

Study on the Nutrients、Bioactive Materials and Cultivation Characteristics of Lilium Lancifolium Thunb

【作者】 李红娟

【导师】 牛立新;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 百合是重要的药食同源植物之一,我国作为百合属植物的原产大国,拥有极其丰富的种质资源,约有46种18个变种,占全世界百合总数的一半以上。虽然百合种类繁多,但很多品种是专供切花使用的,作为药食兼用而广泛栽培的品种却不多。卷丹百合(L.lancifolium Thunb),属于三倍体品种,其耐旱性强、繁殖方式多、较耐阳光直射,适于在多种土壤条件下生长。中医认为卷丹有很好的医疗价值。本研究以秦巴山区野生百合—卷丹为试材,以兰州百合为对照,对其栽培特性、营养成分、活性物质及药用功效进行了系统的评价研究,旨在发掘利用野生卷丹百合资源,寻求适应性强、产量高、更具药用价值的食用百合,为野生资源的利用提供一定的理论依据。研究取得了如下主要结果:1.比较了卷丹与传统食用百合-兰州百合的氨基酸含量、矿质元素含量及基本营养成分。卷丹中8种人体必须氨基酸含量比兰州百合高7.05%,总氨基酸含量比兰州百合高出11.24%;矿质元素中,除磷、钾外,卷丹中钙、铁、铜、锰、锌、镁、硒含量均高于兰州百合;基本营养成分中,除淀粉、果胶、还原糖外,卷丹中蛋白、脂肪、粗纤维、Vc、总磷脂含量均高于兰州百合。卷丹具有开发低脂肪,高营养与良好保健功能的潜在价值。2.超声波提取与冷浸、回流两种传统提取方法进行比较,超声波提取率明显高于两种传统方法的提取率。不同的提取温度、超声波提取功率、pH值、料液比、提取液浓度对黄酮、皂甙、生物碱及多糖四种活性物质提取率均有不同程度的影响,并分别用正交试验法确定了在一定的提取时间,四种活性物质的最佳提取工艺,为卷丹活性成分的研究利用提供了理论参考。3.通过对不同产地两个种(卷丹及兰州百合)提取液的抑菌性进行比较,发现各产地、不同种的百合对不同的细菌均存在一定的抑菌性。结果表明:除沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhi)外,原产地百合的抑菌性要高于其它产地百合的抑菌性;卷丹百合对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、芽孢枯草杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)的抑菌性要高于兰州百合。抑菌性与活性物质含量之间的通径分析显示,影响百合鳞茎提取液抑菌活性的主要活性物质为生物碱类化合物,其次是皂甙及黄酮类化合物。这为卷丹百合的药食应用提供了新的理论依据,也可为卷丹活性物质的进一步提取分离提供参考。4.采用试管预试法、薄层层析预试法对秦岭山区野生卷丹百合进行化学成分的系统预试,初步确定卷丹百合中含有酚性成分、鞣质、生物碱、糖及其甙、皂甙、甾体、萜类成分、黄酮及其甙、氨基酸、多肽、挥发油及油脂类成分。采用系统溶剂提取法,结合抑菌性实验中确定的提取方向,采用硅胶柱层析、氧化铝层析法,从鳞茎氯仿层分离出六种化合物,其中三种经化学定性及光谱测定(1H-NMR、13C-NMR、HSQC、1H -1HCOSY、HMBC),确定化合物分别为:β-谷甾醇、胡萝卜苷、β-光秋水仙碱。其中,β-光秋水仙碱是在百合鳞茎中首次发现。5.比较了不同栽培方式对百合活性物质含量的影响。栽培方式不同,百合中活性物质的含量也不相同。本文首次通过活性物质等营养成分作为评价指标,引入隶属函数值X(ij),来评价不同栽培方式对活性物质的含量影响,并根据其值应用到生产实践中,判断最佳的栽培方式及采收期,这将有助于对野生卷丹人工驯化特性有所了解,也将有助于今后卷丹在生产中的推广应用。6.系统地将秦巴山区野生卷丹百合进行了引种栽培,同时以兰州百合为对照,试验结果表明:在杨凌地区,卷丹及兰州百合露地栽培母球的更新、生长能力高于大棚栽培;在汉中地区,两种百合沙土地中更新鳞茎平均增重比率、更新鳞茎平均直径、更新鳞茎平均鲜重均高于在黄泥地中栽培;两种百合在汉中地区更新鳞茎平均增重比率、更新鳞茎平均直径、更新鳞茎平均鲜重总体要高于在杨凌地区栽培。这些结果对卷丹百合的人工驯化、优质栽培有着一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Lilium is one of important plant of vegetable food or medicine, as the great original habitat country of Lilium, China possess of plenty resource- 46 genus and 18 varieties, and more than half species of the world occurred in China. Although there are many varieties of lilium, most of them are used as cutting flowers merely, and few of them were planted for medicine or food. L.lancifolium Thunb is a special edible lilium; it is a botanical triploid type. It has strong resistance to drought and sunlight, high yields, and they can be propagated easily, moreover, they can adapt to grow in more various soils types. The Chinese medicine thought L.lancifolium Thunb has the very good value on medical treatment.The L.lancifolium Thunb was used as materials in the study, L.davidii var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton was comparison, the cultivation characteristics, nutrients, bioactive materials were studied synthetically, which will provide theoretic foundation to avail the resource of L.lancifolium Thunb. The main results in this research as follows:1. To compare the contents of amino acids , mineral elements and elementary nutrient compositions between L.Lancifolium Thunb and traditional edible L.davidii var., 8 necessary amino acids were examined, and L.Lancifolium.Thunb was higher than that of L.davidii var.by7.05%, the total amino acids content was higher by11.24%; except P and K, the contents of Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mg and Se in L.Lancifolium Thunb was higher than that in L.davidii var.; and the content of protein, fat, crude fibre, Vc and total phospholipids similarly, L.Lancifolium.Thunb was higher than that in L.davidii var. too.2. The high extraction rates of ultrasonic were determined by compare the ultrasonic extraction rates with two traditional extractions methods. The different temperature, ultrasonic power, pH, ratio of solid - liquid showed the different affect to extraction rates of bioactive materials of flavone, saponin, alkaloid, and polysaccharide. Moreover, the optimal technique for extracting the four bioactive materials in definite time were discussed by orthogonal experimental design, which will provide theoretic reference to research and product by factory for the bioactive materials of lilium. 