

Attenuation and Applied Calculation of Smoke to 10.6μm Laser Emission

【作者】 王玄玉

【导师】 潘功配;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 军事化学与烟火技术, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 建立了10.6μm波长激光在大气中斜程传输时能量衰减的数学模型,量化分析了大气对10.6μm激光的衰减特性。分析论证了烟幕衰减10.6μm激光的指标体系,提出了烟幕对激光遮蔽质量的定义并建立了相应的测试方法。建立了根据落地率、雾化率、吸湿率等参数确定发烟剂发烟能力的方法。根据Mie散射理论和烟幕粒子的吸湿与沉降规律确定了红磷、石墨和雾油烟幕干扰10.6μm激光的最佳烟幕粒子直径。设计了评价烟幕对10.6μm激光衰减特性的移动式激光功率测试装置,通过烟箱试验并结合大量外场试验系统测试和研究了多种烟幕对10.6μm激光的消光性能和衰减规律,尤其是针对雾油、石墨、纳米粉体及多种组合烟幕对10.6μm激光的消光特性进行了许多开创性的试验研究。研究表明,红磷烟幕能够有效衰减10.6μm激光,石墨烟幕对10.6μm激光具有非常优异的衰减性能,而雾油烟幕对10.6μm波长激光的衰减效果相对较差,但在外场条件下发烟车具有非常大的发烟能力和更好的发烟效果,对10.6μm激光的消光系数是烟箱试验结果的3倍;红磷、雾油烟幕与超细石墨、纳米气溶胶、纳米铁粉等组合使用具有协同增效作用,尤其是在雾油烟幕中添加石墨发烟剂以后对10.6μm激光的消光系数增加了5倍~6倍。根据湍流扩散的梯度理论建立了空中爆炸施放抗激光烟幕的浓度分布、烟幕使用诸元估算等数学模型。研究表明,在中等气象条件下空中爆炸施放23~46枚红磷发烟弹即可在很大范围内使10.6μm激光的强度衰减到原来的1%,从而进一步证明烟幕是高效廉价的干扰10.6μm激光侦察和制导武器的有力手段。

【Abstract】 The mathematical models have been founded to describe the attenuation of 10.6μmlaser emission slopingly transmitted through atmosphere. The attenuation performanceof atmosphere to the laser was quantitatively analyzed. The parameter system toevaluate the performance of smoke to the laser was studied. The principle was set up todetermine the capacity forming smoke of smoke agent. According to Mie scatteringtheory, moisture absorption and sedimentation rules of smoke particles, the optimaldiameter of red phosphorus, graphite and fog oil smokes to interfere 10.6μm laseremission were determined.A set of moveable device to test the attenuation performance of smoke to 10.6μmlaser emission was designed and applied to evaluate many kinds of smoke, especially,the performances of fog oil, graphite and nanometer aerosol were studied. By theexperiment, red phosphorus smoke can effectively attenuate 10.6μm laser emissionwhile graphite smoke has an excellent performance and fog oil smoke has a poorperformance to interfere the laser emission. Smoke vehicle has a great ability togenerate smoke and the extinction coefficient to 10.6μm laser emission is much biggeroutdoors than indoors. Red phosphorus and fog oil smoke combined with nanometeraerosol or superfine graphite may enhance their extinction performance. The extinctioncoefficient of fog oil smoke combined with superfine graphite to 10.6μm laser emissionis enhanced 600% than itself.According the turbulent diffusion theory, some mathematical estimation modelswere established, such as estimation for concentration, size, wastage and otherparameters of smoke diffused by explosion in the air. By the study, the transmission rateof 10.6μm laser emission may be attenuated down to smaller than 1% in large space bythe smoke produced by 23 to 46 RP smoke shells, so that, smoke may be applied toeffectively obscure or disturb 10.6μm laser scouts and weapons.


