

The Decision Value of Corporate Social Information

【作者】 龚明晓

【导师】 宋献中;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 会计学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 随着人们对企业社会责任的关注,对其社会责任信息的需求也日渐增加,企业社会责任信息的有用性成为社会责任会计研究的焦点。本研究尝试对中国上市公司会计年报中社会责任信息的质量和决策价值进行系统评价,并找出导致社会责任信息决策价值缺乏的原因。本研究理论推理和背景分析结论包括:社会责任信息的披露与需求不一致是导致信息决策价值缺失的根本原因;企业仅对强势利益相关者反应是信息供给的内在动因;信息披露的法律、监管和准则的缺失是社会责任信息质量低下,从而导致决策价值缺失的直接原因;企业道德建设和信息披露监管立法是提高社会责任信息质量和决策价值的途径。经验研究结论包括:对年报的内容分析采用了信息质量特征框架(18个维度)进行的系统评价发现质量水平和决策价值较低;将年报的内容作为项目,对专业人士就信息的决策价值和公共关系价值进行问卷调查,结果显示决策价值和公共关系价值均较低;选择会计年报最重要的使用者(投资者),采用线型回归方法进行社会责任信息的投资决策有用性的市场检验,得出信息没有投资决策价值的结论。三种方法得出的结论是基本一致的。文章最后尝试给出一个将道德与责任协调于一体的监管体系框架建议,以提高社会责任信息的质量和价值。本研究的特色在于理论分析的视角;传统方法的改进和新数据的使用。

【Abstract】 Increased public concern with corporate social responsibility may have implications for the need of corporate social disclosure (CSD). The usefulness of social information has provided the focal point for much social accounting research activity. But the users (stakeholders) are likely to be almost entirely uninterested in corporate social information released in corporate financial annual reports. This study attempts to assess the CSDs in the financial annual reports of listed companies in China systematically, and explore some of the underlying reasons why corporate social information seems to have a low decision value.Conclusions of theoretical and context analysis include: (a) The underlying reason why CSDs are of little use in decisions making is that the social information provision is inconsistent with users’ decision models. (b) Corporations only response to strong stakeholders is the intrinsic motivate factor of providing the social information. (c) Lack of legal requirement, regulation or mandatory reporting standards causes the lack of CSD quality which is the direct reason of low decision value of social information. (d) Corporation moral development and regulatory legislation for CSD is a way to raise the quality and decision value of the corporate social information.Conclusions of empirical studies include: (a) By using the framework of information quality characteristics (18 dimensions), the content analysis of corporate annual reports finds that the quality and decision value of social information are lower. (b) Using a questionnaire approach, the professionals were asked to assess decision value and public relations value of the contents of the annual reports, the result indicates that both the decision and public relations value are lower. (c) Using linear regression analysis, this study has examined the usefulness of social information in investment decision-making and found the social information had no use. The results of these empirical studies are consistent.Finally, this paper tries to provide a suggestion of CSD regulatory framework for enhancing social information quality and value.The innovations of this study are the perspective of theoretical analysis, the improving of traditional methods and the use of new data.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】F233;F270
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】3648
  • 攻读期成果

