

The Polarization and Socialization of Gender Roles in Ancient China

【作者】 王小健

【导师】 常金仓;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 性别有两层含义,一层是生物学的,它关心的是人类体质上的差异,因而是生理学的研究对象:另一层是社会学的,它关心的是社会赋予男人和女人的行为模式,在我国把它概括为“男尊女卑”,这种文化现象如何形成以及怎样解释这种文化现象就是性别研究的对象。西方性别理论用“社会性别”表示两性关系的社会结构,因此性别分析就是一种文化解构。分析经济、政冶、文化环境等结构性因素构成的社会机制如何架构、统摄了中国古代两性的生存方式以及人们的性别观念是本论文的研究主题。本文共分为四个部分:第一部分主要澄清学界对中国史前社会妇女地位的片面认识。长期以来我们根据摩尔根母系/母权社会理论相信中国史前社会的母系氏族社会就是母权社会,妇女享有崇高的地位。但是,西方人类学界经过长期反思认识到摩尔根的理论是建立在对原始民族亲属称谓的错误解释之上的,母系制并不必然产生母权制。摩尔根母系社会理论影响到我们对文献中“知母不知父”的理解以及由此而来的对商周始祖感生神话、女神崇拜的解释;并且影响到史学界对史前社会的某些考古学文化社会性质的长期争论,从而影响到对史前社会妇女地位的认识。第二部分结合人类学、社会学的相关材料分析两性在经济生活、社会生活和婚姻家庭中的分化。1、根据唯物主义观点,人类生产大致分为两种,一方面是生活资料的生产;另一方面是人类自身的生产,人类社会的各种制度都要受这两种生产的制约。与两种生产关系最密切的制度便是生产劳动中的两性分工,虽然世界各地的性别分工不尽相同,但一般说来男性劳动主要围绕生活资料的生产进行,这种劳动需要人与人的联合,具有社会性质;女性劳动主要围绕人的生产进行,属于家庭劳动。因此,两种生产实际划分了人类生产的两个领域——社会与家庭,这是家务劳动不被看成经济活动和物质生产的根本原因。两性分工的意义不在于依据性别分配工作,而是确定了生活资料生产者和人的生产者的社会角色。因此尽管任何一个人类社会妇女都参加生产劳动,有时甚至起到举足轻重的作用,却常常被视为辅助性的、次要的而受到轻视。两种生产者的社会划分与妇女对男人的经济依赖、杀女婴习俗、男人之间的技术和社会分工关系密切。2、两性分工在男人中间形成了公共关系领域,主要表现在宗教生活领域、世俗生活领域及其特殊形式——战争领域。正是在这些领域男人建立起服务于自己的社会交往规则:禁忌、规范、制度等,妇女由于不属于这个领域不仅无权制定规则,反而成为这些规则的实施对象。公共权力来自男人群体的生存方式——经济、宗教、政治、战争等公共领域,而不是来自于家庭领域。3、女人承担着人的生产的社会角色,婚姻家庭是她们的根本。不过,妇女在婚姻中所了解的东西与男人所了解的东西常常大相径庭,这个不同的最根本表现就是中国传统社会里妇女的“三从”,妇女从属于男人特别是丈夫及其家庭,她们是没有人身自主权的一个性别群体。在缺乏人身权的前提下,妇女的身体通过外婚制被另一个群体的男人得到和利用,并成为他们建立社会关系的一个重要途经。第三部分是性别角色的社会化。社会化既包括对两性角色内涵的体认和训练,也包括社会控制的形式。社会通过教育、仪式以及社会规范使两性把符合社会要求的态度和行为接受下来并且内在化,在中国它们常常以“礼”的形式表现出来。教育围绕性别角色展开,因此对于最终将要成为妻子和母亲的女人来说没有专门的学校教育,她们所接受的是妇职和妇德教育,这与男子以治国平天下为己任的学校教育有着根本不同。人的一生要经历诸如出生、成年、结婚、丧葬等重要时刻,它们往往伴随某些礼仪作为性别角色定位的象征。性别规范是以某些仪文细则的形式建立和维护男女有别的两性秩序。第四部分讨论性别观念与哲学。性别观念的哲学抽象体现在《周易》的乾坤之道与阴阳之分中。以《周易》的二元对立为哲学基础的“女祸论”是具有权威性的正统观念,笔者认为正是男外女内的社会结构导致了“女祸”这种社会现象。本文的结论是在公共领域和家庭领域的分化中,男人建立和掌握了强大的凌驾于家庭领域之上的公共权力是导致男尊女卑这一文化现象的根本原因,女人把握婚姻、固守家庭或许能够带来个人幸福,却无益于性别平等,缺乏平等的幸福并不是社会正义所提倡的。在这篇论文中,我力求把社会性别的研究从学者的书斋中解放出来,使它在构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大事业中成为可操作的应用性理论。历史上曾经影响过两性行为的因素,有些已经消失了,有些以改头换面的形式遗留下来,有些则原封不动地延续到今天,我希望本文的分析有助于在协调两性关系的工作中使人们更加自觉、更加理性。

