

Soil Heavy Metal Adsorption Characteristic under Different Types of Forests or Soil Main Component

【作者】 朱丽珺

【导师】 张金池;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 浙江安吉主要植被类型土壤作为研究载体,用以探求土壤不同组分与重金属之间的吸附机理,研究土壤有机质含量、阳离子交换量(CEC)、pH值及土壤颗粒组成对土壤吸附重金属Cu2+的影响。以土壤中主要成分黏土矿物(膨润土为代表)、腐殖质(胡敏酸代表)和水合锰氧化物为吸附材料,采用等温吸附法,分别研究重金属铜、铅、镉、镍在不同吸附剂中的吸附特征。研究双组分金属离子共存于吸附剂中的竞争吸附性能。研究结果表明:(1)不同植被类型土壤中,落叶栎林对Cu2+的吸附量最大,灌木林次之,茶林与常绿苦槠-青冈混交林居中,毛竹林与湿地松林吸附量最小;不同层次土壤对Cu2+的吸附量随土层深度增加而减少。(2)土壤有机质含量和CEC是影响供试土壤Cu2+吸附量的主要因素。建立了土壤有机质含量和CEC与土壤Cu2+吸附量的关系模型:Y(Cu2+吸附量)=39.65+1.57X1(有机质含量)+3.65 X2(CEC)(3)膨润土对Cu2+、Pb2+的吸附明显强于Cd2+、Ni2+,吸附强度大小顺序为pb2+>Cu2+>Ni2+>Cd2+,对pb2+的吸附量约十倍于Cd2+。Langmuir、Freundlich和Temkin方程对这4种金属离子等温吸附的拟合均呈极显著关系。但Temkin等温式拟合Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+最佳,Ni2+最适合的方程为Freundlich。(4)胡敏酸对Cu2+的吸附强度要大于对Pb2+和对Cd2+的吸附。吸附强度顺序为Cu2+>Pb2+>Cd2+。Langmuir、Freundlich和Temkin方程对Pb2+、Cd2+的吸附呈显著关系,但其中Freundlich方程为最佳拟合方程:对Cu2+的吸附,Langmuir等温式拟合程度最高,Freundlich方程其次,Temkin方程则不适合。(5)红外光谱图显示,胡敏酸与Pb2+的结合点主要发生在酚羟基部位,与Cd2+的结合点主要发生在芳环上的羧基部位,而Cu2+与胡敏酸的结合则羧基和酚羟基都能发生。(6)水合锰氧化物中,δ-MnO2对Pb2+的吸附强度高于无定型MnO2对Pb2+的吸附,吸附量前者是后者的1.5倍。这是因为δ-MnO2的晶粒小,结晶性差,比表面大,并含有表面羧基和晶胞结晶水,比无定型MnO2能提供更多的吸附点位。(7)δ-MnO2对pb2+的吸附强度要远大于Cu2+和Cd2+,吸附强度顺序为pb2+>>Cu2+≥Cd2+。Langmuir、Freundlich和Temkin方程对Pb2+的吸附均呈显著关系,其中Temkin方程为最佳拟合方程:对Cu2+的吸附Freundlich方程的拟合程度高于Temkin方程,Langmuir方程不适合:而Cd2+的吸附则是Langmuir方程拟合最佳,Freundlich和Temkin方程方程则不适合。(8)不同pH值对δ-MnO2、胡敏酸、膨润土与重金属的作用影响相似。低pH值均不利于吸附剂对重金属离子的吸附,随着pH值的增加,不论吸附量还是吸附率都呈上升趋势,但吸附剂材料不同曲线上升趋势不尽相同。(9)双组分离子竞争吸附表明,δ-MnO2、胡敏酸、膨润土对Pb2+、Cd2+、Cu2+均具有“选择性吸附”。双组分离子共存时,吸附剂对某一金属的吸附量均要低于单一离子存在时的吸附量。金属离子两两共存的竞争作用大小在不同的吸附剂中呈现不同的结果,但共性是Pb2+在三种吸附剂中均表现出更强的竞争能力。(10)同一元素在不同吸附剂中的单位吸附量作比较分析,显示δ-MnO2对Pb2+、Cd2+、Cu2+的吸附量要大大高于胡敏酸和膨润土对相应离子的吸附量。这可能是由于δ-MnO2不仅与金属离子产生表面吸附,而且在晶体内部也提供吸附点位与离子结合。更进一步机理有待以后继续研究。(11)以膨润土对Pb2+和Cu2+双组分离子竞争吸附为例,建立竞争吸附模型。传统IAS和LCA模型在高浓度时不适用本实验。对LCA模型引入一个修正系数Pi,用修正LCA模型对膨润土与pb2+、Cu2+双组分离子竞争吸附进行模拟,得到较好结果。

