

Study on the Foreign Spices and Perfumes during the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 温翠芳

【导师】 胡戟;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文从丝绸之路上的贸易额是如何平衡的这一问题入手,发现中古中国进口之香药无论在数量上还是总价值额上跟出口之丝绸相比,都毫不逊色;且目前中国境内所出土的少量萨珊波斯帝国的银币也无法证明当时的国际贸易是用通货支付的这一理论。故笔者认为香药换丝绸实为中古时代东西方贸易之主要推动力。鉴于此点认识,本文对从葱岭以西、地中海以东广大的西域地区输入唐代中国的各种香药进行了考察,并着重探讨这些外来香药在唐人世俗生活中之广泛应用,此外,对于唐代向西域商胡所征商税的用途以及唐代广州的香药贸易等问题也作了探讨,初步得出以下认识:通过对唐前期正史和笔记小说中几乎没有使用银铤的记载,笔者认为William Watson所提出的萨珊波斯帝国的银币曾被大量改铸成银铤的理论不能成立。通过对焉耆一地有银山的考察,笔者以为吐鲁番出土文书中所提到的银币大部分当为西域诸国自铸或仿铸的银钱,而非由萨珊波斯帝国所传入的银币。中国考古所发现的少量萨珊波斯帝国的银币并不能证明中伊之间的贸易额是靠贵金属来平衡的。笔者通过对海陆路香药贸易的考察,认为东西方贸易的中介商——波斯人和粟特人购买中国丝绸时,并未支付贵金属,而是巧妙地为中国人运来了质轻价昂的香药,换走了唐人巧夺天工的丝绸。通过对外来香药在唐代世俗生活中之广泛应用的研究,笔者发现文明的交流是互惠的,在我们向西方世界输出华贵优美的丝绸时,从葱岭以西、地中海以东的广大西域地区也给我们送来了祭祀拜神、调味美容、薰衣治病所用之香药。这些传入唐土的香药极大地丰富了唐人的生活,增添了唐人的生活情趣,提升了唐人的生活品味,并解除了唐人的疾病痛苦。而唐代文明之所以能取得空前绝后之发展的原因,正应该归功于海陆路丝绸之路上的商贸往来以及与之伴生的文明交流。此外,对外来香药的崇尚与喜爱,也说明唐人是胸怀开阔的,善于吸纳不同地区和国家的人们所创造的优秀文明。从地中海到印度洋、从波斯湾到河中地,只要是芬芳四溢、品质优良的香药都能在唐代医籍中找到。同时唐人又是理智的和尚于思索的,对于所引进的外来香药,不是简单地照搬其在本土的用途和功效,而是将其吸收、消化后,进行创新使用,并返传至丝绸之路沿线,这可从敦煌吐鲁番出土的医方文书中得到反映。该地医方中所用之药物虽有许多产自印度,但其所用之医方却有很多在梵语医典中没有,而是与中医药方书籍中所载一致,证明其曾受到内地主流中医学的影响。据史籍记载,对陆上丝绸之路上从事转贩贸易的西域商胡征收商税,始自十六国时期沮渠氏所建立的北凉王朝。沮渠氏虽非汉族,然能欣赏汉化,并任用精通经史之汉人典掌机密,故其在财政上能远绍周代,近承西晋、前凉以来之关市征税制度。而其都城姑臧内有许多从中亚来的粟特胡商,又成为北凉政权之所以能切税商胡的根本所在。关于其征收商税所得的具体数字,史籍中无载。然据《魏书·卢水胡沮渠蒙逊传》载,北凉府库中,金银珠玉、珍奇器物不可胜计。通过对吐鲁番出土文书《高昌内藏奏得称价钱帐》的考察,笔者发现该件文书中香料的交易额高达2933斤,而广义的香药的交易额竟高达4121斤,远非文书中所载丝和金属的小笔交易量所能比。故香药贸易在丝绸之路贸易的份额中实占有举足轻重之地位。通过对高昌国所征“称价钱”在所交易商品的总价值中所占比率的计算,发现其仅达0.11%,故笔者认为“称价钱”是由于使用官方度量衡器而由买卖双方所共同缴纳的一种官物使用费,而不是商税。高昌国时期铁勒从高昌等丝路重镇征收了巨额商税,用于供给东西突厥开疆拓土所需之军费,这是东西突厥从6世纪中期到7世纪初年能雄踞漠北草原和内陆亚洲的经济基础。笔者通过对唐开天时期安西、北庭两地军费开支的估算,初步认为,开元七年之后,唐每年向西域商胡所征收的商税约在10万贯以上。这笔商税使唐在西域地区所设之军镇向部分自给或全额自给的方向演变,既有效地解决了该地的军资供给,又解除了中央对该地供军的负担,从而避免了税敛内地人民以供西北边疆之用的古老做法,使得内地的经济得到苏息,而边防之实力又得到加强,遂开创有唐一代之全盛局面。从这个意义上说,开元盛世的奥秘正是《新唐书·西域传》所载之“税西域商胡以供四镇。”通过对唐代广州香药贸易的考察,笔者认为唐前期活跃在波斯湾到南中国海上贩运香药的主要是波斯人;而在762年之后,随着黑衣大食帝国迁都巴格达,遂带来了中国与阿拉伯之间海上贸易的黄金时代,而阿拉伯人也由此介入了获利巨大的海上香药贸易。通过对岭南市舶使设立时间及其职能的考察,笔者以为从开元二年设立市舶使后,唐王朝就开始对广州外商征收关税——舶脚了,笔者通过对南朝及唐后期关税率的考察,并参照黑衣大食帝国的关税率,认为唐代广州舶脚的征收率约为10%.

