

Study on the Auspicious Sign and Disaster-Abnormity in the Han and Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties

【作者】 金霞

【导师】 黎虎;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 祥瑞灾异作为一种传统的政治理论与政治文化,较为深刻地影响了中国古代的政治与社会,其主要政治功能在于为君主专制统治的合法性与权威性服务。两汉魏晋南北朝时期是祥瑞灾异理论建构和普遍应用的阶段,祥瑞灾异对这一时期政治生活的各个方面产生了深刻影响。本文重点探讨的问题有:第一,通过对先秦两汉魏晋南北朝有关文献的爬梳和整理,缕清祥瑞灾异思想的渊源、理论完善和升华的过程,以及魏晋南北朝时期人们对祥瑞灾异的不同理解和认识,力图揭示祥瑞灾异思想发展的脉络。第二,探讨两汉魏晋南北朝祥瑞灾异政治功能,这是文章的重点。从两汉到魏晋南北朝时期,祥瑞灾异的政治功能发生了明显的变化:两汉时期祥瑞灾异所蕴含的表彰有德和谴告人君的特点较为突出,是君主和大臣之间互相制约的一种工具;魏晋南北朝时期,祥瑞灾异更多应用于维护统治者的合法地位,为王朝易代和政权转换服务。围绕着这个基本线索,本文从祥瑞灾异与两汉魏晋南北朝的皇权政治以及皇位嬗替、政权更迭两个大方面展开讨论。另外,由于祥瑞灾异还经常被作为一种政治工具与手段,在统治阶级内部的权力争夺中得到广泛的运用。同时祥瑞灾异又经常被政权的反对者利用,一些政治野心家用来为谋反寻找借口、制造社会舆论,农民起义领袖则用来动员群众、鼓动民心。第三,作为一种政治文化,祥瑞灾异不仅影响了政治的运作和发展,而且渗透到了礼仪制度层面。这一时期不仅各种弥灾性礼仪以及宗庙祭祀乐都带有强烈的祥瑞灾异色彩,而且国家祀典封禅礼和祥瑞、谶纬之间也存在着密切的联系,祥瑞对封禅礼的形成、发展和完善过程产生了深刻的影响。第四,由于祥瑞灾异在封建王朝政治运作中的特殊功能和性质,所以历代王朝都十分重视,设置专门的机构与人员进行管理。在中央太常属官太史是祥瑞灾异事务的主管机构,另外还有许多关涉机构配合管理事务的协同运作,这些关涉机构涉及中央与地方的诸多部门。两汉魏晋南北朝时期祥瑞灾异管理体制的运行基本上包括信息的收集、现象的解释、事务的处理三个层次,其过程逐渐规范化和系统化,为隋唐时期祥瑞、灾异管理的制度化打下了基础。

【Abstract】 As a kind of conventional political theory and culture, auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity had been affected the China Ancient times profoundly. The primary function of auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity is to offer the service for the validity and authority of reign. During the Han and Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties, auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity was theorized and prevalent applied. It had a great influence on each aspect of political life.The dissertation is divided into following parts:First: Through the comb of the literature of the XianQin, the Han and Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties, the dissertation has cleared about the course of auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity’s origin, consummation and sublimation, and posted it’s general venation.Second: The dissertation has discussed the political function of auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity, this part is the emphasis of the dissertation. From the Han and Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties, the political function had been taken place the obvious changes: in the Han Dynasty auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity emphasized particularly on praising moral emperor and condemning immoral emperor, and it was a kind of tool for emperor and minister restricting each other; in the Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity had been further applied on the maintenance of emperor’s legal status, and it also offered the service for dynasty’s subrogation and regime’s conversion. Surrounding this basic clew, the dissertation study from imperial power, imperial throne and regime alternation. In addition, auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity had been broad utilized in gubernatorial power contention as a kind of political tool and artifice. On the other hand, the opponent used auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity frequently, some careerists looking for pretext and making public opinion, some insurrectionists mobilizing people and lassoing morale.Third: As a kind of political culture,auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity influenced not only the operation of politics, but also the social institutions. In the Han and Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties, auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity influenced the ceremony of compensating disaster and the music of ancestral temple fete. It also influenced the Fengshan ceremony’s formation, development and consummation. And finally, because of the important function in the political operation, auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity gained the mind of government. In the Han and Wei-Jin South and North Dynasties, the government set up the special institutions and personnel to supervise auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity. In the centrality Taishi was the governing body and a lot of correlative institutions were concerned with the management which relating to the central and the regional departments. The course of administrant system included the information collection, phenomena explanation and affair disposal. During this time, the administrant course had been gradually standardized and systematized, and founded the well base for institutional manage of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

  • 【分类号】K234;K235
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1534

