

A Study on Ethnic Relation in Malaysia after World War Ⅱ

【作者】 廖小健

【导师】 高伟浓;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 马来西亚是一个以马来人、华人和印度人三大族群为主的多元族群国家,该国族群关系经常呈现异常紧张的态势;但又极少族群暴力冲突,并以政治稳定和经济持续发展著称。这个国家是如何在各种族群矛盾交织和冲突的情况下,协调和整合各种矛盾,保持社会稳定的?目前有关研究不多,这是本文试图探讨的主要问题。本文首先梳理马华两大族群关系的历史发展与尖锐的矛盾冲突,探讨两族矛盾的原因与症结,即两族文化、经济等方面的差异,以及马来人特权及马来西亚族群政治对两族关系的影响。接着,分别从马来人社会、华人社会切入,分析两族极少暴力冲突的主要原因。本文认为:两族在各种族群矛盾冲击下,得以长期和平共处的主要原因,在于马华两族生存发展的基本需求得到不同程度的满足。最后,本文分析两族关系与马来西亚社会发展的互动联系。本文认为马来西亚族群关系相对和谐,一定程度上促进马来西亚政治稳定和经济发展,而政治稳定和经济发展又反过来促进族群矛盾和族群利益的协调与整合,促进两族和睦相处。由于两族关系与社会稳定发展的积极互动,近期两族关系发展相对稳定,变化不大。根据马来西亚族群矛盾与社会稳定的互动关系的案例分析,本文认为,由于资源的稀缺,各族群各阶层的差别、矛盾与冲突几乎是不可避免的,但如果能采取比较符合社会发展需求的策略,积极寻求一个大多数族群和阶层能够接受的利益平衡点,一定程度上满足各族群各阶层生存发展的基本需求,就有可能减轻社会矛盾与社会冲突的破坏力,促进社会和谐或相对和谐,从而促进社会比较有序稳定地持续发展。

【Abstract】 Malaysia is a multi-ethnic group country constituted by three main ethnicgroups of Malay, Chinese and Indian. On one hand, the relations betweenraces have always been very tense; but on the other hand, there are scarceviolent conflicts between races, and Malaysia has been known owing to itsstability on politics and continuous development on economy. How does Malaysiacoordinate and integrate the contradiction of every kind of ethnic groups, andhow does Malaysia maintain its social stability? This is the leading topic of thispaper which other researches were seldom involved.The paper expounds the relationship development and the conflicts betweenMalay and Chinese, which are two main ethnic groups in Malaysia. It discussesthe sticking points of their conflicts, that is, the differences in culture andeconomy between them. Meanwhile, the influences of "Malayan Privilege"and "Ethnic Politics" in Malaysia are also discussed. The paper analyzes themain reason of few violent conflicts between the Malayan group and the Chinesegroup from the two ethnic groups respectively. It holds that the main reason ofthe peaceful coexistence of the two groups is that their basic requirements havebeen met to some extent. The paper then studies the mutual connections of therelation between two groups and the development of Malaysian society. Thepaper considers that peaceful relations between ethnic groups promotes thepolitical stabilization and economical development in Malaysia to some extent,and the latter facilitates the coordination of ethnic contradiction and interests, aswell as advances the harmonization for these two ethnic groups. Because of theactive interaction between the peaceful relationship and the stable socialdevelopment in Malaysia, the two ethnic groups are coexisting peacefully in therecent years.After discussing the interaction of the ethnic contradiction and the socialstability, the paper concludes that differences and conflicts between ethnicgroups are almost inevitable owing to the rare resources. But the destruction ofsocial contradiction and conflicts can be lessen if the government takes tactics inkeeping the society developing, seeks a balance that is accepted by most ethnicgroups and social class. As a result, the country can move towards harmonizationand the society can develop steadily.

【关键词】 马来人华人族群矛盾社会稳定
【Key words】 MalayChineseEthnic contradictionSocial stability
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期

