

Theoretical Study on Man-sea Relation and Regional System of Man-sea Relation

【作者】 刘桂春

【导师】 韩增林;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前国内外对人地关系的研究,无论是理论还是实践方面,都已经相当成熟。近几十年内,随着海洋事业的发展,我国海洋人文地理研究也日渐趋于成熟。在这样的背景条件下,本文对这两个研究领域的“交集”――人海关系进行尝试性的理论探讨。论文开始,阐明了选择这一命题的原由及研究的目的和意义等。希望该论文最终可实现两个目的,即(1)在人地关系研究中突显出“人海关系”这一理论命题;(2)在人海关系理论研究,特别是对人海关系内涵、性质、演化机制等方面起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起学界对相关研究的关注。本文共分六章。第一章里,首先从理论、方法论、人地协调、人地关系地域系统、人地关系实证研究等几个方面对我国及国外人地关系研究进行回顾和评述。然后对我国近几十年内的海洋人文地理研究取得的进展加以评述。主要回顾了海洋经济地理、海洋地缘政治和经济、海洋文化、海岸带综合管理、海洋生态环境这几个方面的研究成果。第二章里,提出人海关系和人海关系地域系统的概念,并对相关内容做出解释和阐述。如人海关系概念内涵、研究的空间范围及内容、人海关系地域系统特征、人海关系地域系统分析原则等。第三章主要从系统要素角度研究人海关系地域系统的组成要素、要素流情况,进而分析要素流对人海关系地域系统结构和功能的影响,相当于对人海关系系统内部作用机制进行分析。第四章研究我国人海关系地域系统的时空演化问题。把我国人海关系地域系统的演化在时间上分成原始时期、农业社会时期和现代三大时期。主要从我国沿海人类社会对海洋的开发利用这一角度分析人与海洋的相互作用的发展进程。并在上一章研究结果以及现代复杂科学理论的基础上分析演化的规律。第五章研究我国人海地域系统的空间结构和类型问题。分析人海关系地域系统空间结构形成机制,提出我国目前的空间结构是环渤海、长三角和珠三角三大海洋经济区格局。之后,根据系统中要素特点,简要分析人海系统的地域类型。第六章主要侧重从方法论角度来研究人海关系的协调发展。在简要阐释人海协调的内涵和系统特征后,着重探讨人海关系协调性的测度。包括一般通用型的协调度计算方法,侧重于经济-资源或经济-环境协调关系的测度方法,还有海域承载力方法,其实质也是对人海系统各子系统协调情况的度量。最后做简要总结。

【Abstract】 Nowadays theoretical and practical studies on Man-Land system, both at home and abroad, have already come onto an advanced stage. Over the last few decades, with the development of the whole ocean undertaking studies on human geography of sea are presently on their way to advanced level. In this context, this dissertation attempts to do some research on the man-sea system, which is assumed to be intersection of the two fields mentioned above.At the very beginning, the reason why this subject was chosen is given and the aims and implications of this study are clarified. It is our hope that this study could accomplish two jobs. One is to make the man-sea system more conspicuous in the field of man-land relation. The other is to draw more attention of the academia to the study of man-sea system’s nature, mechanism behind its evolution and etc.The whole dissertation is divided into six chapters. In chapter one there is a review on man-land system studies both at home and abroad, which mainly focuses on man-land theories, methodology, the co-ordination of man-land relation, regional system of man-land relation and practical studies. Then studies on marine economy geography, marine geography of politics, marine culture, integrated management of coastal zone and ocean ecology and environment are reviewed.In chapter two, the concept of man-sea relation and regional system of man-sea relation is officially put forward. And some basic ideas related such as the meaning of man-sea relation, spatial coverage of this kind of study, the content of the study, the nature of the regional system of man-sea relation, some principals of the analysis of the regional system are expounded and explained.In chapter three, from the perspective of system and component, we study the components of the man-sea system and the components flows, based on which the components’effect on the regional system of man-sea relation is analyzed. This amounts to the analysis of the system’s mechanism. In chapter four, the spatial and temporal evolution of the regional system man-sea relation in China’s coastal areas. The whole process of evolution is divided into three phases, namely primitive era, agricultural era and contemporary era. The evolution of the man-sea interaction is mostly demonstrated by human society’s exploitation of ocean resources. Based on the study of chapter three and some complex science theories, we examine the mechanism.Chapter five examines the spatial structure of the regional system of man-sea relation and it’s regional types. The mechanism of the formation of spatial structure is analyzed. Currently the spatial structure in China is three major marine economic regions coexist, namely Bohai Sea rim, Yangtzi River delta and Zhujiang River delta. In the end, we analyze the different regional types in terms of the characteristics of components flows.The coordination of the man-sea relation is studied in chapter six mainly in terms of methodology. After a brief explanation of the meaning and nature of coordination of man-sea relation, we shift focus to the measurement of the extent of coordination. There are already some most general methods, and some aiming at solving the coordination problem between economy and resources or economy and environment. Another method is assessment of the carrying capacity of ocean areas. It is actually a way to decide whether the subsystems of the man-sea system are developing in coordination. And the conclusion.

【关键词】 人海关系地域系统理论
【Key words】 Man-Sea relationRegional systemTheoretical
  • 【分类号】K901
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】934

