

Optimum Decision Making System for Railway Freight Car Approving & Related Issues Study

【作者】 江南

【导师】 史峰;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 铁路货运承认车审批优化问题是一个较复杂的决策问题。随着铁路运输市场化和铁路行业体制改革的深入,铁路局调度所不但在体现国家宏观经济政策及促进地区经济繁荣方面起着重要作用,而且在强化管内运输组织、增加运输收入方面的作用也日益突出,因此对日常货运调度工作提出更高的要求。采用智能化计算机辅助决策工具来提高货运调度承认车计划的水平,是铁路局调度信息化、现代化过程中的一个重要基础性环节,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文运用最优化理论,对铁路局调度所货运调度工作中承认车计划环节进行深入研究,提出了优化模型及算法,并研制出相应计算机软件系统,在铁路局得到成功应用。论文首先讨论了铁路承认车审批现状,对其中存在问题及研究意义作了介绍。同时就信息论的基本观点和一般管理信息系统开发过程中采用的技术、方法等进行归纳。然后,针对铁路承认车审批问题进行深入分析。介绍了人工模式制定货运计划过程,并对铁路运输收入清算方法作了详细介绍。逐一分析归纳12类铁路承认车审批约束条件。结合铁路局调度工作实际情况,分别设计了运输收入最大化、清算收益最大化、前序、后序、随机五种目标函数,巧妙溶入优先级及“集中”、“折半分散”、“1/3分散”、“1/4分散”审批策略,使其实用性显著提高,并在此基础上,建立了铁路承认车审批优化模型。鉴于问题求解的困难程度,设计了行之有效启发式算法求解铁路承认车审批优化模型。作为日常承认车计划的补充,早6点调整计划有一定特殊性。论文分析了早6点调整计划涉及因素,给出了约束条件及目标函数,从而得到优化模型,并设计相应算法。铁路承认车审批系统还需要车流径路模块、统计模块、用户权限控制逻辑模块和货运法规文电管理模块的支持。论文分别就车流径路的制定及应用提出了优化模型,设计相应算法,圆满解决了铁路承认车审批系统中的车流径路问题。同时根据实际需求设计了统计模块,可以完成各站段、货运调度台的车种别、去向别和货物品类别统计。在用户权限控制逻辑方面提出了权限树及向下继承和向上继承概念,特别适合单位组织机构等信息网络权限管理。在货运法规文电管理模块的讨论中,论文提出了普通全文搜索、模糊查询,包括基于意群的相关查询、基于布尔代数的相关查询和最大相关模糊查询技术,尤其最大相关模糊查询技术具有完整的理论基础及良好的应用前景。最后论文介绍了上述系统在生产实践当中的应用,通过一个月的实际数据对比,优化效果明显。两年来的实践证明,系统运行稳定可靠,取得良好社会效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 The optimization of Railway Freight Car Approving is a complicated problem. Along with the proceeding of railway transportation marketing and railway administration reform, the dispatcher office of railway bureau is not only playing an important role in representation of state’s macro economical policy and promote economical prosperity in local area, but also a key role in strengthening local transport organization and improving transportation revenue, thus it needs a higher level of diary freight dispatching. It is an important and basic element to apply intelligent computer aided decision making tool to improve the freight car approving of freight dispatching in the process of railway bureau dispatcher office modernization, thus it possesses a great significance in theory and application. The paper studies the freight car approving plan in railway freight dispatching, puts forward the optimum model and the corresponding algorithm, brings out the computer software system, and applies it to a railway bureau successfully.Firstly, the paper discusses the current situation of railway car approving, introduces the problem and the significance of research. Meanwhile the paper talks about basics of information theory and the general techniques and methodology in developing MIS.Then, the paper makes a deep analysis in railway car approving. It introduces manual way of making freight plan, and talks a lot about the way of railway revenue clearance. The 12 groups of constraints in railway car approving have also been analyzed respectively. With consideration of practical railway bureau dispatching work, the author designs five target functions, they are maximum railway revenue, maximum clearance revenue, pre-order, back-order and random respectively. With the combination of precedence and four approving policies (concentration, half distribution, 1/3 distribution, 1/4 distribution), it makes a significant enhance in practical application, and based on above, the paper puts forward the optimum model for railway car approving. Since the problem is so hard to find the solution, an effective heuristic algorithm is designed to tackle it.As a complementary thing of diary railway car approving plan, the 6 o’clock morning adjusted plan has its own specialty. The paper analyzes the concerning factors in 6 o’clock morning adjusted plan, puts forward the constraints and target function, gets the optimum model and designs the corresponding algorithm.The railway car approving system also requires the supporting modules such as car routing module, statistical module, user authorization logic module, freight law and regulation management module. The paper puts forward the optimum models for car routing plan making and its application, designs the algorithm, thus solves the routing problem for railway car approving effectively. Meanwhile the statistic module has been designed on the basis of practical requirement, it fulfils the car-type, destination and cargo-type statistics for each station, freight dispatching scope. In terms of user authorization logic the author puts forward the authorization tree, inheritance-down and inheritance-up concepts, they fits the information network authorization management well in units and organizations.In the discussion of automatic management of freight laws and regulations, the paper introduces the general text search and fuzzy search, including the correlation search based on meaning cluster, the correlation search based on Boolean algebra and maximum correlation inquiry, it has to be mentioned that the maximum correlation inquiry has a sound theory basis and bright perspectives of application.Finally, the paper talks about its application in practice, by comparison of a month data, it concludes that the optimization is effective. With two years practice the system runs smoothly, it illustrates that the system brings about both good social benefits and considerable economical results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期