【Abstract】 Cu2+ adsorption of 24 soil samples gathered out of 4 soil layers (0~10、10~20、20~40、40~60cm) of 6 different types of forests in Anji, Zhejiang were determined to explore relationship of Cu2+ adsorption with organic matter content, CEC, pH and particle composition. A batch experiment was conducted to study the adsorption of copper, lead, cadmium and nickel by bentonite, humic acid and hydration manganese oxide in single component and binary systems. The result shows that:(1) In terms of Cu2+ adsorption the six types of forests are in the order of broadleaved deciduous forest>shrubbery>tea grove>broadleaved evergreen forest>bamboo grove>pine forest. Cu2+ adsorption decreases with the depth of the profile.(2) Organic matter content and CEC are the two major factors affecting soil Cu2+ adsorption. Based on the findings, a model is established to illuminate the relationship of Cu2+ adsorption with organic matter content and CEC: Y (Cu2+ adsorption)=39.65+1.57X1(organie matter)+3.65 X2(CEC)(3) Adsorption capacity of copper and lead are higher than that for cadmium and nickel by bentonite. The order of adsorption capacity was as follows: Pb2+>Cu2+>Ni2+>Cd2+. Adsorption of Pb2+ is decuple of Cd2+. The single ion equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms. Temkin isotherms is best for Pb2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+ and the best for Ni2+ is Freundlich isotherms.(4) Adsorption capacity of Cu2+ by humic acid was higher than Pb2+ and Cd2+. The order of adsorption capacity was as follows: Cu2+>Pb2+>Cd2+. Equilibrium data of Pb2+ and Cd2+ were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms, and Freundlich isotherm is the best. Langmuir isotherm is best for Cu2+, than Freundlich isotherm, but Temkin isotherm is not fitted very well.(5) The results of infrared spectrum show that humic acid and Pb2+ link mainly on phenolic hydroxyl group. Humic acid and Cd2+ link on carboxyl of aromatic ring. Humic acid and Cu+ link both on phenolic hydroxyl group and carboxyl of aromatic ring.(6) Adsorption capacity of Pb2+ byδ-MnO2 is higher than non-crystal MnO2. This is because the crystalline grain of isδ-MnO2 smaller, crystallinity is weaker, specific surface is larger; contain more carboxyl and crystal water of unit cell. These characterstics ofδ-MnO2 result in more absorption site than non-crystal MnO2.(7) Adsorption capacity of Pb2+ is higher than that for Cu2+ and Cd2+ byδ-MnO2. The order of adsorption capacity was as follows: Pb2+>>Cu2+≥Cd2+. The equilibrium data of Pb2+ is fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms, and Temkin is the best. Freundlich isotherm is better than. Temkin for Cu2+, but Langmuir isotherm is not fitted very well. Langmuir isotherm for Cd2+ is best, but Freundlich and Temkin isotherms are not fitted very well.(8) The affects of pH to adsorption of metal ion by bentonite, humic acid andδ-MnO2 are similar. The lower pH is not good for adsorption of metal ion. Along with the increasing of pH, both the adsorption capacity and adsorption rate increase.(9) The adsorption isotherms in binary-component systems showed that there were competition among copper, lead and cadmium byδ-MnO2, humic acid and bentonite. Adsorption of one metal ion was depressed by the presence of other metal ion in the adsorption solution. Althoug the detail data of competition adsorption are different by virous sorbents, adsorption of Pb2+ is higher than other metal ion.(10) Unit adsorption capacity of different sorbents to the same metal ion is different. Adsorption capacity of metal ion byδ-MnO2 is higher than humic acid and bentonite. This is becauseδ-MnO2 absorbs metal ion not only by its surface but also by crystal interior site. The further mechanism will be studied later.(11) Equilibrium data for the binary adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+ by bentonite were analyzed by using Ideal-Adsorption-Solution (IAS) and Langmuir-Competitive-Adsorption models, but these equations weren’t fitted to data for the mixed solutions. The Modified LCA model fits the binary adsorption equilibrium data satisfactorily and adequately. Finally, binary-component competitive adsorption of copper and lead was simulated by Modified LCA model in computer.

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