【Abstract】 There are two different kinds of meaning in the concept of gender, one is biological, concerning the difference among human body, it constitutes the subject of physiology; another is sociological, concerning the behavior model between men and women. There is a kind of cultural phenomenon of men being superior to women. Gender study is to analyze how this kind of cultural phenomenon was shaped and how to interpret it. In the western gender studies, the concept of gender refers to the social structure of two sexes. Therefore, gender analysis is a kind of destruction. The objective of my dissertation is to analyze how the way of life of the two sexes and the idea of gender were constructed and controlled by economic, political, and cultural factors.The dissertation includes four parts:Part one clarifies the former unilateral understanding of women’s social position in ancient China. We have believed that the period of prehistory in China is matriarchal. With the establishment of patriarchy and hierarchical society, the social status of women had been declining. Such kind of understanding is not based on the reliable historical and archaeological research, but on the American anthropologist Morgan’s matriarchal theory. It has been pointed out that Morgan’s maternal theory is based on the misunderstanding of original kinship. Matriarchy does not necessarily let mother control powers. Morgan’s theory has its impact on our understanding about the record of "knowing mother but not father" and the interpretation of the myth of "Gan-Sheng" and the worship of goddess. In addition, it finally influences the interpretation of women’s status in prehistory.Part two examines the polarization of the two sexes in economic, social and marriage life, using the fruits of anthropology and sociology. 1. According to materialist view, production includes two parts, one is production for substance, and another is the reproduction of human being. The two kinds of production deeply influence various systems in human society. One of the most important systems is gender division of labor. Although gender division of labor is not the same around the world, there is a common phenomenon that male dominates the production of substance, and female is responsible for the reproduction of humans, the former activities is social work, because it needs alliance among people, the later is domestic work. Therefore, the two kinds of production actually fall into two spheres in human production: society and home, which is the main reason why domestic work is not taken as economic activities. The connotation of gender division of labor is not only to divide work according to gender, but confirms two social roles including producer for life and life producer. The result is that women’s work being looked down upon, although women in any kinds of society participate production, and play a very important role in it. And it also led to a result of women’s dependence on men, the custom of female infant killing and close relationship among men. 2. There is a public sphere among man, including religion, civil life and war, and man established social contact regulations, including taboo, criterion and system in these fields. Women have no rights to establish regulations, but become the object of regulation. Public power is coming from the public field which is dominated by man, rather than from the home. 3. Women is responsible for birth giving, home is their sphere. What women learn from marriage is totally different from what men learn, the fundamental regulation is women’s "three follows" in ancient China. Women belong to man, especially to husband and his family; women themselves have no human rights. Under such kind of circumstances, women’s body is controlled by men through marriage, which constitutes the main routes to establish social relationship.Part three tells the socialization of gender roles. Socialization includes not only the recognition of the connotation and training of gender roles, but also the pattern of social control. By means of education, rituals and social norms, males and females can conform to the attitudes and behavior that are socially accepted. That is to say, these attitudes and behavior are revealed in the form of courtesy. Education is extended based on gender roles. Therefore, those women who are to be wives and mothers do not have special schooling. Also, what they have received is the education of female responsibilities and female virtues. This is virtually different from males’ schooling that shows that the males’ responsibility is to govern the country and make it peaceful. On the eventful moments such as one’s being born, one’s being a grown-up, one’s getting married, or one’s being buried, some rituals will be accompanied as the establishments of gender roles. Gender norms refer to the gender orders established to keep the differences between the two genders.Part four discusses respectively gender concepts and philosophies. The philosophical abstract of gender concept is embodied in Zhou Yi’s ethics of heaven and earth as well as the differences between feminine and masculine. That female is the cause of misfortunes is regarded as an authoritative orthodox concept, which is philosophically based on Zhou Yi’s dualism. However, I firmly believe that the social structure, in which husbands are responsible for outward affairs while wives are in charge of household chores, results in the social phenomenon of females as the cause of misfortunes.This article draws the conclusion that in the polarization between public field and household realm, males have established and controlled the powerful public rights which are pretty superior to household fights. And this thoroughly led to a cultural phenomenon that males are superior whereas females are inferior. Getting hold of the marriage and keeping to the family may enable wives to feel the happiness, but they are not contributory to the equality between males and females. Furthermore, social justice does not advocate the kind of happiness built on the lack of equality.In this dissertation, I make my attempt to liberate the study of social gender from the scholars’ bookshelves and make it an operable applied theory in the great cause of setting up a harmonious socialist society. The factors, which have ever influenced the behavior of males and females, either died out, or are left behind in a different form, or still exist unchanged. I hope that my analysis in this dissertation will be helpful to coordinate the relationship between males and females in their work and make them more self-conscious and rational.


