

A Synthetic Research of Bibliometric Method and Content Analysis Method

【作者】 王曰芬

【导师】 邱均平; 甘利人;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 “文献计量法与内容分析法的综合研究”属于图书馆学情报学、信息资源管理等相关研究领域。本课题研究来源于教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“文献计量与内容分析的比较与综合研究”(项目号:02JAZJD870003),以及总装备部基础科研项目“内容分析方法在情报研究中的应用研究”(项目号:2004QB1507)。文献计量法和内容分析法先后始于20世纪初叶,经过数十年的发展,各自形成了独特的研究方法体系,是图书馆学情报学等领域的方法论体系中的重要组成。文献计量法主要利用数理统计方法处理文献信息篇章之间的定量关系,得出的结论偏重概率规律,是一个从文献外部特征出发的定量为主的分析方法;内容分析法则主要利用符号分析方法处理各类信息篇章内部符号群之间的定性与定量关系,得出的结论偏重逻辑规律,是一个从内容主题出发的定性为主的分析方法。将两种方法作为整体进行综合研究,可以扩展原有方法的优势,克服各自的缺陷,突破单一研究思维的狭隘性,以构建新的方法论体系。交叉与综合是社会科学研究创新发展的新视野,定性方法与定量方法的综合研究是当前国际前沿研究的重大课题和新的趋势。本论文的研究适应国际前沿的变化趋势,在宏观上,可以促进图书馆学情报学向科学化与规范化发展并进一步完善方法论体系,推动该领域的不断成熟与发展;在微观上,有利于图书情报工作和信息资源管理活动从文献计量分析过渡到文献中知识的测度与分析,为更高级、更有效的信息提取、信息融合、数据挖掘、可视化技术等的研发提供方法论依据,满足数字化时代用户对“面向内容的知识服务”的需求。因此,本论文的选题是一个具有理论意义与实践价值的前沿领域。本文从文献计量法与内容分析法产生与发展的根源出发,以实践需要为导向,以方法论原理为指引,围绕着图书情报领域与信息资源管理工作的重心,根据研究对象与研究内容的内在特点,对文献计量法与内容分析法综合研究的方法体系构建进行多维度探索。本文主要的工作和研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)从方法论出发,将文献计量法与内容分析法的比较与综合分析置于方法论的理论体系中,全面地探索综合研究的方法来源、方法特征(性质)、方法构成(结构)和方法应用,初步构建了文献计量法与内容分析法综合研究的理论基础。(2)系统性地提出了综合方法构建的思路:以“数据——信息——知识——智慧(DIKW)”为综合研究的出发点,以信息哲学与认知心理学的理论为依据选择所需的核心方法,以可量化的信息为研究对象和可推测的特征为分析单元,以文献计量法与内容分析法的趋同的相似性与互补的差异性为研究的基础,以已有的实践研究为方法体系构建的参考,以集成两者的功能与彰显应用的效果为原则设计方法体系的维度,以易理解和易操作为综合研究与应用流程设计的标准,以实践案例检验与评价综合研究的应用效果。(3)在综合方法体系的设计上,分别设计了从文献计量法出发的综合方法和从内容分析法出发的综合方法;设计了以特征单元、时空分布、内容层次为坐标的三维综合方法体系,将外部特征与内容特征、定量分析与定性分析、空间分析与时间分析等有机地综合在一起;构建了综合方法应用的基本流程,分析了综合方法的主要应用。其中,重点探索了基于Ontology的综合方法的设计思想、分析系统的层次结构、应用系统的功能以及应用。(4)选择重庆维普的期刊全文数据库,以情报学(G35)(时间为:1997-2006年)为研究对象进行了综合方法应用的实证分析。分别选择综合方法应用的不同途径:“核心期刊——关键词聚类——作者映射”和“共词聚类——作者排序与集中度分析”,进行了案例研究以及对比分析,得出了一些有实际意义的分析结论。(5)从资源(数据)、人(专业人员)和技术(可视化)三位一体的角度,分析了综合方法应用的影响因素,探索了专业人员在综合方法应用上的作用,并提出基于主体、面向过程、重视借助研究方法与工具挖掘隐性知识的,整合知识流与工作流的新的情报研究流程。