3. The anti-bacterial activity of the two varieties (L.davidii var.Unicolor (Hong) and L.lancifolium Thunb) from different commercial production areas was compared, the result indicated that the different lilium from the different areas have anti-bacterial activity in a certain extention. The main results as follows: the anti-bacterial activity of original habitat of lilium was higher than the lilium from other areas except anti-salmonella typhi; the anti-bacterial activity of L.lancifolium.Thunb to the Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis were higher than the anti-bacterial activity of L.davidii var. The path analysis between the anti-bacterial and contents of the bioactive materials showed that the main secondary metabolites which impacted on the anti-bacterial activity of extraction from lilium bulbs were the alkaloid. The research will give a new cognition and theory base of officinal data for L.lancifolium Thunb; moreover, the results will give a direction of separating and extracting of bioactive materials from L.lancifolium Thunb.4. The chemical components of L.lancifolium Thunb (Hanzhong)were examined by means of test tube pretest and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), it was examined for many different kinds of chemical components in L.lancifolium Thunb from Hanzhong, such as phenols, tannin, alkaloids, polysaccharides and its sterol, saponin, steroid, terpenoid, flavones and its sterol, amino acid, polypeptide, volatile oil and oil. To adopt the systematic solvent extraction and the way of extraction of the anti-bacterial experiment, and to adopt silica column chromatography, Al2O3 solid-phase extraction, six compounds were separated from chloroform layer, and three compounds were determined by means of chemic qualitative analysis and spectral mensuration(1H-NMR、13C-NMR、HSQC、1H -1HCOSY、HMBC), the main compounds wereβ-sitosterol, daucosterol andβ-lumicolchicine, andβ-lumicolchicine was found firstly from the plant.5. The test were also carried out for the compare the impact of contents of bioactive materials by different cultivation conditions. The different cultivation conditions induced the different contents of bioactive materials of lilium. In this research, the bioactive materials and nutrition composition were used as evaluated index, and the subjection value -X (ij) was used to evaluate the impact of bioactive materials of lilium by different cultivation conditions, moreover, the value can be used in production practice to determinate the optimal cultivation conditions and harvest time.6. The cultivation characteristics and economic characteristics of L.davidii var. and L.Lancifolium Thunb was investigated in Yangling and Hanzhong. The results showed that renewal bulbs and growth capacity of L.Lancifolium Thunb and L.davidii var.in open filed was higher than that in protected cultivation condition. Average weight-growth ratio, average diameter and average fresh weight of renewal bulbs planted in sand loam higher than that planted in yellow soil; Average weight-growth ratio, average diameter and average fresh weight of renewal bulbs planted in Hanzhong higher than that planted in Yangling.


