造板生产商、秸秆人造板经销商等各节点企业的可持续发展,探讨农作物秸秆人造板绿色供应链各节点企业间的信任机制、协商机制、激励—约束机制和风险防范机制。

【Abstract】 Circular economy, with the core of high effective and recycle utility of resource, changes the mode of material stream from traditional unidirectional linear mode (resource-product-waste) to closed loop recycle mode (resource-product-waste-renewable resource). Following the dematerialization principle of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" in the process of manufacturing and service, the maximization of resource utility and minimization of waste discharge can be realized, thereby the purpose of economizing resource and improving environment can be and must be reached. Circular economy guides human to the sustainable development; transform the high-pollution, high-cost and low-efficient extensive economy to the low consuming, low discharging, and high-efficient intensive economy growth pattern.In the Chinese Communist the Sixteenth central committee the Fourth Plenary Session, re-enforcing development effort of circular economy was definitely presented. It also comes out based on the practice of our economic and social development, it is vital in the transformation from traditional economic growth to sustainable economical operation. The development of Circular economy, in a long period of time, will be a governmental industry. A whole set of policy system that match with our state situation must be constructed, so as to guide, promote, regulate the development of Circular economy.At present, under the background that the wood resources is in need, agricultural straw resources is overmuch and hugely wasted, the based panel market is in great demand, these factors provide broad development opportunity for the straw-based panel industrialization. But presently, the straw-based panel industrialization is slowing down both at home and abroad, which is mainly caused by the inadequate knowledge about the characteristic of the raw material of straw and the technique and craft, the excessive cost which causes the straw-based panel to lack the competitiveness with other wood-based panel in the market. Moreover, the existing research findings mainly about the adhesive, equipment and techniques have already brought forward a great many significative suggestions to the development of the straw-based panel industry, but systems analysis is absent on the persistent raw material supply system, the optimality of external environment in the development of the straw-based panel industry. Hereby, the development of the straw-based panel industry is crying for not only technical innovation but also constructing the resources management system, industrialization system, market system and so on. According to the present circumstances of the industry development, this thesis based on the basic concept and theory of economics, game theory and green marketing builds the maths model in order to improving the theory research on the industry development.Implementing the industrialization of straw-based panel is a complex system project. In order to ensure the prosperous development of the straw-based panel industry, this thesis firstly documents its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in the way of the straw-based panel industrialization. In the above-mentioned, the reserves of raw material is the strengths of the industry development; the characteristic of raw material, the cost of production, product popularization and market spread is the weakness; the deficiency of forest resource, the expansion of domestic demand, trade barrier and green consumption bring opportunity to the straw-based panel industrialization: paper industry and wood-based panel industry is latent threat to the straw-based panel industry. Secondly, this thesis develops the feasibility demonstration of straw-based panels industrialization from the following aspects: green marketing, product development, market development, technology innovation, product price. Based on the above, this thesis makes some suitable and operative policy and practice advices, that is. with the consummate policy and law as base, the concept of green consumption as force, the organizational regulation as dominance, the economic benefit as center, the culture, technology and the talented as support, the common efforts of government, environment protection department, enterprise, scientific community, and public as combination, building the whole executive system of the straw-based panel industry development. Finally, This thesis puts emphasis on researches on the cooperation mechanisms among enterprises of green supply chain, and based on putting forward principal-agent and basic theory of cooperation strategy, this paper mostly discusses four core cooperation mechanisms: confidence mechanism, negotiation mechanism, incentive-restriction mechanism, risk evading mechanism.

  • 【分类号】S38
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】2646

