

Research of Anti-detonation Property Tests and Criteria for Farming Ammonium Nitrate

【作者】 章文义

【导师】 陆路德; 刘大斌;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 应用化学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 为防止硝酸铵被用于私制炸药,国家将工业硝酸铵列入爆炸物品进行管理,并提出研制具有防爆性能的农用硝酸铵的要求,国内一些硝酸铵生产厂和科研院所研制了多种农用硝酸铵配方,但没有相关标准对其防爆性能进行判定,作者通过大量的试验研究了提出了评判农用硝酸铵的标准。根据硝酸铵被用于制造爆炸案件和非法爆破作业的实际情况,结合硝酸铵本身的物理化学性质,确定了判定农用硝酸铵是否具有爆炸性质的基本条件:选择具有较高感度的2#铵油炸药作为标准配方;将农用硝酸铵干燥和粉碎后,将粒径不大于0.90mm而且在0.30mm筛上下各50%的样品作为测试样品;装药密度选定为0.85g·cm-3~0.89g·cm-3;装药直径定为80mm;研究给出了硝酸铵防爆性能测试用标准雷管的技术条件。根据利用硝酸铵实施爆炸犯罪的实际情况,从宽到严分别设计了四种测试农用硝酸铵抗爆性能的条件:“雷管感度试验方法”;“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅰ”;“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅱ”;“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅲ”。从防范爆炸犯罪的目的出发,最终选定“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅲ”作为判定农用硝酸铵能否用于实施爆炸犯罪的装药条件。用通过“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅲ”的农用硝酸铵混制2#铵油炸药,在采石场进行实际爆破作业结果表明,用农用硝酸铵混制的炸药在加强起爆条件下达不到预期爆破效果,达到了防止用于非法爆破作业的目标。从运输和储存安全角度考虑,采用联合国隔板试验测试方法,对通过“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅲ”的农用硝酸铵及用其混制的2#铵油炸药的爆炸性分别进行了测试,结果表明用通过“加强的雷管感度试验方法Ⅲ”测试的农用硝酸铵混制的2#铵油炸药仍然具有爆炸性,但是一般实施爆炸犯罪的人员无法按常规方法将其起爆;通过测试的农用硝酸铵已经不具有爆炸性,可以按照普通农用物资进行储存和运输。对硝酸铵与磷酸脲、硫酸脲、氯化钾等混制复合肥性能的试验研究,加入爆炸钝感的其它肥料制造复合肥是一种简单易行、可操作性强的改性方法。

【Abstract】 To avoid ammonium nitrate(AN) been used on illegal blasting or criminal, industrialammonium nitrate is forbidden to sale freely in our country. But been one kind of theimportant fertilizer, farming AN is needed widely. So our government require someinstitutes and factories to research non-explosity AN. But there isn’t a standard to measurethe anti-detonation property of farming AN. Based on large testing data, this paper give thestandard to measure the anti-detonation property.Based on the condition of AN been used on producing explosives illegally, thetesting condition is confirmed: We use the formula of 2#ANFO as the standard formula.The pellet diameter of AN is between 0.90mm and 0.30mm 50%, less than 0.30mm50%. The charge density is 0.85g·cm-3~0.89g·cm-3. The charge diameter is 80mm. Thestandard detonator to test the anti- detonation AN is also been studied by testing.Stimulating the facts of explosive criminals,we designed four testing methods:"detonator sensitivity testing method", "fortified detonator sensitivity testing methodⅠ","fortified detonator sensitivity testing methodⅡ" and "fortified sensitivity testing methodⅢ". To defend the mordern explosive criminal, we confirm the "fortified detonatorsensitivity testing methodⅢ" as the standard method. The on site blasting result show thatthe 2#ANFO which oxidant is anti- detonation AN can not be useed on blasting effectly.To insured the safety of transporting and stocking,we test the explosity of farmingAN that passed the testing of "fortified detonator sensitivity testing methodⅢ"(non-explosity AN) by UN testing standard.The result show that this kind of farm ANhas no explosity. But the 2#ANFO contained it has explosity also. We also tested themixture of urea sulfate, urea phosphate or sodium cholorate with AN. The result show thatproducing compound fertilizer contained AN is an efficient way to modify AN.

【关键词】 硝酸铵标准铵油炸药抗爆性能雷管
【Key words】 ammonium nitratestandardANFOanti-detonation propertydetonator

