

Study on Disaster-Prevention Space Planning of Urban and Its Experience

【作者】 王薇

【导师】 徐志胜;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文是国家“十五”科技攻关课题“城市公共安全综合试点研究”(2002BA803804)的重要组成部分。城市综合防灾减灾能力的高低是衡量城市整体功能及其安全防卫能力的标志,对于处在快速城市化进程的中国,城市灾害越来越成为关注的焦点。然而,已有的城市灾害研究大都集中在对灾害的管理及城市灾害应急机制和硬件建设上,缺乏对城市灾害的基础性、技术性研究,尤其在结合城市空间进行城市防灾规划的研究方面几乎是空白。本文以城市防灾空间作为规划的主要内容,从城市防灾空间的基础资料入手,较全面地整合了防灾空间各构成要素的规划标准,构建了城市防灾空间综合防灾应急能力的评价指标体系,形成了复合立体化城市防灾空间的整合模型。本文完成的研究工作及取得的主要进展如下:(1)给出了城市防灾空间各构成要素的规划标准,规范了不同层级防灾空间单元的配置准则,搭建了城市防灾空间规划的架构。(2)构建了评价城市综合防灾应急能力的指标体系,指标涵盖了各防灾空间子系统的人员、设施配置、服务范围等定量指标及协调能力等定性指标,确定了各个评价指标的权重,建立了城市综合防灾应急能力的评价模型。从系统论的角度为城市防灾空间规划提供了科学依据。(3)以地下防灾空间为城市防灾空间的主体,探讨了确保地下空间正常使用的改建方案;研究了不同防灾空间功能单元的竖向布局,提出了基于时间纬度和空间维度的连续性的防灾空间功能单元整合体系,给出了防灾空间节点可达性的计算方法,并构建了防灾空间的整合模型,以缝合分散、破碎的城市防灾空间单元,为建设复合立体防灾空间提供指导。(4)以“十五”攻关课题“长沙市城市公共安全综合试点研究”为背景,首次将城市防灾空间防灾应急能力评价模型应用于典型城市,开展了长沙市防灾空间防灾应急能力的综合评价。广泛收集了长沙市孕灾环境及其防灾空间资源的数据,对长沙市未来应关注的主要灾害从宏观层面进行了剖析及评估。(5)首次从实际层面完成了长沙市防灾空间的规划,是我国到目前为止第一个大型城市防灾空间规划的尝试,开拓了城市公共安全研究的新领域。针对长沙市防灾空间建设方面存在的缺陷,从宏观层面就消防、医疗、避难、地下空间等空间资源作出了规划,提出了形成长沙市复合立体化防灾空间的整合建议。

【Abstract】 The thesis is one important component of National Fifteenth Science & Technology Project "research on experimental unit about public safety of urban" (2002BA803B04).The capability of disaster-prevention of urban is the symbol weighing the whole function and safety of urban. For china in which city is extending rapidly, urban disaster is becoming focus of attention. However, past study on urban disaster is centralized in disaster management, emergency mechanism and hard ware construction, while is short of basal and technologic research, especially the urban disaster-prevention planning combined urban space. The urban disaster-prevention space is treated as the main content of urban plan in this paper, according to the basal information collected, the planning standard for every function unit of urban disaster-prevention space is integrated, the indices system used to evaluate the capability of disaster-prevention and emergency response of urban space is constructed, and the integration model of developing composite urban disaster-prevention space is formed. The research content and main achievements are as follows:1) The planning standard of every urban disaster-prevention space unit is given. The collocating rule of different rank of disaster-prevention space unit is regulated. The planning structure of urban disaster-prevention space is set up.2) The indices system of comprehensive urban disaster-prevention and emergency response capability is constructed, which contains quantitative indicators (like personnel and establishment distribution, service range) and qualitative indicators (like harmony capability). Then the weight of every index is confirmed by the analytic hierarchy process, and the evaluation model of comprehensive urban disaster-prevention and emergency response capability is established. The science support for urban disaster-prevention space planning is provided in the view of system theory.3) The underground space is looked as the main body of urban disaster-prevention space, and the method which can insure the usage of underground space is discussed. The vertical distribution of different function unit of urban disaster-prevention space is studied. Based on successional time and successional space, the integration system of disaster-prevention space is suggested. The arriving degree of disaster-prevention space node is also proposed. Then the integrated model is constructed so as to combine separated and fragmentized urban disaster-prevention space, which offers the reference to constructe comprehensive urban disaster-prevention space.4) On the research background of Changsha--the experimental unit in National Fifteenth Science & Technology Project "research on experimental unit about public safety of urban", the model of evaluating the capability of disaster-prevention and emergency responce is applied to Changsha, and the conclusion is reliable and practicable. The disaster environment and the resource of disaster-prevention space of Changsha have been collected broadly. The main disasters which should be paid attention are pointed out.5) The planning of disaster-prevention space for Changsha is completed actually for the first time, a newly domain of study on public safety of urban is exploited. Aimed at the shortcoming of disaster-prevention space of Changsha, the space resource for fire fighting, medical treatment, underground space etc. are planned on the whole, and the conformity suggestion about forming integrated disaster-prevention space is also put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.116
  • 【被引频次】82
  • 【下载频次】3252
  • 攻读期成果