【Abstract】 The paper through considering the question that how the volume of trade on the Silk Road were balanced, discovered that the import spices and perfumes of China in Middle Ages regardless of the total quantity or the value,comparing with the export silk was not inferior, furthermore the few hoards of Sasanian silver coin found in China were unable to prove the international trade then was paid by the currency. Therefore the author think that exchanging the silk with the spices and perfumes were the main propelling force of the international trade between East and West in Middle Ages. In addition, the author also studied the widespread application of the foreign spices and perfumes in the Tang society, all kinds of spices and perfumes introduced to Tang China from the wide western regions between Mediterranean Sea and the Onion Range. finally, studied the use of the business tax collected from the barbarian merchants. Obtained the following knowledge:Because no recordation of using the silver ingots in the historical documents and the notes in the first half period of Tang dynasty, the author consider that the theory that The massive Sasanian silver coin once have been recast as the current ingots Proposed by William Watson cannot be established. Through the researchment of having silver mountains in the Turfan district, the author think most of the silver coins in the turfan documents were cast by the local government,not from Sasanian Empire. the few hoards of Sasanian silver coins found in China were unable to prove the volume of trade between Iran and China were balanced by the silver. Through investigating the trade of spices and perfumes between east and west,the author think that the intermediary,the Persians and the sogdians when they bought the silk from China,didn’t pay the silver,but transported the massive and expensive spices and perfumes for Chinese.Through the researchment of the widespread application of the foreign spices and perfumes,the author discovered that the exchange of civilization was benefit both. When we send the silk to the west,the western people also transported the massive spices and perfumes for the Chinese,which was used in the sacrificial offering,beauty and illness. The spices and perfumes were transported to China enormously enriched the Tang people’s life,increased the Tang people’s life appeal,promoted the Tang people’s savor and relieved the Tang people’s pain of illness. The reason which The Tang civilization had made the great development, should owe her success to the business intercourse as well as the civilization exchange.In addition, the advocation and affection for the foreign spices and perfumes also explained the Tang people had the open mind, could absorb all kinds of the civilization fruits created by the people of different countries and districts. From Mediterranean Sea to Indian Ocean, from Persian Gulf to Transoxiana, every famous spice and perfume could be found in the medical book of Tang dynasty.Simultaneously the Tang people are also rational. For the foreign spice and perfume, they didn’t imitated their effect in the native place, after absorption and digestion, developed their new use and returned back to the districts along the silk road which could be found from the Dunhuang and Turfan documents.According to the historical records, collecting the business tax from the barbarian merchants began at the Beiliang Dynasty.The king of Beiliang was not Han people, but he liked the Confucian civilization,so the tax system was received from Zhou,Xijin and Qianliang,in his kingdom,there were so many Sogdians,therefore,the king collected more money and pearls from the barbarian merchants.Through investigating the Turfan Documents, the author discovered that the Volume of the spices and perfumes reached as high as 2933 Jin, if added the medicine,the total volume reached 4121 Jin, Couldn’t be compared by the silk and gold, therefore the trade of spices and perfumes really held the pivotal status on the silk road. Through investigating the "Chenjiaqian" in the Gaochang Kingdom, the author find that the tax rate only reached 0.11%, so the author think it was not the business tax,but the fee because of using the official measurement. During the Gaochang kingdom, the Tiele collected the large amount business tax,used for the military expenses of Turk empire. Which was the economical basis of Turk empire.Through calculating of the military expenditure of Anxi and Beiting During the Kaiyuan and Tianbao period,the author believed that the business tax collected from the barbarian merchants in the western regions were above 100 thousand Wen, the business tax caused the military organization established at the western regions changing to the patially self-sufficient or the totally self-sufficient. It not only solved the military supplies,but also relieved the government burden, recovered the inland economy, also strengthed the border defense,in this sense,the mystery of Kaiyuan Golden Ages of the Tang dynasty, just was collecting the business tax from the barbarian merchants.Through the research for the Canton trade of spices and perfumes during the Tang dynasty,the author find that the merchants who engaged in the trade of spices and perfumes on the sea mainly were Persians in the first half period of Tang dynasty.But after 762 A.D.along with the Black Tajik(The Arabian empire)moved their capital to Baghdad,the golden ages of the marine trade between China and Arab came upon, and the Arabs began involved in the spices and perfumes trade which made great profit. Through the research for the time of the establishment and the function of Canton Shi-bo-shi,the author think that from 714 A.D,The Tang empire began to collect the business tax from the foreign merchants at Canton. Through the research for the tax rate during the Southern dynasty and the second half period of Tang dynasty,in addition,referring to the tax rate of Arabian empire,the author think the tax rate of Canton Ship-foot were about 10%.

  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1689