【Abstract】 "A Synthetic Research of Bibliometric method and Content analysis method"belongs to relative research domains about library science, informatics science andInformation resources management. The research task is based on the two projects, oneis "Research on Comparison and Synthesis of Bibliometrics and ContentAnalysis"(project no: 02JAZJD870003)" which is come from Key Research Institute ofHumanities and Social Sciences in Universities, the other is "The application researchof Content analysis method in Information Research(project no: 2004QB1507)" which iscome from basic research project of General Equipment Ministry of CPLA (ChinesePeople’s Liberation Army).The research of Bibliometric method and Content analysis method is started formthe beginning of 20th, they have formed special research method system respective afterhaving developed for ten years, they are the important parts of library science andinformatics science. Bibliometric method is a method of quantitative analysis mainconcerned with the extemal characters of literatures, it can be used to deal with thequantitative relationship of different literatures by using the method of Statistics, andresults of this method is layed particular stress on the rule of probability. Contentanalysis method is a qualitative analysis main concerned with content titles, it’s mainfunction is to deal with the qualitative and quantitative relationship of the internalsymbol clusters among different literatures, and results of this method is layed particularstress on the logic rule. If we could design the new method system by looking thesetwo methods as one body to do integrate research, we can take advantages of these twomethods, and break through parochialism of single research thinking. Today, intercrossand integration is new view of innovation development of social science, and integratedresearch of the method of qualitative and quantitative is new trend of research ofinternational hotspot. This research of thesis is tally with the new trend of internationalfront edge. In the macro, it can advance scientific and normative development of thelibrary and informatics science, and can make the method systems of this field perfect. Inthe micro, it can help the work of library and information and activities of informationresources management transit from bibliometric to estimation and analysis of theknowledge of literatures, and can provide methodology for the research of the advancedand effected information distilling, information integration, data mining andvisualization technology, also can meet the needs of knowledge services oriented contents of customers in the digital time. So, the title of this thesis is a front edge field ofacademic meaning and practice valuable.In the thesis, author has explored the buildup of method system of SyntheticResearch of Bibliometric method and Content analysis method from muti-view by theinternal characters of research contents and objects. This thesis set out from the origin ofthe Bibliometric method and Content analysis method and surrounds the center of libraryand informatics science and field of information resource management, it’s guided by theneeds of practice, directed by the principle of methodology. Totally, there are followingfive parts in this thesis.(1)Starting from methodology, author has explored the origin, character, structureand application of method of synthetic research comprehensively, constructed the theoryfoundation of synthetic research of bibliometric method and Content analysis method, byintegrating the comparison and synthetic analysis of bibliometric method and Contentanalysis method with the theory system of methodology.(2)Thesis has suggested the idea of constructing of SMoBC(Synthetic Method ofBibliometric method and Content analysis method) systemly, the Synthetic Researchstarted from the point of DIKW(Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom). Author selectedthe core methods based on the theory of information philosophy and cognitive psychics,measurable information as research object, selected conjecturable characters as analyticcells, comparability of tendency and otherness of makeup between Bibliometric methodand Content analysis method as research base, practice achievements as reference of theconstructing of method system, function of integration of two methods and effect ofapplication as principle to design the dimensionality of method system, thecomprehensible and manipulable principle as the standards of synthetic research anddesign of application process, verification of practice case and application effect asappraisement of application effect of synthetic research.(3)Author designed synthetic method of view of bibliometric method and contentanalysis method respectively in the field of the design of system SMoBC. In detail,designed tri-dimension system of SMoBC which took character cell, space timedistributing and content arrangement as coordinate, it synthesized the different elementsorganically, such as external and content character, quantitative and qualitative analysis,spacial and temporal analysis. In the thesis, author constructed the basic process ofapplication of SMoBC, analyzed the main application of SMoBC, and layed emphasis onthe discovering the SMoBC based on Ontology, from the view of design theory, hiberarchy of analysis system and the functions and applications of application system.(4)In this thesis, author selected informatics (1997-2006)as research object to dothe demonstration analysis of SMBoC in the cqvip periodical full paper database. In theresearch, author did case research and comparison analysis by two tracks in theapplication of SMBC, they are "core periodical-key word clustering-author mapping"and "general vocable clustering-author compositor and centrality analysis", we also getsome valuable analysis conclusion of practical meaning at last.(5)This thesis analyzed the effecting factor of application of SMoBC by integratingthree elements, they are resources(data), people(professional)and technology(Informationvisualization), also explored the effect of information researcher in the application ofSMoBC, and suggested the new information research process which integration ofKnowledge flow and Work flow, based on the main body, oriented process, and regardingmining tacit knowledge by research method and tools.


