

Semi-Active Control of Magnetorheological Shock Absorber Subjected to Impact Load

【作者】 李延成

【导师】 钱林方; 王炅;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着结构设计思想和方法的不断改进以及高新技术的应用,工程中所遇到的冲击问题的强度越来越大,在航空、航天、军工、交通运输和工程建筑领域都不同程度的存在着亟待解决的冲击问题,因而冲击缓冲的研究日益引起人们的关注和重视。磁流变减振器具有阻尼连续可调、动态范围宽、响应速度快、低功耗等特点,成为振动控制中非常有应用前景的智能器件。目前,国内外对于磁流变减振器在随机载荷(如汽车悬架、建筑和桥梁抗震设计)振动控制中得到了很好的研究和使用,然而冲击载荷下磁流变缓冲器的动力学特性和半主动控制研究仍存在空白。本文利用理论分析、数值仿真和实验验证的方法,对磁流变缓冲器在冲击载荷下的动力学模型、冲击载荷下磁流变缓冲器的动力学特性以及半主动控制策略和控制系统设计与实现进行研究。具体工作包括以下几个方面:(1)阐述了冲击载荷下振动控制的重要意义,回顾了磁流变技术的研究历史和当前最新研究动态,对磁流变技术在军事领域的研究作了综述,并提出了当前磁流变技术领域存在的问题。针对冲击缓冲的实际需要,提出了本文将要开展的主要工作和任务。(2)应用流体力学理论,根据Bingham模型和Herschel-Bulkley模型,利用平行板模型理论推导出磁流变缓冲器的动力学模型;结合冲击载荷下磁流变缓冲器的特点,提出了冲击载荷下缓冲器的模型需要考虑惯性力的影响,推导出适合其使用的Bingham-Inertia模型和Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia模型。(3)利用自行设计的冲击实验台架对冲击载荷下磁流变缓冲器的动力学特性进行实验研究,并对Bingham-Inertia模型和Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia模型的待定参数进行参数识别,结果显示修正的Bingham-Inertia模型和Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia模型能够很好地反映冲击载荷下磁流变缓冲器的动力学特性。(4)根据建立的Bingham-Inertia模型和Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia模型建立了冲击载荷作用下磁流变减振系统的模型。根据冲击载荷控制的实际需要,提出了基于压力反馈的双态控制策略、PID控制策略和模糊控制策略,利用dSPACE半实物仿真系统对三种控制策略在实际冲击载荷下的控制有效性进行了实验研究,并对三种控制策略进行了分析和比较。(5)构建了用于冲击载荷下磁流变缓冲器实验的的冲击实验台架和控制系统,对密爆发生器、磁流变缓冲器、所用的传感器、dSPACE半实物仿真系统和ControIDesk软件进行了说明,着重分析了电流控制器的输出响应特性。最后,对全文工作进行了总结,介绍了论文的特色和创新之处,指出了今后工作有待深入研究的问题。

【Abstract】 With the development of structure design and the applications of hi-technology,more and more impact issues within high impact loading occurs in real applications. Itis familiar in the aeronautic and aerospace engineering, military engineering,transportation and civil engineering. The researches on vibration reduction underimpact load have been proved to having a promising future and should be paid moreattentions. Magnetorheological (MR) shock absorber is a smart devices, which has theadvantages of good controlibility, wide dynamic range, rapaid reponse time andlow-energy cost. It is a promising device in vibration control. Till now, lots ofresearches have been carded out to explore the structure design, dynamic andvibration control when MR shock absorber subjected to random load, such as vehiclesuspensions and anti-wind-vibration in civil engineering. However, little explorationhas been focus on the dynamic characteristics and vibration control when MR shockabsorber subjected to impact load.In this dissertation, theoretical analysis, dynamic simulation and test verificationwere used to investigate the dynamic performance and vibration control of MRshock absorber under impact load. The main contributions of this dissertationinclude the followings:1. The significance of vibration control under impact load is introduced inchapert one of this dissertation. The history and updated development of MRtechnology is reviewed. Several applications of MR technology arespecified in the military engineering. Moreover, some deficiencies, such asthe character of MR fluids and control methold are brought forward. Thispaper also summarized the main tasks of this dissertation.2. Using the theory of hydrodynamics and the rheology govern equations of MRfluids, Bingham model and erschel-Bulkley model were deduced to explainthe dynamic behavior of MR shock absorber. For the dynamic of MR shockabsorber under impact load, an inertia factor was introduced to Binghammodel and Herschel-Bulkley model, which leading to two revised model,named as Bingham-Inertia model and Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia model.3. Dynamic characteristics of MR shock absorber subjected to impact andimpulsive load is investigated using the test rig we designed. The parameter recognization was accomplished to revise the Bingham-Inertia model andHerschel-Bulkley-Inertia model.4. Three control stratigies, they are on-off control, PID control and fuzzy logiccontrol are designed using the MATLAB and Simulink. According to thepractical need of vibration control under impact load. Three control metholdswere revised to be pressure-feedback ones. To evaluate the control effect ofthe control metholds, a hardware-in-loop simulation and test was finished.5. A specific introduction of impact test system was done in last chapter. Somedetail for practical use is explained.Finally, the work of this dissertation was concluded. The innoviations andcontributions of this work were introduced. And a/so, the potential issues of thisresearch were pointed out.


